
Aquatic Exercises: A Fun Way to Work Out

Want to start exercising but hate the heat and the sweat that goes along with it? Why not try aquatic exercises. Read on and learn more about them.

Aquatic exercises are low-impact activities that are done in water, whether in the pool or in the sea. These activities relieve pressure from your joints, muscles and bones, since water offers natural resistance.

This type of exercise goes beyond swimming. In fact, you do not have to be a swimmer to do it.

Benefits of water-based exercise

There is a common misconception that water exercises are only for the elderly or for pregnant women, but this is not true at all! Anybody can greatly benefit from this type of exercise. Some of these benefits include:

  • Lesser stress on joints and muscles. Water buoyancy reduces your “weight” by up to 90 percent. This lowers the possibility of muscle soreness and injury. Because it is light on the joints, it is a better option for those who suffer from arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or recovering from injuries.
  • Improves muscle tone. Water provides natural resistance against your body, so every move that you make is similar to using resistance bands or gym equipment – and you do not even notice it at all.
  • Increases flexibility. Being in the water allows you to perform poses and stretches that are otherwise difficult to do on land. Water gives you a wide range of motion and increases your flexibility over time.
  • Exercises your lungs. True enough, all types of exercise greatly work out your lungs, but water puts more pressure on them, forcing them to work harder.
  • Better cardio endurance. Cool water increases the rate of blood flow inside the body, increasing cardiovascular endurance over time.
  • Burns lots of calories. A typical water aerobics class can burn anywhere between 400 to 500 calories, but this will also depend on water depth, temperature, your size and the intensity of your workout. Faster and more intense movements involving both your upper and lower body generally increase your calories burned.

How to start


While there are water exercise classes, you can also start working out by yourself. Here are some aquatic exercises that you can try at the local pool or beach:

  • Water walking. This is a relatively easy exercise, which you can perform in waist high water. Simply walk across the poor, just as you would on land. Be conscious of your posture, and tighten your abdominal muscles so you do not lean too far on the sides. Once you are used to walking in shallow water, you may want to try walking in deep water. You can use a water noodle between your legs and use a floatation vest in case you do not know how to swim.
  • Water calisthenics. You can also perform calisthenics in water. You can do aquatic jumping jacks or do leg kicks (while holding on to the edge of the pool) to increase your heart rate. You can also do leg, arm and side stretches while in the water.
  • Water aerobics. Similar to water calisthenics, you can also do aerobic exercises in the pool. Add some music to your workout to have more fun!
  • K-Tread. This exercise targets that abs, arms, back, chest, butt and hamstrings. You can do this by treading the water. Lift one leg up and keep it parallel to the pool floor and hold for five seconds. Make small circles with your hands, contract your abs and squeeze your glutes to improve your balance. Alternate both sides and repeat ten times for each side.
  • Hand Exercises. You can do hand exercises like with the use of hand webs or foam barbells, which create resistance under water. Do bicep curls, tricep push downs or any routine you like that works out your biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders.

Some things to remember


To get the most of aquatic workouts, try investing in water shoes and webbed gloves. These improve traction and add resistance to your movement.

Remember to keep drinking lots of water when you exercise, since you can easily get dehydrated in water as you can on land. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen if your exercise during the day, you don’t want to ruin your skin!

True enough, exercising in water has plenty of benefits, and it is very easy to do, too! So what are you waiting for? Try water exercises the next time you find yourself bored and tired with your current routine. That’s it for now as I head to the beach and do my own share of water (brisk) walking.

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About the author

Justine R

On an eternal quest for happiness, Justine tries to lead a positive lifestyle by giving back to the universe and following natural approaches to parenting, health, food and beauty. When she's not on the beach, she keeps herself fit (and sane) by running and doing yoga.

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