6 Creative Ways To Start A Daily Writing Habit

Do you love to write, but it’s hard to force yourself to do it on a daily basis? I’m ready to assist you and suggest ways to develop a daily writing habit.

How can you be a writer without writing? I’ve figured out the perfect formula for writing: talent + hard work=success. Let me tell you something more about it.

Have you read Write Faster, Write Better by David Fryxell? He notes in his book the following: “Ironically, ‘making it look easy’ comes down to learning discipline.

You have to make yourself follow the path of an organized writer until it becomes second nature, until you can’t imagine writing any other way.”

Back in the day, I dreamt of a writing career, but didn’t know where to start. Fryxell’s book helped because it was the first time I thought about making writing a daily habit.

It’s been a while since then, and guess what? Now, I really am a writer, and I write at least 1,500 words a day. That’s right: every single day.

These are the methods and tools I’ve tested and can recommend. I hope these 6 ways to start a daily habit of writing will be helpful and inspiring for those of you who cannot imagine your lives without writing, but have yet to make it a daily discipline.

1. Notebook at the ready

Girly accessories with notebook

The best ideas often strike you unexpectedly. For this reason, you should always have a notebook in your pocket. If you don’t like the old school way of putting down your ideas (using a pen and paper), try using an app on your smartphone. I use Evernote and isoTimer.

Evernote helps with quick noting and keeping your notes in order. Use it to write checklists, plans, and other important things, then sync it with your computer and access it when needed.

IsoTimer is actually an organizer that will help you stay self-disciplined. You can create task lists, schedule these tasks on a calendar, plan daily routines, set personal goals and enjoy its many other helpful features.

2. Daily word counts

It’s essential that you write a definite number of words daily. Try to set a challenging word count for yourself. For example, if you can easily write 700 words a day, increase your word count to 1,000 and try sticking to this figure daily.

It’s also a good idea to have a specific time you’ll devote to writing. The best time for many people is in the morning, when your head is fresh and uncrowded with information.

However, if you have to get up early for your job, it’s better to have your writing time in the evening. Regardless of your chosen time, sitting down to write at the same time each day will help you to develop your writing habit.

Try using 750 Words. It’s a tool devoted to developing a daily writing habit. It tracks your words and automatically saves the results. The more days in a row that you write, the more points you get.

3. Dedicated space

Young pretty woman sitting in the beach wearing stylish casual vintage styled outfit

Establishing a writing routine is another important factor in developing a daily writing habit. It’s essential to have triggers that you associate with your writing time.

For instance, before you start writing each day, take a shower or listen to the same song or anything else that you like and is going to make you productive.

Additionally, organize your writer’s home office. This place should have enough light and space for work as well as be devoid of all kinds of distraction.

Keep all necessary materials and tools at hand, so you won’t need to interrupt your writing.

4. Get blogging

Running a blog forces you to be organized. If you know that your readers expect two posts a week, you must allow time for writing and publishing those two posts.

What’s more, writing blog posts will help you to reach your daily limit and write your 1,000 words, which means you’ll feed two birds with one hand.

5. Stay original

Don’t try to imitate others in any way, whether it’s their words, ideas or even their style. Some writers, when they feel a lack of creative ideas, read other authors to find inspiration for their own efforts.

A teacher once advised me to avoid reading anything when you’re working on your own piece because you can easily be influenced by another author’s writing at the expense of your own writing voice.

What’s more, reading somebody else’s materials can lead to accidental plagiarism. It’s an unpleasant thing, which can have negative consequences and affect your writing reputation.

6. Help others

Beautiful young Asian girl working at a coffee shop with a laptop

I recommend two ways to help other people who are interested in writing. First, you can blog about your own experiences, hardships that you’ve faced and overcome, exercises and methods that help you to be a better writer.

Second, you can organize workshops where you’ll be able to provide others with tips on how to create high-quality texts, stylistic tools to make your writing more expressive and so on.

These are my secrets to developing a daily writing habit. Please share your comments below as I’d love to read about your methods of solving the daily writing challenge.

What methods do you use? What triggers do you have? Don’t hesitate to share your experiences!


About the author

Leona H.

Leona Hinton is a young writer and educator from the Windy City. She loves swimming, hitchhiking and horse riding. Her biggest dream is space travel to the Moon.

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