7 Ways To Boost Your Confidence Before A Job Interview

Finding the right job is tough, but acing the interview is even tougher. Both require persistence and an indomitable will. But, more than these, you need a powerful strategy to be successful.

Of all things that can cause stress in a person’s life, the job search is probably the most stressful. First, while there are probably a lot of job vacancies in the classified ads or online, you’re not qualified for all the positions.

You have to find the job that matches the skills you have. We all know doing that is never easy given the number of options you have.

Second, once you’ve found the job you think you’ll be a great fit at, you have to pass the interview. It’s great if the interview process is short and simple, but what if it’s a more tedious one?

More importantly, what if you’re not the only applicant who fits the employer’s criteria? If you have competition, which is usually the case, it can be even more stressful.

For these reasons, it pays to be prepared for the interview for your dream job. Don’t let the terror and anxiety take over before you even get to the interview. Boost your confidence by following our guide.

1. Get your nervous tics under control

woman biting her nails

Whether it’s nail biting or tapping your feet against the floor, most of us have nervous tics when faced with a situation that threatens our comfort. So, before you even leave the house for the interview, get your tics under control.

You don’t want to end up doing them in front of your interviewer.

2. Breathe

You may not have noticed that you’ve been sitting there like a statue, waiting for your turn in the interview room. You have sweaty palms and your heart is thumping.

Because of the unusually high level of anxiety you feel, your thoughts race and you breathe either too fast or too slow.

Try to focus on your breathing. Doing so allows your brain to focus and make decisions confidently, which is necessary when answering the interview questions you’ll be faced with in a moment.

3. Don’t overthink

woman thinking

When you don’t know what the outcome of something will be, it’s natural to start imagining the result. Recognize the stories your brain formulates and help yourself to see how hilarious they can be.

Once done, pull yourself back to reality to regain your confidence. Embrace the fact that you’ll never really know how much worse the interview could be, whether or not you’ll ace it and if you’ll land the job until much later.

4. Play some upbeat music

On your way to the interview, make sure to listen to something that will boost your energy. Sing along to the song playing on the radio as you drive so that you can release some tension.

This will help to get the blood flowing in your veins so you’ll be alert for the interview.

5. Practice answering the most common interview questions aloud


If you know that you’re walking into the interview armed with knowledge about the company, the responsibilities of the role you’re looking to assume and anything else you are likely to be asked to discuss during the interview, you’ll feel more confident.

Rehearsing your answers aloud is another way to release the anxiety you feel. Ask a friend or family member to help you prepare, so you have a critic who can provide you with constructive feedback.

6. Think of the nice things people have said about you

Maybe people have mentioned that your confidence is admirable, or most of your friends admire your ability to present logical solutions in a timely manner and work under pressure.

Perhaps your overall attitude is particularly positive or you have a strong work ethic.

Focus your thoughts on these positives, and savor the compliments you’ve received in the past. It may sound a bit self-absorbed, but focusing on these past compliments will help you to feel more confident.

This, in turn, will help you to present yourself confidently in your interview, which is what you’re aiming to do.

7. Imagine yourself acing the interview and landing the job


Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. Imagine yourself answering the interview questions confidently. Picture the interviewer’s attention focused on you and how well you articulate yourself; they’re impressed by your critical thinking skills and your thoughtful, detailed responses.

Finally, picture yourself shaking the hand of the interviewer as they offer you the job. Doing all of this is guaranteed to boost your self-confidence.

While interviews are an excellent opportunity to assess people’s skills and character, remember that it’s not a comprehensive picture of who are and what you’re capable of achieving. Whatever the outcome, knowing that you gave it your best show makes it possible to leave the room with head held high.

After all, their invitation to interview in the first place is a sign that you’re worthy of their most valuable resource: time.

What other tips do you want to give to our readers who are currently hunting for a job? Share your thoughts in the comments.

About the author

Maine Belonio

Maine Belonio is a twenty-something mom and writer who has a penchant for coffee, long distance running, Tolkien, Switchfoot, and Jesus.

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