NY Street Style Outfit Ideas: 10 Greatest Combinations

How to wear the latest trends from the streets of New York? We’ve come up with some NY street style outfit ideas you’ll gladly wear and fall in love with!

In the previous post written about the NYFW, we have seen the biggest trends from the streets of New York City. We have seen all the different combinations, trendy colors and cuts, and now it’s time for us to try them on for size.

A lot of you will probably say: “These trends are expensive”; “These clothes are designer”; “It’s easy to have a good outfit to wear with a lot of money”; “I don’t know how to do it! I’m not a fashion oriented person!”… Don’t worry about all these things, because we’ve got you covered!


We’ll give you some tips on how to wear these trends and look fashionable, but before we do that, we’ll give you some “Fashion Rules” to abide by. Afterwards, you’ll have a chance to see some NY street style outfit ideas and copy them or get some inspiration to make your own.

Rule number one in fashion is that there are no rules. If you like it, wear it! Fashion should be fun and it should represent you!

Following trends is okay, but it’s not just about that. You should try to follow them, but it’s important to stay true to yourself and add some personality into it. If you don’t like something, don’t wear it. If you are not satisfied with how you look, everyone else will notice.


Clothes are not there to ruin your self-confidence. Sometimes it’s better to wear something that’s not so trendy, but an outfit you love and feel comfortable in.

In fashion, it‘s all about mixing and matching. It’s like a puzzle. Saving up for one expensive piece, taking some old clothes from your mom or grandma, or just walking into your boyfriend’s closet and borrowing some of his clothes! Just mix it all together… sounds like a recipe for a yummy cake, right?

And always remember that style has nothing to do with WHAT or WHOM you wear, but HOW you wear it.

Oversized jacket

We talked about that gorgeous Acne jacket, well – we found an equally good replacement… for less money! You can wear this jacket for casual occasions, but also for some more elegant ones. In both combos, the boots are the statement piece… Who could resist a good pair of boots?




This color is a real biter, but don’t be afraid. Go big and fearlessly wear an oversized coat in this color or try going in baby steps and choose orange daring details to complete your outfit.



Army green

Wear it in a layered boyish outfit or a ladylike one. This color is so easy to combine with almost every other color, and goes with any style.




Here’s a head-to-toe manly, grey outfit with trousers, a faux fur coat, pointed toe boots and a hat to complete the whole look. And then we decided to spice it up with the pop of yellow, and it worked… oh, so perfectly!




This color is so “spring is just around the corner”! For working ladies, we paired a leather pencil skirt with this big jumper, just to make it a little cozier and a little less official. The other outfit is the perfect outfit for out and about days, with all the right colors. Blue and orange is such a happy combo!



How do you like these outfit ideas? Leave your comments below, and share your opinion with us!

About the author


Creative dreamer from Belgrade, but Italian at heart, with a degree in fashion design. She is a passionate lover of clothes, especially shoes and bags. Addicted to yoga and clean eating. The founder/author of the fashion (inspiration) blog fashiondreamsbyd.

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