
How to Stay in Shape: 12 Ways Stay Fit Without Disrupting Your Busy Schedule

We all want that Angelina body but few of us actually have the time to devote to getting there. Here's how to stay in shape without cutting into your daily schedule.

A healthy mind promotes a healthy body – this is something that we have come to realize over time. It’s not surprising considering our bodies are a closed system and although the topic of our mind or soul is debatable at times, it’s really all connected. So how do we achieve a healthy mind and body?

It is a delicate balance between the duality of our personalities. Sure, some days you just flat out don’t want to go to the gym and that ice cream and Netflix marathon sounds so much better. Those days are ok, but only once in a blue moon. What about your über-busy schedule, you ask? Well, here is a list of things you can do that won’t cut into your day and you don’t really have to plan for that. Over time, it will get you in shape both mentally and physically.

Here’s how to stay in shape when you’re short on time:

#1 Squats in the Bathroom


If you think about it, the time you spend daily fixing your hair or simply hiding from your co-workers in the bathroom adds up to plenty of time to get that butt you have always wanted. Sure, you can’t spend a ton of time in the restroom working out, but if you were to add it up over the course of a week, that’s a lot of excess workout time you may not be utilizing.

Here is how it works: Every time you dash to the ladies room, do 10-20 squats. Yes, you can still check your Facebook while getting into the squat position. Just imagine all the squats you could do before lunch! This is sure to get your rump in shape in no time flat.

#2 Lunges After a Shower

Yep, I said the word lunges. Sounds painful, I know, but during that time where your skin is just too moist to put your clothes on, you could totally be working on achieving that bod you have always wanted. Do this in the morning after your shower and the squats in the bathroom at work, and you almost have your entire daily workout right there!

If lunges aren’t your thing, or you just don’t want to do this workout naked, you can replace this act with something simpler such as lifting small weights to get those chiseled arms you strive to attain. The options are limitless and anytime you are doing something in the nude you are more conscious of your appearance; it’s human nature.

#3 Go for a Pre-Dawn Jog

Woman and her dogs running in the fog on a sunny morning

Nothing wakes you up in the morning like getting those endorphins going! Strap on your running shoes, grab your iPod and hit the pavement. Jogging is one of the cheapest ways to get in shape, minus the cost of shoes, and a little fresh air is extremely good for you. Not to mention the legs you will have after just a month of starting this routine.

Not only does going for a morning jog get you going, but the further you are able to go, the more confident you will be. There is really no downside to this healthy and free option to get in your daily dose of burning calories. Also, sweating will help you to release some of those toxins built up from unhealthy foods or having a few too many drinks.

#4 Eat More Healthily

This one may sound like a no brainer when it comes to losing weight or getting back into shape. While eating healthy sounds easy, the problem most women have is thinking of this as a diet. Trash that thought! You are not starting a diet; you are changing your habits. Think of this as a lifestyle change and see where it takes you.

Some of the healthiest foods you can eat are actually pretty darn tasty! Blueberries, strawberries–pretty much all berries – are full of antioxidants while remaining low in calories. These yummy foods will also provide you with natural sugars that will give you with additional energy and the good carbs you need to make it through the day without visiting the vending machine.

#5 Visual Motivation


Ok ladies, this one may sound a bit clichéd, but placing pictures of others who have your dream body will actually motivate you to work harder toward that goal. Don’t go overboard with things though. You cannot expect to look like a bony supermodel if this is not your body type. It just isn’t going to happen, so trash that thought.

Instead of putting too much pressure on yourself, choose visual representations of your dream body that really do fit your body type. If you are built with a heavier frame or you happen to be big boned, embrace it! You are you and nothing is hotter than a woman with confidence. Let’s face it: men really are not attracted to those twig like supermodels you see in magazines. According to most men, this would be the equivalent of sleeping with a skeleton. Nobody wants that.

Still, put motivational images on your wall, create a dreamboard, or follow fitspirational, real people on Instagram (if they can do it, so can you!) to remind yourself of your goal and continually visualize where you want to be.

#6 Get a Dog

No, getting a furry friend will not make you instantly thinner, but having a dog will force you to have a reason to go out and walk more. Plus, there is something about walking or running with your pooch that brings you and your dog closer together. It’s a fact: Dogs like to be outside, and if you are going to train your new pooch that means you will be outside more, too.

Another plus to adding a furry little friend to your life is the proven fact that having a pet actually makes you live longer. Be healthier because of your pooch and live longer in the process. Unless you are allergic to these four-legged creatures, there is really no downside.

#7 Meditate

Meditating won’t burn any calories. However, you will develop more self-control that will help you in NOT over-eating. Don’t let yourself succumb to hormonal eating. Yes, this is a hard feat to accomplish but when you lie down at night do you want to be thinking about how much you regret eating those Doritos or do you want to think how proud you are of yourself for sticking to your new lifestyle change?

There is more to meditation than gaining self-control if you can manage to quiet your mind and get there. Recent studies have shown that MRI results in people who practice just 20 minutes of meditation per day actually have increased gray matter in the part of your brain responsible for memory, empathy, stress, and developing a sense of self.

Meditation helps your mind and body in so many ways. After all, you cannot have a healthy body if your mind is not in optimum shape. The trick to a long and happy life is finding that balance between mind and body. Just as we are all connected, our mind-body connection is the foundation of how we think, feel, and react to situations.

#8 Live More Happily

Young happy woman relaxing on green grass

Sure, this sounds easy enough, right? If we could all just be happier the world would be a better place overall. This is true, but a bit unrealistic; however, the only thing that is stopping us is ourselves. The happier you are and the better your personal self-image is, the healthier you will be. Happiness and healthy living are dependent upon one another and when we realize this connection, reaching this goal becomes much more easily attainable.

So how do you just become happy? Fake it till you make it. Even if you think this may not work, trust me, it will. The more you smile, the happier you will be; this makes smiling step one – not to mention the effect you will have on others. Think of your unfaltering smile in the sense of paying it forward.You may make someone’s day and change their daily outlook without even realizing it. It’s the butterfly effect in action. Try it.

#9 Surround Yourself with Doers

Let’s face it: There are people in this world who do and there are people who talk. By surrounding yourself with those who make things happen and get things accomplished in their day-to-day life, you will find yourself more inclined to ‘do’more yourself.

The old saying, “If you are the smartest and most successful of all your friends, it’s time to get new friends”is very true in this instance. When you spend your time in the company of those who strive for the same goals as you, you will eventually take on their traits and become more successful yourself. Don’t be a follower – that is not where I am going with this – but do spend time with those who can offer advice and encouragement. Even the strongest people need to be encouraged from time to time; as humans, we support one another – even with the goal of being healthy.

#10 Give Yourself a Day Off

You wouldn’t be very productive at work if you spent ALL of your time there. Eventually you would hate it so much you wouldn’t accomplish anything. The same can be said for working out and sticking to healthy foods only. You deserve a cheat day (once a week is usually suitable) to curb your cravings and satisfy your need to ‘cheat.’

We live in such a disposable and commercialized world that we have grown to expect things be done our way and right now. While this can be convenient, it can also be our downfall. Stick to your schedule (whatever that may be) and allow yourself to pig out, eat the fries, or the cheesecake on Sundays. Or, be a rebel and give yourself Tuesdays off – think outside the box.

Eventually you will stop craving cheesecake or any kind of cake as your body rids itself of the toxins in the sugary foods that make us feel lethargic and bloated. However, allowing yourself the freedom to have this day will make all the difference in the world when it comes to your dedication to this new lifestyle plan.

#11 Spend More Time Naked


Alright ladies, the man in your life will be all for this one. You can’t spend time naked without taking a peek in the mirror at the goods. This gives you motivation to improve that which you don’t like so much and inspiration when you see the parts of you that you do like. Embrace the beauty of your body, learn to love your curves, and if there is a specific zone you are working to change, change it. You can see your progress as you work on your body, work out, and eat healthily; all of these things together culminate into a foolproof plan that will have you feeling like a rock star in no time.

Actually, studies have shown that people who spend more time naked are happier in general. Seeing as how this is the way we come into this world, it makes sense that hanging around in your birthday suit brings a new sense of contentment.

#12 Have More Sex

I saved the best for last. It is a proven FACT that sex is good for your mind, body, and soul. Don’t get me wrong: I am not saying you should become promiscuous and less respectable, but if you have a special someone, show them!

Sex releases endorphins that make you happier and sort of reset your brain. Having a bad day? Take a roll in the sac and guaranteed that, for a little while at least, you will not be thinking about those problems.

Besides all the bliss and closeness that sex brings you, it is also a killer way to burn calories. Better than a Bowflex, sex is truly the ultimate full body workout. Who wants to work out alone anyway? Sex gives you a workout buddy, too, so there are really no downsides to this option.

Being healthy and happy are two of the most important parts of your life and a prosperous future. Using these helpful tips and rules to live by will guide you towards a long and amazing future, and who doesn’t want to live an absolutely amazing life? Plus, some of these tricks to staying healthy can really be a lot of fun! I mean, what diet plan have you ever had that involved meditation, Tuesdays off, naked Mondays and sex? Make life fun: You’ll get further and the ride will be a lot more enjoyable!

About the author


Courtney is an astrologer and writer by night and an ophthalmic surgical assistant by day. She has a passion for astrology, the occult and has studied things of a more mystical nature since childhood. Having landed great gigs in all of these fields, she works to maintain a good balance between the 9-5 world and the wonder that comes with the night.

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