5 Useful Driving Tips for Women

Every woman has at least once heard a joke or a complaint about "women drivers". Not a single one of us likes to hear it, but between us girls, a lot of it is true. I mean let’s face it – there are a lot of girls who are not very good drivers. However, there are some things each one of us could do to become a better driver. Here they are:

1. Find a Reliable Driving Instructor

Make this your number one rule: Don’t ever let your father or your husband teach you how to drive.

Let me tell you how it went when I first started driving; I spent two whole minutes in my father’s car and swore never to enter it again. Men usually think that they have a God-given talent for driving and that women can never learn to drive well. Prejudicial people make terrible teachers. Not all men are like that, but exceptions prove the rule.

Instead of learning to drive with your father or husband, find a professional instructor or a friend with a lot of patience. Naturally, it’ll take some time for you to learn how to drive; both you and your instructor have to have patience. As long as you take it slow and practice, it will be fine.

2. Practice as Much as You Can

As we all know, practice makes perfect. This goes for driving too. You can’t expect to be a good driver if you are going to drive only once every couple of months. You need to drive as much as you can. When it comes to driving tips, this is the crucial one.

Now, I know that driving every day is not at all cheap. Sometimes, it’s faster, cheaper and overall better to use public transportation. Still, whenever you have a chance to drive, use it and practice. Driving is all about putting yourself out there and being involved in different situations. The more you drive, the more you will learn and you will become a better driver.

3. Master Your Parking

woman parking car

One of the biggest problems when it comes to women drivers is parking. Huge percent of women really suck at parking a car, and they usually scratch their cars while doing it.

Don’t be bummed about that, you’re not the only one. Unfortunately, and this is a scientific fact, a high percentage of women has poor space perception. Because of this, you may think that you are at a fair distance from another car but you end up bumping it. Of course, this can also be avoided by practice.

Take a weekend afternoon off and instead of going shopping, take some time to practice your parking. Drive a little further from your neighborhood, if you don’t want anyone to see you, and find an empty or semi-empty parking lot. Take your time and park your car as many times as you wish. Practice reverse and parallel parking as well. You’ll see that, after just a couple of tries, you will get much better.

If you can afford a car with parking sensors and maybe a reverse camera, that’s great. Still, bear in mind that you should learn to park without any assistance.

4. Don’t Be Scared

Your mother has probably told you millions of times how driving can be extremely dangerous. This is actually true, but if you are constantly terrified while behind the wheel, you are your own greatest danger.

Try to relax while you’re driving. Even if you do something wrong, acknowledge that, apologize if necessary and just keep driving. Who cares if the guy behind you is honking because you didn’t move as soon as the traffic light turned yellow? People are generally nervous while driving and there will always be someone who honks for no particular reason. Ignore those people and drive.

5. Pay Attention to Others Around You

Pretty woman driving a convertible

You need to understand that you are not alone on the road and that you need to pay attention to other people and cars around you. This means, no talking on the phone while you’re driving, except via Bluetooth. Also, no loud music and absolutely no doing your makeup while stopping at a red light.

Eyes on the road, as they say, and pay attention to what is going on around you. Make sure that you don’t cut anyone off and that you respect all the rules of good driving. If it’s not a matter of life and death, obey speed limits. They are set for a reason.

Remember that women can be good drivers, as long as they find a good person to teach them and practice. Don’t believe the myth that you will never be better than a guy, I know a lot of women who drive a lot better than men. Simply, go slow and take your time to learn. Now you have 5 useful driving tips for a start. Follow and upgrade them and you will become an excellent driver in no time.

About the author


I’m a free spirit who likes to travel, cook and fly. Licensed paraglider pilot, I spend all my spare time flying. In the meantime, I like to share my recipes and travel experiences.

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  • Cool tips, I’m pretty sure that every woman can be a better driver. Girls, go practice. :)