Archive - 07/05/2012


How to Treat Chronic Chapped Lips

Us girls, we love our lips. We use them to seduce, talk, pout, and, of course, kiss. Unfortunately, sometimes, even the easiest things become difficult and...


3 Natural Antibiotics for Kids

It is well known that antibiotics are bad for kids, a well as for the adults. They may destroy many friendly bacteria that help children fight infections...


3 Alternatives to Bora Bora

Ok, whoever heard about Bora Bora has heard that it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. You also couldn’t have missed that it is one of the most...


How to Make the Tattoo Decision

Want to get a tattoo but you are having second thoughts? It’s good; it means you’re really actively thinking about it. Here are 5 steps that will help you to...


Zodiac & Interior Design: Capricorn

You have probably wondered why is it that some things make your home feel more comfortable than others. A big part of the answer to this question could lie in...