Unleashing the Power of “Why?”

Kids are great for asking “Why?” In fact, some are so good at it that you swear you’ll scream if you ever hear that tiny one word question again. However, these little geniuses may actually be on to something by asking it repeatedly.

And, if you start to do the same, you may just be able to unleash the power of “Why?” yourself.

How You May Have Been Hindered from Reaching Success

girl looks at herself in the glass jar

From a very young age, people in positions of authority try to discourage us from asking why certain things happen. Our parents thwart our curiosity when we ask why we have to do our chores because they don’t want to get into reasons that you’ll never understand (or agree with) anyway. School teachers discourage asking why as they just want you to accept things at face value because it makes their job easier.

While both of these scenarios seem innocent enough, they may actually have hindered your ability to achieve great things.

You see, when you take things as they are and don’t question them, it’s like your curiosity is extinguished. What once was a burning flame has now become a smoldering ember. You start to see and accept limitations, whether they’re real or not.

However, if you are allowed (and even encouraged) to ask why, your opportunities become larger than life. You dream big, which means that you achieve big. All things become possible and you open the creative outlets to your mind.

It’s Time to Unleash the Power of “Why?”

If you’re ready to let go of all that you’ve been taught and finally reach those goals that you’ve set for yourself once and for all, then here is your chance. Here are three ways that you can ask “Why?” so that all of your dreams come true:

“Why” do I feel the way I do?

Oftentimes we search outward for the answers to our feelings, when the true meaning lies deep within us. Sometimes you may fail to ask yourself why you feel the way you do because it seems irrelevant. You don’t want to get to the bottom of it; you just want to fix it. However, to change the way you feel, you first have to understand why you feel that way to begin with.

Look at the beliefs and feelings you have and question why they’re there. Did someone say something to you that leads you to think a certain thought that may be limiting you, or are your insecurities or jealousies getting the best of you? Once you recognize where they’ve come from, then you can start to challenge them.

Truly look at the thoughts that you’ve let govern your life. Are they factual and accurate, or could they be wrong? Just because you’ve had them for a long time doesn’t mean that they’re right. Challenge their validity and see what you come up with.

It’s time to let go of the beliefs that limit you and promote the ones that benefit you. It’s okay to feel the way you feel, but try to make sure that your feelings are based on truth, not some false belief that does you no good.

“Why” am I where I am in my life?

back of a Woman wearing a big hat leaning on a rusted fence

This question may entice you to blame others for where you are (or are not, as the case may be) in your life, but if you want to be truly honest then you know that you are 100% responsible for the course your life has taken. Sure, others may have influenced you one way or the other, but it’s your choice which paths you walk.

What decisions have you made that have benefited you in the past? And, which ones have put up unnecessary road blocks? How can you change the way you make decisions in the future so that you move further ahead instead of falling further behind?

Admitting where you’ve screwed up in the past is extremely important because, in the words of Dr. Phil, “You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.” You have to be open and honest with yourself if you have any hope of altering the course of your life so as to choose paths that lead to success as opposed to ones that lead to more failure and heartache.

“Why” do I value other people’s opinions over my own?

A lot of people put more importance on seeking acceptance from everyone else other than from themselves. They look to their friends, families, colleagues and co-workers to escalate their self-worth and make them feel truly valued. Or, they feel that their opinion isn’t worthy enough to be shared.

You should always value your own opinions over those of others. In fact, why would you automatically assume that other people’s opinions would be right and yours are wrong? Can you both be right? Most of the time the answer is yes.

There are very few things in life that only have one solution or one way to look at them. Also, you have to remember that opinions are based on experience more than they are on fact. Therefore, two people can have very different thoughts about something just because of past events in their own lives. Neither has to be right or wrong – they’re both just opinions.

Give your thoughts and beliefs the respect that they deserve. Don’t be ashamed for believing what you believe. After all, if you hear something that makes you question your thoughts, you can always change them. That’s the good thing about opinions – they don’t have to remain the same.

When you start to question why things are the way they are for you, you open yourself up to realizing when you’ve held onto beliefs that are unhealthy (and possibly wrong) and you allow yourself to advance to higher levels. You quit just accepting life and you begin to challenge it. You seek to do the impossible and find ways to go places you’ve never been before.

Let out that inner child and start to ask “Why?” And, don’t stop until you find your answers. For, when you do, you’ll soon realize the power that one simple question has to finally make your dreams a reality.

About the author

Christina DeBusk

Changing careers mid-life from law enforcement to writing, Christina spends her days helping others enrich their businesses and personal lives one word at a time.

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