
Top 6 Exercise Excuses and How to Overcome Them

You're too tired, you don't have enough money or enough time... No more excuses! Read on and learn how to beat the top 6 exercise excuses.

When it comes to reasons to not exercise, there are hundreds of them. And, chances are good that you’ve probably used one or two (or ten) yourself. Well, it’s time to stop the madness and start sweating off the pounds.

In life you have two options: make excuses or make changes. So, if you’re ready for the latter, here are some of the most common exercise excuses, or “exerscuses,” and how to overcome them:

Exerscuse #1: “I don’t have time”

Really? You don’t have time to exercise? Well, do you have time to get sick and not feel well? If not, then you may want to make time to fit in your regular workout sessions because that is likely where you’ll end up if you don’t.

Carry too much weight and you increase your risk of disease and illness tremendously. After all, obesity leads to many life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Also, people who are overweight tend to have lower immune systems and are more susceptible to the bugs and viruses that are going around.

In addition, if you don’t find a way to get stress out of your body (which exercise is fantastic for, by the way), you welcome a whole host of negative physical consequences. The tension builds up and eventually your body either shuts down, implodes or explodes and none of these options are good.

Even if you already have a packed schedule, give your workouts the same priority as other health appointments such as dental cleanings, vision tests, and annual physicals. Write them into your schedule book and keep them as they’re very important to your overall health.

Exerscuse #2: “I don’t have the money”


Although most health experts would have you believe that you need an expensive gym membership, top of the line physical trainer, or the best machines that money can buy to reach your fitness goals, none of these are true. In fact, you can get into shape with little to no money at all.

For a good cardio workout, all you need are athletic shoes as you can run or walk pretty much anywhere. Or, buy a jumping rope for a couple bucks and jump your way to fitness.

If you have a bicycle sitting in your garage, dust it off and get to pedaling as that is a great way to burn calories (and it’s easy on your knees too if you tend to get sore joints).

You also have tons of options when it comes to strength training. You can make your own weights by filling used water bottles or empty paint cans with dirt or rocks. You can also use your own bodyweight for resistance by performing exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, planks, and more.

Be creative and see what you can come up with. If you need help, children are wonderful with having unique visions in regard to exercise types of activity.

Exerscuse #3: “I’m too tired”

Most women nowadays don’t even come close to getting adequate sleep on a regular basis. After all, when you have a job, home, and family to take care of, it can be extremely difficult to get to bed at a decent time. Often, you’re left burning the midnight oil trying to cross some items off your ever increasing to-do list.

Of course, the best thing you can do for yourself (in regard to exercise and all other areas of your life) is to make 7-9 hours of sleep a priority. Not only will it make your days easier to get through, but it will also strengthen your immune system as this is the time your body uses to rejuvenate itself and heal whatever ails it.

You may not get as many things done if you make sure that you’re in bed at a decent time, but you will likely notice that your productivity is better at times you’re awake because you’ll have an easier time focusing on the task at hand.

You’ll want to watch your consumption of coffee and energy drinks later in the day. Although they work great to give you a little pick-me-up, this speeds up your body enough that it may still affect you hours later when you’re trying to sleep.

Water is a great energizer as it refuels your body and keeps it functioning with maximum efficiency, so try to drink a glass or two of this necessary beverage when you’re tired and you’ll be doing yourself a big favor.

Exerscuse #4: “I have young kids so it’s hard to keep them occupied while fitting in a workout”


When you can’t go more than two minutes without hearing “Mom!,” getting anything else done is almost impossible – workout included. However, one of the best things you can do for yourself (and for them) is to engage in a workout that includes them.

Not only will you be teaching them to take care of their own health, but you’ll get an added bonus of wearing them out so they take a nap and you can get a breather!

One great kid friendly exercise is dancing. Just turn on some music and shake your bodies. Not only will you burn some calories, but you’ll also create some good memories too.

Exerscuse #5: “I don’t like to exercise”

This one is tough. After all, if you don’t like to work out, it can be awful hard to get excited about getting exercise in daily as recommended.

The first suggestion to overcome this excuse is to find an activity that you actually enjoy. No one says that you’re stuck with boring options like a treadmill or elliptical to get yourself in shape. Maybe you’ll find that you like Zumba, pole dancing aerobics or rock climbing instead. Try different activities that interest you and see what you come up with.

Now, if you are one of those people that truly hate all activities, then try a trick that others with that same attitude use. Instead of focusing on the act of working out itself, pay more attention to how good it makes you feel once you finish it. When you keep your mind on the positive end result, it can make the idea of exercise much easier to endure.

Exerscuse #6: “I don’t get results fast enough”


Nothing can kill your motivation more than faithfully getting in your workouts yet not seeing any differences when you look in the mirror. How frustrating!

However, you didn’t get out of shape overnight and you’re not going to get in shape overnight either. If you’re in for a quick fix, you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. Although lots of products out there will speed the process and get you fast results, they’re often only temporary as true changes take time.

Instead of focusing on your final goal, try enjoying the entire journey. Learn to be happy with small changes over time because those are the ones that are more likely to stick, which means permanent results and a forever type of change.

It’s time to quit using “exerscuses” and get busy exercising. The sooner you start, the sooner you finish!

About the author

Christina DeBusk

Changing careers mid-life from law enforcement to writing, Christina spends her days helping others enrich their businesses and personal lives one word at a time.

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