Ways to Break Through Your Creative Block

We normally associate creativity with certain professions. Nevertheless, creativity is the spice of life and it is best when it’s present in everything we do. Sometimes, however, we can experience long periods of lack of creativity, which can be frustrating and draining. This is when we start wondering what to do to overcome our creative block.

A creative block can be particularly difficult for those of us who make a living “selling” our creativity. Not only will it make us slightly depressed and exasperated, it will also do harm to our career.

Don’t Get Trapped By the Familiar Ways of Thinking

Young woman carrying a shopping bag standing on a street

What happens sometimes, especially when your work requires you to be creative every minute of every day, is that you just can’t stop thinking the same way and having the same approach to your creative process.

In order to avoid being trapped by your own way of thinking, you need to expose yourself to varieties. If you are a writer, for example, you should go see a movie, or an exhibition, if you are a painter, read a book.

Try different cuisines. Travel, even if it’s just a short getaway. Do things you don’t normally do. Go through your old work and see how you’ve progressed over time. Once you see how your outlook on life has changed since your early beginnings, you’ll learn that you are not stuck in a rut, and that your creative block is just an illusion.

Read as Much as You Can

woman reading book next to a fireplace

All the knowledge in the world is in the books. Whatever it is that you are looking for it is already there. Somebody has already looked for it before you. Reading books will not only inspire you instantly, it will also help you learn that you are not the only one feeling the way you feel.

Being creative is a blessing that not many people get to experience, and it’s only natural that during those anguishing times of creative block you feel like you are all alone in your sorrow. This is not true. You will not find a person feeling the same way you do easily, but a lot of people have been through what you are experiencing now.

Those people often decide to share their stories. Those stories of relief, compassion and inspiration can only be found in the books. Read, read and read! There you’ll find the solution to your problem.

Have Your Heart Broken

Young beautiful woman break the paper heart

This tip may sound a little radical, but it is proven that our creativity reaches its peak during the times of distress. Throughout history, many of the marvelous works of art came to be when their creators were going through difficult periods.

Whether it was extreme poverty, hunger, personal loss, or broken heart, these life-altering occurrences appear to be inspiring. If you don’t find the way to deal with your creative block soon, your empty belly will definitely motivate you to renew your ideas and start working again. But, before that, try to remember how you felt when you were heartbroken. Try to invoke those feelings and they will undoubtedly help you get back on track.

Never Forget How Lucky You Are to Be a Creative Person

You are special. Just knowing that should help you cope with all difficulties in life much easier.

You are a talented, sensible and considerate person. These qualities make you stand out in the crowd. Your creativity is a gift; learn to appreciate that.

Still, you should never forget that creativity is not only a gift, it’s also a challenge. Therefore, it will not always go smoothly. Sometimes you’ll have to face hardship, but during those times you should never forget how blessed you are to be creative.

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About the author


Lisa is a young lawyer with various interests and hobbies to keep her mind off her work at times. She is a true fan of contemporary American literature, European movies, Asian food, African Wildlife and all those little things in life that make us genuinely happy.

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