12 Health Benefits from Apples

We’ve all heard about "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". But how many of us actually know what apples are good for? Keep reading and find out. Ok, you must have heard about at least one health benefit that eating apples bring. However, I am bringing you a much longer list. Here are 12 health benefits from apples.

1. Detoxification

Young happy smiling woman with apple

The combination of vitamins and fibers found in apples boosts your metabolism and helps your body get rid of the toxins. That is why apples should be included in every day diet. You could also try one of three fantastic apple cleansing diet plans in order to detoxify your body.

2. Weight Loss

I believe this is the one all girls would love to hear. Yes, apples can help you lose weight faster. As already mentioned, they are natural metabolism boosters. Faster metabolism means that you will digest more of the food you eat and let less of it stick in the form of fat.

3. Pretty White Teeth

Beautiful Blonde Girl With an Apple 5

Apples are very rich in vitamin C, which is essential for heaving good strong teeth and healthy gums. Eating apples also produces higher amounts of saliva in your mouth. The saliva washes your teeth thus leaving them cleaner. Exchange your dessert for an apple and do your teeth and your entire body a favor.

4. Boost Your Immune System

And here’s the origin of the popular saying. Apples, especially red ones, contain antioxidant called quercetin. It has been proved to boost your immune system and help your body regenerate faster. So, bite on a big juicy red apple.

5. Cataract Prevention

Recent studies have shown that people whose diet consists of a lot of fruit that contain antioxidants are less prone to eye problems. Since apples contain high amounts of antioxidants, they are the perfect fruit to protect your eyes and prevent cataract.

6. Hemorrhoids Prevention

Only those who have problems with hemorrhoids know how big of a problem they are. Eating apples can save you from ever having to find this out. Apples are very rich in fibers which soften the stool. If you strain less when you have to go to the bathroom, you have less chances of ever developing problems with hemorrhoids.

7. Alzheimer’s Prevention

sketch of a brain

Recent study done on mice, showed that drinking apple juice and eating apples increases brain functions. Although keeping your brain active is the best prevention for Alzheimer’s, adding apples into your diet can bring additional help. Apples slow down the process of deteriorating of brain cells, thus keeping your brain in the best possible condition for many years to come.

8. Parkinson’s Prevention

Parkinson’s is another disease linked with certain malfunctions in the brain. Scientists say that malicious free radicals cause it. Since apples protect your brain and contain powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals, they are the perfect fruit for Parkinson’s prevention.

9. Fighting Cancer

Fighting Cancer sign

Maybe the biggest health benefit from apples is their ability to fight almost all kinds of cancers. Apples contain flavonol, which is proven to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23%. Triterpenoids, substances found in the peel of apples have shown significant results in fighting liver, breast, lung and colon cancer.

10. Lowering of Cholesterol Level

This is the result of eating apples that most people could benefit from. Unfortunately, bad diet and lack of exercising have brought high cholesterol on many of us. Pectin in apples lowers the amount of LDL, also known as “the bad” cholesterol. It is said that people who eat two apples a day can lower their LDL cholesterol by as much as 16%.

11. Have a Healthier Heart

Apples protect your heart. The fibers and pectin prevent the cholesterol to build up and clog your arteries. Clean arteries bring a good solid blood flow and a healthy heart. I’d say that’s a good reason to eat your apples.

12. Lowering the Risk of Diabetes

Researchers say that women who eat two apples a day are less likely to develop diabetes type 2, than those who don’t consume apples. Apples contain soluble fibers which are essential for maintaining normal sugar levels in your body, thus reducing the risk of diabetes.

Apples only contain 81 calories for a fist sized fruit. Now that you know all the health benefits they bring, there is no reason not to start eating at least two apples each day.

About the author


I’m a free spirit who likes to travel, cook and fly. Licensed paraglider pilot, I spend all my spare time flying. In the meantime, I like to share my recipes and travel experiences.

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