How to Treat Chronic Chapped Lips

Us girls, we love our lips. We use them to seduce, talk, pout, and, of course, kiss. Unfortunately, sometimes, even the easiest things become difficult and painful. Such is the case with chapped lips. Most people have their own ideas of what is responsible for this reoccurring problem, but there are lots of wrong tips out there. YouQueen discovers the best way to treat, and prevent chapped lips.

Lip Balm

Seems obvious? Sure, but there is more to it than simply applying lip balm. It is almost as brushing your teeth. You need to apply it after every meal. Make sure you apply it even after drinking or even whipping your mouth. Not only will it  keep your lips smooth, it will also make them look fuller and more appealing.

Water, Water, and More Water

Chapped lips are mostly caused by insufficient hydration. Thus, drinking water will prevent or reduce the problem. Make sure you stay hydrated during the day, since chapped lips can reset, first time they get the chance.

To give you some clues of how much liquid you’ll need, start with eight glasses of water. Drink as much as you want, but know that eight to ten glasses are considered optimal by medical experts.

Don’t Lick Your Lips

Do not, and I repeat, do not lick your lips. It is only a temporary relief and it will wear off soon, leaving you with an even worse form of chapped lips then before. Instead of solving anything, licking your lips is, actually, removing valuable moisture from your organism and only contributing to chapped lips. I know it’s a habit, but it’s definitely one worth breaking.


Woman with hat using sun protection

Sunscreen? For your lips? Yes. Sun is as damaging to your lips as it is to the rest of your unprotected skin. It dries the skin, making it perfect for the occurrence of chapped lips.
If applying sunscreen to your lips seems weird, or you simply want more, should I say, smoother approach, buy lip balm or lipstick containing the protective factors.

Care 24/7

Your lips aren’t loosing moisture only during the day. In fact, most people somehow think that the time we spend sleeping doesn’t affect our body. It is not pleasant to mention a very common fact – people drool during their sleep.

And all that saliva leaving your body, is what makes your chapped lips feel so painful in the morning. Lip products containing beeswax, zinc oxide or petroleum jelly will keep your natural hydration in check while making the skin of your lips smoother and less irritable.

Stick to these tips, ladies, and enjoy having fun with your smooth, beautiful lips.


About the author


I'm in love with my big, comfy bed and pillow and my gorgeous cat Tom. Once I have to wake up, I enjoy my coffee with a lot of milk and sugar as I embark on my daily journey of investigative journalism.

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