10 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Speak Spanish

The world is full of many beautiful languages, and being multilingual is something a lot of people dream about. Not only is it possible to learn Spanish, it's beneficial to do so. Here are 10 reasons why you should learn to speak Spanish.

French, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic, or Chinese? These are just a few of the many and varied languages you could learn. When starting foreign language studies, it can be overwhelming to choose just one, can’t it? Well, nothing says you have to stick to just one, but you obviously have to start somewhere. If you’re looking to learn another language, you might be wondering where to start.

There are many reasons why Spanish is a great second language. Oh, let us count the ways!

#1 You can Visit Non-Touristy Locations in Spain and Mexico Without Worrying if They Speak English

Cancun Mexico Beach

Yes, if you visit Cancun or Cabo, chances are, you don’t need to speak a lick of Spanish to get by. But what if you want to venture off the beaten path? Well, understanding the language in non-touristy locations would help a lot. Not only will it be easier to get around if you understand Spanish, but it also helps in case of an emergency.

#2 It Opens Up Many Other Travel Possibilities

Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and many other beautiful locations all have one thing in common – the native tongue is Spanish. While you may be able to get around speaking English, being able to speak the language certainly makes it easier not to mention more fun.

You just never know what you might find while traveling abroad – better to be prepared for anything, such as a sexy local who’s looking your way. It would be a real shame to miss out simply because you don’t speak the same language. And you can learn to speak Spanish quite quickly, 3 months is enough for learning some basics.

#3 Heck, It Makes Traveling in California Easier, Too!

California and many other states have a large number of Spanish speakers. Even if you don’t plan to travel out of the United States, it still helps to know how to pronounce the basic words – or else face the ridicule and embarrassment of stumbling across Los Angeles street names like Cahuenga Boulevard and La Cienega. Mumbling incoherently and hoping they understand you will only get you so far!

#4 It Makes it Easier to Learn Other Languages

set of Vintage travel postcard

Spanish, Italian, and French all have one thing in common – and no, it’s not just that they’re beautiful foreign languages. They’re all romance languages. Also, by learning one, it makes the others slightly easier to learn. And, well, to be honest, Spanish is one of the easiest to start with simply because it’s phonetic. It’s easy to look at a Spanish word, once you’re familiar with the language, and know how it’s pronounced right away. Not to mention the fact that many words are very similar to English. Start with Spanish, and who knows what other beautiful languages you can learn next?

#5 Te Amo Sounds so Much More Romantic than “I Love You”

Telling someone you love them in a foreign language is sexy beyond words. And Spanish, well, Spanish sure takes the cake with, “Te Amo….” It’s simple, too….

#6 Almost Everything Sounds More Romantic in Spanish

Bella (beautiful) and Amor (love) are just the tip of the iceberg… If you really want to wow someone you’re wooing, bust out with something like mi cielo (my heaven) or even something slightly more advanced like Cuanto te quiero. (I love you very much). Honestly, anything you say in Spanish will likely sound sweet and sexy all at the same time. You really can’t go wrong with any phrase, but it’s better to just learn them all.

#7 Spanish is Fun to Learn

teenager student reading an open Spanish book

Honestly, learning any language is fun, but what’s even more exciting is that Spanish is used all over the world. There’s a good chance you can practice your Spanish in normal, everyday situations, which makes it even more fun than keeping it to yourself (or merely pulling out a few phrases to impress your friends). You never know when you can show off your skills, be it at a Mexican restaurant or simply on the subway.

#8 You’ll Gain an Appreciation for Spanish Culture

Spanish cuisine is simply amazing – as are the art, the books, and so much more about Hispanic culture. Learn Spanish and you can experience it for yourself. Visit an authentic Mexican restaurant and be able to read the menu – you might just find something new and different. Or pick up a Spanish newspaper or book and you might see their culture in a totally new light.

#9 Knowing Spanish May Open More Doors Professionally

Depending on the field you’re in, many jobs are asking that their employees speak Spanish. Some jobs even require it. And even if it isn’t a requirement now, it does give you a competitive advantage in many fields – especially if your job deals with the public. It’s an added skill that can make you even more valuable in the workplace. At some point in the future – heck, some people are seeing it now – you may find yourself getting turned down for jobs simply because you aren’t bilingual. Learn to speak Spanish and open yourself to a completely new market.

#10 Learning Spanish can Help You With Your English as Well

Spanish has its roots in Latin, and guess what? So does English. Not only will it help broaden your vocabulary, it can also help you understand the way words work together and to think more about your own language in the process. Just like how Spanish helps make learning other languages easier, it can also help you appreciate English a bit more, too.

It’s no wonder that Spanish is the leading language taught in high schools around the United States, isn’t it? It’s as important as ever to consider learning Spanish. Not only is it useful, it’s also fun, romantic, and exciting, too! 


About the author

Kristen Duvall

Kristen is a writer of tales both real and make-believe. A Midwestern girl at heart, she currently resides in Southern California with her boyfriend, a Great Dane, and two rescued kitties, one of which is known simply as the KiKi Monster.

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