8 Habits of Inspiring Women

If you’ve ever looked at a particularly inspiring women and wondered ‘what does she do differently to everyone else?’ then you’re in the right place. Find out how you can develop the habits of inspiring women to boost your happiness, health and success.

You only need to watch the behavior of inspiring women to know that things work a little differently in their world. They don’t seem as bothered by the everyday worries that everyone else is concerned with and they always manage to inspire and motivate those around them.

They’re cool, calm, collected and confident.

So how do they do it?

Read on as we unlock the ten habits of inspiring women and show how you can develop these behaviors too.

Habit #1: Don’t sweat the small stuff

It’s really easy to remain calm when not a lot stresses you out. And for inspiring women, this isn’t just their motto; it’s their philosophy on life. Not sweating the small stuff isn’t a new concept, but it is a powerful one.

Too often we get so caught up in our day-to-day problems and issues that we forget to take a step back and think: “Hey, wow! My life is actually pretty awesome!”

Because in fact, even though you might be worried about an exam, stressed about a comment your friend made or upset by someone else’s behavior, the truth is that all of this is small stuff. And the big stuff, the type of things you should really be worried about, well,  it’ll take care of itself anyway.

Worrying won’t change a thing. So embrace the philosophy of inspiring women and refuse to sweat the small stuff.

Habit #2: Meditation

woman meditating at work

During my research for this article, I was quite surprised to find that a lot of inspiring women meditate daily. While the type and length of meditation may vary, the one common theme was that they each took the time to set themselves up for the day or wind down at the end of the day.

And what’s great about this habit is that you have everything you need to give it a try right now. Just find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted or interrupted and sit down in a comfortable position. From here, you can start by focusing on your breath for short periods of time (say begin at two minutes and work your way up) and then adjust your meditation to suit your day and your lifestyle.

For instance if you have an exam coming up that you’re worried about, you can meditate to help reduce your anxiety. Or if you have issues with self-confidence, you can choose a meditation that focuses on self-love.

There are many different ways to meditate, so rest assured there’s a type and kind that will work for you.

Habit #3: Morning routines

If you’re the type of person that slaps your alarm clock and the snooze button at least two times per morning, then this habit is for you.

The next habit of inspiring women is that they start their day with an energizing and uplifting morning routine. Some women choose to sip a glass of warm water and lemon juice before indulging in a healthy, but delicious, breakfast. Others opt for a morning jog followed by a green smoothie.

Whatever it is, inspiring women have a routine and they stick to it. And more to the point, they’ve found a routine that helps them start their day in the best possible way.

Habit #4: Take care of number one

a caucasian female doing push ups in the park

Another habit of inspiring women is that they value their health, wellbeing and happiness above anything else. But this doesn’t make them selfish or self-absorbed; instead it’s the complete opposite.

Inspiring women understand that before they can help others, they must first help themselves. Which is why they eat nourishing, healthy meals and take the time to exercise each day. It’s also why they take time out to relax and unwind and ensure that their stress levels remain manageable.

Then, once they are recharged and ready to face the world again, they give everything they have into helping those around them.

It’s a balancing act, and one that will always need adjustments, but it’s also a habit that will serve you well in the long-term.

Habit #5: Never, never, never give up

We have all experienced failure. It’s one of those ‘inevitable’ moments in life. Because after all, you can’t do everything perfectly and have everything run smoothly all the time. Where would the fun be in that?

But inspiring women realize that failure isn’t a bad thing. Failure can help you understand what went wrong and how you can do better next time. Failure keeps you humble and keeps you grounded.

And in fact, the concept of failure is actually quite fluid because a lot of the time, you’re not really failing, you’re just adjusting your sails.

So make a vow to yourself to never, never, never give up. And if you keep that promise, then you will always succeed because there’s simply no other option.

Habit #6: Gratitude

beautiful young girl at green field

Next, inspiring women make a concerted effort to be thankful for everything in their life.

And the good news is that this is one of the easiest habits you can develop, yet one which will have a huge impact on your life. Be being grateful and showing gratitude, your happiness levels will dramatically increase. You’ll feel happier with what you have and find yourself worrying less and less about what you don’t have.

You’ll also appreciate the people and things you may previously have taken for granted and find a greater pleasure in the little things.

A good tip is to start writing in a gratitude journal. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or special, just a plain notebook is fine. What really matters is what you put in it. And each day, as you make a list of all the things you are grateful for, you will begin to realize exactly how magical your life really is.

Habit #7: Optimistic, yet realistic, expectations

Some psychologists believe that the formula for happiness is expectations versus reality. So if your expectations are lower than (or match) what happens in reality, then happiness will be the result. However, if your expectations are too high then there’s a risk that reality will never match up and unhappiness will occur.

Almost instinctively, inspiring women understand this formula. Which is why they ensure that their expectations are firmly yet kindly managed so that their reality doesn’t disappoint.

And sure, there will be the odd occasion when reality will fail to meet their expectations, but they put this in the ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’ bucket, and carry on.

So lower your expectations (of yourself, of others, of life), trust in your instincts and savor happiness wherever it can be found.

Habit #8: Self-love

And last but certainly not least, inspiring women practice a heck of a lot of self-love. What this means is that they don’t think negatively about themselves or berate themselves for failing to be perfect. They make an effort to ensure that all of their needs are taken care of and they have high levels of self-confidence and self-worth.

Because the truth is that nobody is perfect. Despite what their Facebook profiles might insinuate. So reaching for a goal that will always be out of reach is only ever going to lead to frustration, unhappiness and anxiety.

And you know what, it’s only going to annoy those around you if you keep complaining about how much you hate your butt, your tummy, your boyfriend, your job or anything else that fails to meet your perfect expectations.

Don’t be the person who brings everyone down. Be the light that inspires others to achieve greatness.

Be an inspiring woman.

About the author

Cassandra Lane

While Cassandra readily admits to being a rampant cupcake aficionada (how could she not be with an almost-brother-in-law that owns not one, but three cupcake shops?) she happily works off her lust of all things sweet and sugary by slogging it out in the gym and outdoors.

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