Top 5 Confidence Boosters for Women in Business

The world of business can be a tough place, especially for women, but with a little confidence it need not be that way.

While it may no longer be a man’s world, that’s not to say that life is always easy for women – especially when it comes to having a career in business. Men are still predominantly paid higher salaries and hold higher positions in the business world. That need not put you off achieving all of your career goals and dreams, however; it simply means you may need a little extra confidence to get to where you know you can be. Interested?

Here are five top tips to boost your confidence and help you fulfill your full potential in the business world….

#1 Practice Makes Confidence

Attractive young woman working at the desk with sticky notes and laptop

Practice makes confidence, right? Well, yes and no. In reality, practice makes confidence. If there’s a part of your job role that you’re not fully comfortable with, the best way to overcome your anxiety is to practice, practice, practice.

Before you know it, you’ll be a whiz at whatever you were stuck on and as confident as ever. Sure, it may mean putting in a few extra hours here and there, but in the long run it will be worth it so you can achieve your long term career goals.

#2 Don’t Fall into the Perfectionism Trap

Too many of us strive for perfection, but in reality I’m not even sure that perfection even exists. Business (and life!) is all about doing our best. Sure, there may be a right and wrong way to do things but very rarely will it matter if your method isn’t perfect.

Trying to perfect a task will simply take up a ridiculous amount of your time, energy and, if you find perfection hard to achieve, it will sap your confidence. Instead, learn to settle with a well done task and know when to move on. It’s the only way you’ll climb the career ladder.

#3 Make Up Your Mind

Closeup portrait of cute young business woman smiling

Learning to make solid decisions, even if they later turn out to be mistakes, is a key part to winning in business. You’ll never be able to move forward or complete a task if you’re constantly dithering and swaying between choices.

Listen to your gut instinct and learn to make snappy decisions and stick to them, you’ll find you move forward much faster when you do. Sure, now and again those decisions will turn out to be wrong but don’t fret and let that fact stop you. Mistakes are how we learn and grow after all.

#4 Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs

Too often, we box ourselves in, never doing something because we tell ourselves we can’t. Be honest with me, how many times have you had a thought that starts off like “I can’t because I’m…,”  “I’m too young/old to…,” or “I’m too inexperienced to…?”

These are all self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from reaching our true potential. To eliminate your limiting beliefs, make a list of all the reasons why you can’t reach your goals. Once you have the list, as hard as it may be to look at, analyze all you’ve written.

Are those beliefs really true? Is there anything really stopping you apart from your lack of confidence? Rephrase your list and turn each point into something positive and you’ll find your confidence blooming in no time.

#5 Make the Change

Portrait of smiling working girl in meeting

If you want something then it’s time to take action and make it happen. Life, rewards, and change aren’t all simply going to come running to greet you, you have to reach for them and make them come to you.

Deciding to take control of your life and career is an amazing confidence booster because once you make the decision you’ll suddenly feel in complete control of where you’re headed. You have to decide to jump at every opportunity and, even more, you have to decide to make opportunity come to you. You are the only person who decides what path you’re on. You define your own life and career. You are in control.

Last but not least, I’d like to offer you one final confidence boosting tip. Take a moment each day and acknowledge how awesome you are. Take a look back on how far you’ve come, what you’ve achieved already, and appreciate all that you have. As soon as you start appreciating all that you have and all that you are, your confidence will start to blossom and you will be unstoppable.

About the author


Writing is Nichola’s passion but she's also an avid reader and a massive film geek. Like most of us, Nichola spends way too much time surfing the web, mostly reading blogs on the weird and wonderful or rumours of who's got the lead role in next years hottest films.

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