
How To Get Him To Commit To Only You

Take your relationship to the next level by enhancing it and by learning how to get him to commit to only you. Read on our guide and find out how to do it!

Do you love your boyfriend? Are you fully committed to him? Is he all you want in your life? Does he show the same level of commitment you do?

Most women find that their boyfriends may say they love them and are planning their future together. Yet, they feel that their boyfriend doesn’t actually show the same level of commitment that they do.

This leaves many women feeling insecure, self-conscious, worried, concerned, stressed, angry, disappointed, or in a state of doubt.

Luckily, that isn’t necessary, you should trust your partner because of how they act with you, what they say to you verbally, and even what their body language tells you.

However, that isn’t enough for most women. Instead, they feel like they need to do something else, and that they also need to work on getting their boyfriend to commit to only them.

These women are not entirely wrong. Of course, you should take what your boyfriend says and believe it. However, instead of asking yourself how to get him to only commit to you, you can act on it.

When getting your boyfriend to commit to you and only you, it means you have to work on showing him that you want that. You can do this by doing certain things in your relationship which will get you the results you want.

Read on to learn how to get him to commit to only you!

Let Him See Behind The Curtain

Laughing couple cuddling in a hammock

If you want your boyfriend to commit to you and only you, then you have to be your complete self with him. Do not hide parts of your personality, or self from him.

Instead, show him the real you, every part, and don’t even be ashamed or worried. In order for your relationship to be healthy, and for him to commit to you, you need to be 100% yourself.

By being your complete self with your boyfriend, he will see that you are opening yourself up to him and that you are letting your walls and guard down.

When you do this he will notice, be flattered that you care and trust him so much, and will do the same with you.

Once you both have done this, you will be one step closer on your quest of getting your boyfriend to commit to only you. Not to mention that this will enhance your relationship in so many ways.

Take An Interest

When wondering how to get your boyfriend to commit to only you, you need to ask yourself what he likes and is interested in. If you already don’t show an interest in what he likes then you need to start.

This is difficult to many women as they find some of the things that their boyfriend loves to be boring, confusing, or just not their taste.

However, when getting your boyfriend to commit to only you, you must show him that you take an interest in what he does, and are willing to be a part of his world, even if you don’t necessarily like it.

An important concept to note here is that when you do this, show him that you are happy and trying. You can’t lie and say you love it if you don’t, but you also can’t whine and be miserable.

Just be yourself, and keep in mind that you are doing this with and for the person you love. When you think of it that way, it should be more than enough to make you happy and want to continue to do things with him that are for him.

Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

couple in love in the park at sunset

Show your boyfriend how much you love him and are committed to him by verbally expressing it, and by also proving it through actions. If you do this, he will start to feel loved, cared for, and noticed.

He will not only love you for doing this, but he will also start to do this to you. This will add to your relationship, and make him commit to only you.

Additionally, the comments of love and affection that you tell him will be on his mind even when you aren’t there.

Surprise Him

If you surprise your boyfriend with small gifts, an outing, or even you coming over randomly, he will love the thought and effort. He will see that you are willing to devote time to planning things for him, that you love him, and that you are thinking of him.

If you surprise him, he will not only see all of that but also realize how lucky he is to have someone who will surprise him when he is stressed.

Be There For Him

If your boyfriend is having some issues that are stressing him out, or even making him sad, then you need to be there for him. If you want your boyfriend to commit to you and only you, then you need to show him that you are worth it.

You need to show him that even when times are tough and bad, you will be there. You need to show him that you won’t only be there for the good times; you are there for him throughout every single aspect of life.

Express Yourself

loving couple in the city in the fall

If you want your boyfriend to commit to only you, then express yourself. Tell him how you feel, what you want, and then show him that you want it.

Aside from telling him that you want that, also express to him every single side of you. Show him you are funny, quirky, wild, crazy, fun, exciting, serious, deep, down to earth, loving, humorous, sexy, and any other emotion or mood. If you do this, then he will do the same which will open up your relationship even more and will bring the two of you so much closer together.

Satisfy Him

As much as sex shouldn’t be a deciding factor in relationships, it is. I’m not saying that you should do sexual acts that you don’t want to do. What I am saying is that you need to make sure that you still incorporate time for sex and physical intimacy in the relationship.

You can’t let the sexual side of things die out or go to the wayside. Sex is a healthy and normal part of relationships, and it is also a lot of fun. So spice things up and keep it fresh and exciting.

When wondering how to get him to commit to you and only you, you need to show him that you are loyal, that you love him, that you care for him, that you appreciate him, and that you support him. You need to be his version of the perfect girlfriend.

In turn, he will see how amazing you are to him, and how you are the one. Meaning, he will not only be committed to you and only you, but he will also be your version of the perfect boyfriend because he will put in the effort, time, love, affection, attention, and care that you need.

You need to show him that you have eyes for him and only him. You need to show him that you are his and only his. Lastly, you need to show him that he has your heart and that he always has and he always will.

Not only will your relationship flourish, but it will also be a relationship that is extremely happy, fun, and intimate emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

If you follow YouQueens guide on how to get him to commit to only you, then you will not only have him do that, but you will also have a lasting and spectacular relationship.

Remember to stay authentic and to be your complete and honest self. If you can think of any other ways for how to get him to commit to only you, feel free to share!

About the author

Christian Harris

Dreamer, and then a liver of dreams. I love music, exploring, and living life to the fullest. I'm interested in fashion, makeup, life, exercise and so much more.

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