10 Tips to Help You Stay on Your Diet

Diets can be harder to stay on than an irritated rodeo bull fresh out of the gate. It doesn’t matter how good your intentions are and how strong your willpower is when you start, when reality kicks in that you are leaving your comfort zone and have to change your behaviors and thought processes, your motivation can leave you quicker than ever.

There’s no mistaking the fact that if you want lifelong results, you need to make lifelong changes. So, the word ‘diet’ used in the context of this article reflects only your eating style, not the period of time in which you make changes only to eventually go back to your old way of living (and your old weight) once the torture of restriction is over.

That being said, what can you do to keep yourself motivated to eat a healthy diet not only tomorrow, next week or next month, but for the rest of your life? Here are ten tips to help you battle and win over that process:

Tip #1: Eat Often

woman eating healthy salad in restaurant

One reason it can be so hard to eat healthily is because you may not be eating often enough. If you go a long length of time between meals, your blood sugar starts to dive and before you know it, you’ll eat anything that is within your reach.

Changing your eating patterns and the foods you normally consume is hard enough. But, when you throw in uncontrollable hunger on top of it, it makes the whole weight loss process almost impossible.

If you want to keep hunger at bay, make sure you eat something every three to four hours. Ideally, you want to eat a meal or snack that includes both a protein and a carbohydrate. For instance, you may choose to eat an apple and a cheese stick or a handful of almonds thrown on a cup of diced melons.

Tip #2: Be Aware of Your Sugar Intake

Just as not eating enough can throw your blood sugar into a tail spin, so too can sugar consumption. If you eat a simple sugar (such as candy, cakes and soda) without anything else with it, your blood sugar will likely spike. That’s why it feels so good to eat these types of food products.

However, what goes up must come down and your blood sugar will come down hard. That’s why you often feel lethargic after that initial high. And, in an effort to feel good again, your body wants more sugar which is the reason you get the cravings.

To avoid cravings, when you eat something sugary make sure you pair it with a food that will keep your blood sugar stable (like a protein). That way you won’t get the roller coaster effect on your blood sugar and you’ll still be able to enjoy a treat every now and again.

Also, be aware that a lot of ‘diet’ foods have a high artificial sweetener content which has the same effect on your blood sugar. So all those diet sodas, treats and snacks you buy may actually be making it harder for you to lose weight.

Tip #3: Get some Fat in Your Diet

Oftentimes when people set out to lose weight, they strive to cut the fat out of their diet. All of the fat. However, this not only makes diets harder to follow, but it’s completely unnecessary.

You do need some fat in your diet. Not only does it make food taste better and keep you fuller longer but, in limited portions, it is actually good for your body. The key is to know which kind to eat.

Ideally, you want to stay away from trans fats and saturated fats. These are the fats that can do you the most harm. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are the healthier options.

Some foods that have heart healthy fats are olive oil, avocado and olives. Again, you don’t want to go all crazy with them, but a healthy portion will actually do you good.

Tip #4: Set Your Environment up for Success

strawberries in heart bowl

You will have a harder time succeeding at losing weight if you’re constantly in an environment that tests your will and determination. For example, if you have a candy dish on your desk, what is the likelihood that you’re going to be able to sit there and not dip your hand into it from time to time?

At home, set out a bowl of fruit so you reach for that as a snack as opposed to chips and crackers. Put any junk food that the rest of the family eats in a separate cupboard so you don’t always have to look at it. Keep veggies cut up in the fridge so they’re easy to grab.

At work, get the candy dish off your desk or replace the candies with sugar-free chewing gum. When you have potlucks, bring something healthy that you can eat without guilt and keep healthy snacks in your desk so you’re not tempted to go to the vending machine.

Tip #5: Stay Hydrated

Because hunger cues are very similar to thirst cues, if you let yourself get dehydrated, you’ll likely find yourself getting something to eat when what you really need is water. Not to mention, when you drink water all day long, you’re less hungry overall.

And, water helps fight bloat; you know, when your pants don’t want to zip up as easily, your rings are cutting into your fingers and your toes look like little sausages. If you want to reduce this effect, then increase the amount of water you drink.

It may sound counterproductive, but your body will hold onto water when it isn’t getting enough. It’s a survival method that benefited our ancestors long ago. So, the only way to get it to release the water its retaining is to give it enough to know that it’s okay to let the excess go.

Tip #6: Focus on the Positives

woman looking at mirror 3

If you spend all your time concentrating on everything you’re giving up by losing weight versus everything you gain by living a healthy lifestyle, of course you’re going to hate it. So, if you want to enjoy the process, or at least be okay with it, you have to let go of the negative stigma you’ve attached to it. Simply put, focus on the positives instead of the negatives.

Do you feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror when you weight a little less? Great! Are you less winded when you walk up steps? Perfect! Keep these types of things in mind so that you stay excited about all the good things that are happening now that you’re taking care of your health.

Tip #7: Don’t Make It a Choice

If you give yourself the choice whether to follow your diet or not, you’re opening a door that you’ll likely walk right in. In other words, the more decision making points you encounter in a day, the greater the opportunity for you to make a not so good decision. So, if you can keep those moments at a minimum then you’ll have a greater chance at succeeding.

Instead of making it a choice between heart healthy oatmeal for breakfast and that glazed donut, just tell yourself that you’re having the oatmeal. Don’t let the donut even be an option. It may be hard at first, but the more often you look at things in a matter-of-fact manner and remove the choice factor, the easier it will become.

Tip #8: Quit Comparing Yourself to Others

It’s hard to focus on eating healthy foods all the time when you have a friend that can eat anything she wants and not gain a pound. It feels unjust and unfair and you just don’t understand why you got the raw end of the deal.

The more you compare what works for you to what works for other people, the more you’re opening the door for bitterness and resentment. And, when you let negative emotions like that in then you’re bound to give up on the whole process altogether.

It doesn’t matter what someone else can and cannot do when it comes to weight loss. The only thing that matters is what your body responds to and what your body needs to see positive results.

Tip #9: Create a Vision Board

One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated is to keep your goal in front of you at all times. You can do that very thing by creating your own vision board.

A vision board is a collage of all the pictures that represent what your goal means to you. For example, if losing weight means wearing a 2-piece bathing suit, you may select a picture of a woman in a bikini for your board. Or if it means being able to play with your kids more easily, you may choose an image of a mother playing outside with her children.

Choose images and pictures that inspire you and look at the board often, preferably every morning and night. Use its energy to keep you motivated when times get tough.

Tip #10: Set up a Reward System

professional manicure treatment

We, as humans, work better and harder when we’re working toward a goal. Weight loss is no exception to that. Yes, the final reward is obviously what you gain when you’ve lost all that excess weight, but you need to have other rewards along the way.

If you don’t, it’s hard to wait until the end to feel some sort of success, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. So, by setting little set points along the way and rewards when you meet them, you’ll be more likely to keep on the path to get where you want to be.

When you achieve certain milestones, such as a number of pounds lost, give yourself a reward. Maybe you’ll download a new book or go get a pedicure. Do something to celebrate your achievements you’ve worked so hard to obtain.

Staying on a diet that involves a lot of changes can be difficult. But, like anything else, it does get easier with time. These little tips and tricks should help you get through the hardest part and make the rest of the process easy sailing.

Now, put them to use and begin or continue your weight loss process. You can do it!

About the author

Christina DeBusk

Changing careers mid-life from law enforcement to writing, Christina spends her days helping others enrich their businesses and personal lives one word at a time.

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