How to Find the Best Gap Year Program for You

Graduation from school is typically followed by either getting a job or furthering your education, but there's a new alternative – a Gap Year Program.

What is a Gap Year Program, how can you benefit from one and what options do you have, you ask anxiously?

Well, relax and read on because we’re going to answer all of those questions for you, and more…

What is a Gap Year Program?

A Gap Year Program can actually be a number of things and perhaps the best way to think of it is not in terms of a program, but rather an experience. It is your chance to gain some practice in your career, pursue personal interests or to take in some culture before settling in someplace for good and starting your post-graduation life.

You can also use a Gap Year Program as a research project of sorts and answer one (or more) of your most compelling questions.

The basis behind Gap Year Programs is that they are generally humanity based. They have a large focus on servicing the community and promoting peace. They provide a great opportunity to see first-hand how others live, giving you experience you can’t learn in any classroom.

You also get to give back to the world and see a big picture view instead of not realizing what life is like outside of your hometown.

Personal factors to consider


When deciding which abroad program is for you, there are certain personal factors you will want to consider before making a final determination. They include:

  • How much time do you want to commit to the program and do you want a program that allows you to extend your time if you wish?
  • Can you afford the financial commitment of a Gap Year Program? Does your budget allow it?
  • Would the experience enhance you professionally? Personally?
  • Are you going to be comfortable living in an environment that you are not familiar with?

These are the types of questions that will allow you to understand specifically what it is that you want out of the experience. Once you know that, you can start to look at the programs available.

Programs to consider


While there are a large number of options available, some of the websites that we found that you may want to consider to help you find the experiences you crave include:

  • InterExchange – this website has Gap Year options for both the U.S. and abroad
  • iAgora – this site offers over 13,000 different jobs in 74 countries
  • BUNAC – this agency has been in business since 1962 and offers destinations all over the world to volunteer, intern and work
  • – this site boasts that they have over 100,000 different opportunities worldwide
  • Transitions Abroad – If you want a one stop resource website regarding Gap Year Programs, this is it as it has articles and links for everything from living abroad to working abroad to travelling, studying and volunteering

A step by step guide to make your final determination

Since there are tons of Gap Year Programs available, here are a few steps you can follow to not only narrow your options down to a manageable number, but find the one that is just right for you:

Step #1: Thoroughly research the program

With the world at your fingertips via the internet, you can do a lot of your program research right from the comforts of your home. Look through the program’s website and jot down any questions you have as you go from page to page.

Google their name and see if others have posted comments or articles about that particular program. The more knowledge you have about the program itself, the more informed and better educated your decision will be.

Step #2: Contact the program directly

woman talking on phone in her home

If you complete all of your fact finding and feel like you want to know more, it is time to contact the program directly. See how you feel when speaking to the person over the telephone.

Do they make you feel welcome and excited, or does their focus seem to be on just getting your money? Do they answer your questions satisfactorily, or are they talking in vague terms, not locking themselves into solid answers?

You can get a great feel of what they are about just by talking to the person that they choose to represent them.

Step #3: Contact current or former participants

When you want to know the truth about the program, who better to ask than those who are participating in it? Contact both current participants to get their views and former participants too. Oftentimes, you’ll get a better idea from someone who is no longer in the program and has had some time to reflect on their experience because they can see the bigger picture with more clarity. Either way, other participants’ insight can be invaluable.

Step #4: Arrange for a visit

If it is possible at all, arrange to go to the actual worksite yourself and see it firsthand. Of course, you’re not necessarily go to be able to do this if your goal is to go abroad, but the program might offer some local opportunities that will at least allow you to see how they operate.

Follow these four steps and you will find the Gap Year Program that suits your goals, fills your needs, meets your qualifications and will enhance you both personally and professionally. Good luck!

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About the author

Christina DeBusk

Changing careers mid-life from law enforcement to writing, Christina spends her days helping others enrich their businesses and personal lives one word at a time.

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