How to Sneak Water into Your Diet

Sometimes, staying hydrated is trickier than it sounds. If you often find yourself reaching for a can of soda, here’s how you can trick your body into choosing a glass of water every single time.

Sneak water in your diet. Here’s how you can trick your body into choosing a glass of water instead of soda every single time.

You’ve heard it all before. You know that adding water to your everyday routine is important, but you’re not always good at putting that into action. I’m definitely just as guilty.

There are so many benefits to drinking water, and yet that isn’t always enough to stop me from skipping out on a cool glass of H2O and opting for the soda instead.

Staying hydrated in this warm weather is hard enough without having to constantly remember that you need to drink a certain amount of water every single day (not to mention trying to figure out just how much water you should be reacquainting yourself with). After all, knowing that doing something is good for you and being able to do it in your sleep are two completely different things.

Committing yourself to a healthy diet isn’t always easy, but there are sneaky ways that you can remind yourself to fuel your body.

Here is how to sneak water into your diet.

1. Enlist the help of a water app to stay on top of things.


I’ll admit that I’m not the best when it comes to drinking water every day. For the past few months, I’ve been experimenting with an app called “Water Your Body.” It tracks the amount of water you should be drinking every day based on how much you weigh.

The coolest thing about this app is that it has a drink log that lets you see your average amount of ounces per week, month and year. It also features a weight report that lets you track whether or not you’ve lost any weight. An added perk is that your phone will vibrate when the app notices that you haven’t drunk any water for the day. There are definitely times when I need the gentle reminder.

According to a study by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, water makes up roughly 45-75% of our weight, which means that failing to drink a healthy amount of water affects our brain and overall energy in huge ways.

Researchers examined the symptoms of twenty-five women with varying hydration states after exercising. They found that “degraded mood, increased perception of task difficulty, lower concentration, and headache symptoms resulted from 1.36% dehydration in females.”

The point I’m trying to make is that you don’t have to be extremely active to become dehydrated. As a way to pace myself, I’ve started committing to at least three 16 ounce bottles of water. After that, it’s all a matter of staying committed to my goal.

2. Take the bottomless bottle trick for a test run.

Whether you’re sitting at a desk everyday or working from home, keeping your bottle on constant refill is a great way to trick your mind into replenishing your thirst. Seeing your glass half full (instead of half empty) will make you much more motivated to stick to your health regimen.

There’s nothing more fulfilling or refreshing than having an endless supply of cool water to jumpstart your day.

3. Carry a reusable water bottle or thermos wherever you go.


This one’s pretty easy but warrants being mentioned over and over again. I’m from New York City and a lot of places that I visit are often walking distance from each other. I’m really big on walking everywhere, which means that carrying water with me is crucial.

To make it a little fun, I like buying bottles that have some type of coloring on them, whether it’s in the form of bright packaging or a simple but cute logo. It catches my attention more quickly, and serves as a subtle reminder that I should probably take a much needed sip right about now.

4. Mark your bottle with specific times.

The best way to stay hydrated is to get into the habit of giving yourself specific time goals. I like starting my day early so I usually drink a steaming cup of mint tea at 9 a.m. followed by a 16 ounce bottle of water. I do this every single morning without ever really thinking about it. As the day goes on, I’ll drink another bottle of water around either 11 a.m. or 12 p.m., 3 p.m. and so on and so forth. I don’t always follow an exact schedule, but I’ve come pretty close.

If you make it a routine, drinking water every day will be something you do unconsciously.

5. Start eating fruits that have a high water content.

water in your diet

If you have a smoothie obsession, you’ll be happy to know that this is the easiest (and tastiest!) way to infuse water into your diet. There are actually certain fruits that have water in them such as cucumbers, watermelon and pineapple. The best part is that you’ll be getting a healthy amount of water and nutrients into your system.

Another way to avoid the calories is simply to add fruits or veggies to your plain water. If you haven’t tried cucumber infused water yet, you don’t know what you’re missing out on!

Cucumbers are often referred to as superfoods because of their overall health benefits. They have become equally important in diets and skincare. This vegetable contains 90% water with essential nutrients like vitamin C and caffeic acid, which helps to soothe, hydrate and replenish our skin and, in turn, reduces irritations and swelling.

Here are some amazing uses of cucumber for healthy skin.

How much water should you incorporate into your diet?

The internet is full of experts saying that you must drink more than 8 glasses daily. But before you start drinking 92 ounces of water in one sitting, it’s important that you remember that there’s some truth in the adage that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

What people don’t realize is that it is entirely possible to drink too much water, so make sure that you keep your own body and limits in mind.

Countless studies have shown that our bodies are composed of approximately 55% to 60% water, which means that fueling your body is vital. There are so many ways that you can rev up your water intake. The trick is to get creative with how you do it. Getting yourself to drink more water doesn’t have to be an arduous affair.

So, now you know how to sneak water into your diet.

Delicious ways to eat your water

You’ve heard all about drinking eight glasses of water a day, but eating water-dense foods is a far better way to stay hydrated and reap the benefits for your skin.

Hydrating your skin from the inside out by getting some of your water through food sources is a far more effective way to get plump and glowing skin.

Here are some delicious ways to eat your water.

Water relief that is!

About the author

Cassandra Guerrier

Cassandra Guerrier is a fashion editor, beauty and lifestyle writer. When she isn't obsessing over the latest lifestyle studies or living off of Pinterest and YouTube DIY tutorials, she's nerding out over her comic books and all things Sherlock Holmes.

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