Seaweed Health Benefits

It is believed that seaweeds, whose natural habitat consists of rivers, lakes, estuaries and seas, have appeared on earth almost three billion years ago. The huge variety of seaweed types have been classified according to their predominant color: red, yellow, green, brown and sometimes blue-green.

Seaweeds are photosynthetic organisms that live close to the surface of the ocean, where light easily penetrates. They are living organisms, which produce the most oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere.

Seaweed contains great quantities of minerals and metalloids, as well as vitamins, amino acids, carotenoids, fiber, chlorophyll (green pigments), mucilage and other. They have been used for centuries in foods and for many medicinal purposes. Mentioned bellow, are just a few of many seaweed health benefits.

Seaweed Detoxifies Liver and Kidney

Japanese seaweed

It has been scientifically proved that seaweeds have great detoxifying properties. They aid digestion and help liver and kidneys eliminate waste products through feces, urine and sweat. They also have a considerable capacity to bind to and eliminate heavy metals and other toxic substances from our body. They help stimulate cell regeneration, to maintain healthy liver function and therefore aid body detoxification and help reduce the incidence of tumors.

Green seaweed contains chlorophyll, which is one of the most potent detoxifiers of the human body. It stops the growth and the development of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract and eliminates toxins from blood tissues, bones, and intestines. It also removes body odors and skin sores. Chlorophyll contains special fibers that bind to and remove numerous unwanted substances from our bodies. This aids liver and helps it to function more effectively.

Seaweed Helps Reduce Fat Deposits

seaweed face mask

Seaweed is very useful in weight-loss diets. It contains iodine, which stimulates thyroid function and enhances fat metabolism, and mucilage that builds mass in the digestive tract and helps push the waste out. The mucilaginous mass gives also a feeling of fullness and satiety and reduces hunger.

Spirulina is a complete protein, containing all eight essential amino acids, which increase metabolism. This seaweed promotes a greater sense of satiety and helps loose weight. It also has an efficient anti-age effect.

Kombu is rich in mucilage and contains numerous oligo elements and vitamins, which support our body to go through a weight-loss program. It is also a thyroid stimulator, and increases metabolic rate.

Hiziki has a high content of fiber, and it is very effective in alleviating stomach bloating.

Wakame, Kombu and Thongweed contain fucoxanthin, a substance which increases UCP1 protein concentrations in white adipose tissue. This protein, in turn, increases the rate at which abdominal fat is burned.

Seaweeds are Powerful Antioxidants and Immune-Stimulators

a handful of fresh seaweed

Red and brown seaweeds contain carotenoids, which are natural plant pigments and powerful antioxidants that defend our body cells against any damage caused by free radicals. Carotenoids are easily converted by the body to active vitamin A.

All seaweeds are good free-radical fighters, but Spirulina, in particular, is the most effective in protecting our organism from free radicals, and from damages they may cause to our body, such as fast aging, atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases and some types of tumor. It has a strong combination of ACE vitamins.(carotenoids – viatamin A, ascorbic acid – vitamin C, tokoferol – vitamin E), which makes it an extremely powerful seaweed.

Seaweed is also incredibly capable of combating pathogenic bacteria and it is a very effective aid to improve our defenses and activate our immune system. Seaweed strengthens bones, teeth, hair and nails, and improves our health.

Some scientific studies have shown that Japanese seaweed has cancer-fighting capabilities, due to its strong antioxidant and immunizing properties.

All summed up, it seems that seaweed provide numerous extraordinary health benefits and we should thereby use them regularly in our diet. They’ll boost our well-being and improve our overall health.

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About the author


Jessica is a translator who has lived for many years in Asia and South America. She now lives and works in Europe, while preparing her new journeys. She enjoys traveling, meeting new people, exploring different cultures and foods, and being in love.

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