How to Quit Smoking Naturally

Smoking is an addiction that is extremely difficult to quit and has many unpleasant symptoms. However, there are specific techniques and remedies that may be of great help during various stages of giving up cigarettes. Read below to learn how to quit smoking naturally and discover some of the most effective and helpful methods to reduce and eliminate nicotine addiction.


Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and concentration, where a subject becomes highly susceptible to suggestions. This allows the therapist to teach patients to take control of a specific psychological condition and learn how to deal with it.

Therapists work on patients’ behavior by influencing their mind, and different psychophysical states, such as anxiety, addiction, pain management, stress, dysfunctional habits and many others.

Hypnotherapy has been a very effective method to help people quit smoking naturally, and control their cravings to smoke, as well as avoid relapses and returning desires. It works on the subject’s subconscious mind, by changing his or her way of thinking about smoking, and inducing the desire to quit, as well as helping to overcome past habits.

Hypnotherapy does not involve any struggle, deprivation or restriction, but helps patient think that he or she doesn’t need to smoke, by modifying what cigarette means to him or her.

In conclusion, all smoke cravings derive primarily from our mind and hypnotherapy works on reprogramming our mind and eliminating these desires.

Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking requires at least 4 to 5 sessions and should be performed by a licensed and highly professional and ethical hypnotherapist or psychologist. However, you should remember that hypnotherapy will work only with people who believe in it and who agree to let themselves be hypnotized.


Woman on Acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment method that helps alleviate and heal a large number of physical and psychological conditions. Acupuncture uses thin needles to stimulate different acupoints on the body that are located along the meridians. In this way it increases energy flow and restores our body back to its natural healthy state.

Acupuncture, just like any other therapy, will not replace cigarettes, but will act as an efficient way to help people quit smoking naturally. Acupuncture focuses on organs associated with smoking and helps reduce withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, jitters, nausea, irritability and nervousness. It also decreases possibilities of a relapse and promotes relaxation, while detoxifying your body from nicotine.

Entirely painless, it consists of inserting hair-thin needles into various points of ears, where they remain for 20 to 30 minutes, which is a typical duration of each treatment session.

To help patients in between sessions, small pallets are applied with invisible tape to acupoints on ears. When a craving for smoke hits, the patient should gently press on these pallets, in order to stimulate acupuncture points and calm nervousness and reduce cravings.

Herbal Aids to Quit Smoking Naturally

Herbal remedies can be very useful in alleviating withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up smoking, as well as quite efficient natural substitutes to nicotine. Listed below are a few of the most important herbs that can assist us during various stages of quitting smoking.


Lobelia (Lobelia inflata), also called Indian tobacco, is a herb that has relaxing properties and has the ability to produce effects similar to nicotine on the central nervous system. It reduces withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, restlessness and cravings and does not cause addiction.

The amount of dopamine present in the brain is always increased when smoking or if any other drug addiction is present. Lobelia’s active ingredient is called lobeline, which is a substance that affects dopamine levels in the brain and acts as a natural substitute of cigarettes, without causing damage like nicotine.

Lobelia is available in dried extract, liquid and capsule form.

Caution – Lobelia may be toxic if taken in large amounts. Always consult a physician before using this herb.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort (hypericum perforatum) is a perennial herb, which acts as a very effective remedy to quit smoking naturally. It has been used for hundreds of years for its calming, relaxing and anti-depressant properties.

St. John’s Wort alleviates psychological withdrawal symptoms and relieves nervous tension and depressive states associated with quitting smoking. It is thereby very helpful in alleviating nicotine cravings.
This herb has been also prescribed by doctors as a natural substitute of Prozac.

Our brain needs time to respond to St. John’s Wort’s active ingredients and it is thereby advisable to start taking it 2 to 3 weeks before quitting smoking.

St. John’s Wort herb exists in different forms, but tincture is probably the most effective form to achieve good results.

Caution – Always read carefully directions written on the bottle and never take this herb without the supervision of a physician. St. John’s Wort herb can interact with other medications and herbal remedies (such as anti depressants, HIV drugs and oral contraceptives) and alter their effects.

Other exceptional herbal remedies that act as St. John’s Wort and that may be extremely useful in quitting smoking are valerian and avena sativa.

Ginger root

Ginger root aids digestion and has the ability to relieve nausea, which is a common symptom of nicotine withdrawal.

It also has a heating effect and increases perspiration and sweating, which helps our body expel toxins generated by nicotine, and thereby reduce cigarette addiction.

As it goes for other remedies, before you start taking ginger capsules, liquid extract or tea, always carefully follow dosage instructions and directions for use, provided on the product’s label.

About the author


Jessica is a translator who has lived for many years in Asia and South America. She now lives and works in Europe, while preparing her new journeys. She enjoys traveling, meeting new people, exploring different cultures and foods, and being in love.

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