4 Reasons to Get Rid of Your TV

You know that you are spending too much time in front of a TV. You have become lazier. Maybe it is time to get rid of your TV. Here are 4 reasons that will help you make that decision and improve the quality of your life.

You never seem to have enough time to do everything you’ve planned for the day. You also can’t seem to relax when you get home from work. You are starting to wonder why. You come home from work/school and go straight to a living room to sit in your chair, grab the remote and turn on your TV.

Take one step back and leave the remote on the table. Read this article and find out why you should kick the TV out of your life for good. You won’t be sorry you did it!

1. Filter Information

Make a simple test. Write down every piece of information you get while watching TV.  Include commercials, news, videos, TV shows, movies, sports, everything. You will realize that you have a sea of information in front of you. Now underline those which you really need or find valuable. Not too many, right? So, you wasted your time, being bombarded by information you don’t really need.

2. Quality of Information

woman reading newspaper at cafe
Ask yourself whether you are getting quality information. You are getting one sided story and this is normal for TV. They serve you info and you can never be sure whether you are told the complete truth.  Read newspapers, books, search online. There are other ways to gather information besides television. You can research, compare and make your own opinion.

3. Quality Time

There is no way you can really relax in front of the TV because your brain is being bombarded by information, color and sound. If you want to watch a game, go to a bar with your friends and have a good time. If you want to see a movie, go to the movies with your friends and then grab some dinner and drinks or have a girls’ night in and rent a movie.

4. Save Your Time

Two Beautiful Women Sending Messages with Mobile
Be honest with yourself and admit how many hours a day you spend in front of the TV.  No wonder you can’t find the time to do all the things you wanted to do. When you get rid of your TV you will have time for a hobby, sports, family and friends. Quality of your life will improve significantly.

I hope you will forgive me for saying so but, too much TV is making you dumber.  TV will not boost your imagination, it will not make you see further, it will not feed your brain. Read a book, take a writing course, start painting, do something creative. These activities will stimulate your mind.

Get rid of your TV. Try it and see. Your horizons will broaden, you will be able to relax, your social life will improve and you will take a critical stand on information that is being served to you. Just ask yourself what you really have to lose by ditching your TV.

About the author


Helen is enjoying life in the Philippines, jogging early every morning on the beach with her beautiful black labrador, Lawrence, and then spending the rest of her day in a lovely local coffee shop working from her MacBook as a remote PA.

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