13 Interesting Things to Know That’ll Impress Your Friends

If you’ve ever wanted to impress your friends and family with your wisdom, knowledge and all-round awesome understanding of the universe and everything in it, then this article is for you.

The universe is a mystery. Life is a mystery. Love is a mystery.


Not any longer!

Boost your knowledge and your know-how with these valuable, interesting, quirky and weird facts that I guarantee nobody else at your dinner party/event/birthday will know. Hold tight, because here they come!

#1: Happy birthday, to you

Okay, so you know who sung ‘Gold Digger’, ‘Just Dance’ and ‘I Kissed a Girl’, but do you know who wrote the words to ‘Happy birthday’?

In 1893, Patty and Mildred Hall wrote one of the most popular songs (which we all hear at least once a year): Happy Birthday. Originally, the American sisters developed the tune for children and it wasn’t copyrighted until 1935. Pretty cool, huh?

#2: Tripping

Have you ever experienced that sensation, when you’re gently easing into sleep, and out of nowhere your body will jolt and you’ll feel like you were falling or tripping over something?

This, my dear sweet things, is called hypnic jerking. Some experts suggest that this phenomenon occurs because your body is tricked into believing it’s actually falling.

Changes in body temperature, muscle tenseness and breathing all contribute to an ‘uh-oh, we’re falling!’ reflex and the mind panics. Others suggest that it has nothing to do with the brain and it’s just a stock standard muscle spasm.

Shrug. Either way you spin it, your party guests will be impressed!

#3: Wheee – coffee!


Feeling tired? Can’t focus? It must be time for a coffee. Or is it … ?

Research has shown that coffee doesn’t actually make you more alert. I’ll give you a moment to process that. Maybe a few moments extra if you’re a coffee drinker.

Okay, you ready to hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Well, according to a study done in 2010, individuals who consume coffee do not experience an increase in alertness at all, irrespective of whether they usually drink coffee or not. However, coffee drinkers who were given placebos rather than coffee experienced headaches, a decrease in alertness and all-around grumpiness.

Okay, I made grumpiness up, but it’s probably true.

In any case, the facts are that coffee doesn’t make you more alert. Not drinking coffee if you usually do decreases your alertness though. D’oh!

 #4: Intelligent germs

Let’s say I told you to come up with the weirdest thing capable of solving a suduko puzzle. I’m guessing you would say something like ‘a sheep’, ‘a mouse’ or maybe even your baby brother.

But would you ever have guessed ‘E.coli’?

Yup. E.coli. As in, e.coli, the bacteria. E.coli, the thing that is responsible for a lot of your puke fests and diarrhea jaunts.


So, it turns out that researchers from a Japanese university in 2010 discovered that e.coli bacteria was capable of solving simple suduko puzzles.

What’s worse is that I know a lot of people I went to school with that actually struggle to complete sudoku puzzles…

Let’s go wash our hands and come back for fact number five.

#5: The bromance is blossoming

Feel like giraffes just aren’t interested in what you have to offer? You might be right. Apparently, 94% of sexual behavior exhibited by giraffes is between two males. 5% is male-female and 1% is female-female.

Well, at least we know how giraffes would vote.

#6: The life and times of Mister S. Quirrel


When you think of a squirrel, you probably think about their cute furry tails, big eyes and adorable little noses. But do you ever think about what a squirrel does to pass the time? Turns out, it’s a lot like what our human males do: masturbate.

Yup. Your squirrely buddy might just be challenging your boyfriend for excessive broadband usage. #squirrelporn

Just kidding, all a squirrel needs to start floating his or her boat (if you know what I mean) is a comfy tree and the right mood lighting provided by nature herself.

Voila – instant self-loving squirrel romance.

And in case you missed all my innuendos: squirrels masturbate.

#7: Cry me a river

girl crying while watching a movie with her boyfriend

At least once a month (you know around the time I’m talking about), I settle down in front of the TV and cry over tissue commercials, baby commercials and any even remotely romantic movie that is being shown at the time. Call me crazy, but it makes me feel better.

And, well, science says that I’m doing the right thing. According to “research” and “scientists” and other “super smart people”, there are three kinds of tears, one of which is emotional. Emotional tears are believed to be deployed to help regulate stress levels and aid in pain relief.

So next time someone tells you to stop crying, politely inform them that you’re regulating your stress levels. And then cry a little harder.

#8: Feeling hot, hot, hot

If you’re the type of person who loves being prepared for any type of crisis, danger or perilous situation, you’re going to love this fact. Studies undertaken over the last century have proven that humans are far more aggressive during hot weather than they are during cold weather.

In fact, violent crime statistics are markedly higher when the weather is hot than when the weather is cold.

Maybe that’s where the phrase ‘hot and bothered’ came from? Either way, I’d try not to annoy your volatile sibling, co-worker or classmate during hot days.

#9: Rhythmic arithmetic


Here’s something to make you feel worse about your math skills, apparently rats can count.

Yup. Rats.

Are you getting the impression that animals (and bacteria) are a lot smarter than we gave them credit for? In any case, you can take a little pride in the fact that rats can only count up to five. And only under extreme pressure. Phew, right? At least we know a legion of rats won’t be sitting in math class with you.

Oh, and the other animal that has been proven to have an ability to count is … wait for it … the ant. And they are even better at counting than rats and can complete simple sums.

I’m guessing you’ll never look at a rat or an ant the same way again.

#10: Hallucinogenic reindeers

What would you do if you were forced to stay awake during long, winter nights? Grab a book? Watch some TV? Surf the net? Well, if you’re a reindeer (and you really don’t have the ability to read, watch TV, or scour Facebook) the answer is probably ‘hunt hallucinogenic mushrooms’.

Turns out that reindeer have a level of consciousness that firstly allows them to get bored and then secondly search out a way to ease that boredom by hunting and devouring mushrooms that make them hallucinate.

I’m not sure whether to be impressed or scared. But hey, at least we know our Christmas presents will be delivered in good cheer!

#11: Yeast can think

I really didn’t know how to describe this in a way that wasn’t weird, so I’m going to come out and say it: apparently, yeast has the capacity to think and make decisions.

Okay, go about your day.

#12: Your Mother may have been right


Don’t panic just yet, there’s still a lot of your mother’s wisdom that’s up for debate, but her advice to put on a sweater may actually be true.

A study conducted in 2005 showed that individuals exposed to cold water had a greater chance of catching a cold than those who weren’t exposed to any water at all. This is believed to be the case because our white blood cells decrease, which are the soldiers of our immune system. Thus, the sneaky cold is far more likely to get through your defences.

#13: Boy germs

And while we’re on the topic of colds, have you ever tried to prevent your partner from getting your cold by refusing to kiss them while you’re sick? If so, you’re not alone. But apparently, your prevention was all for nothing. Kiss away, my sick flu-ey friends!

Because it’s not your mouth and your saliva you have to worry about, it’s your snot. Those smart scientists are at it again and they’ve discovered that you’re far more likely to catch a cold through a little eskimo kissing (nose rubbing) than you are by kissing.

I don’t know about you though, but my nose sometimes gets involved in a little kissing action too. I mean, how are you meant to keep your nose out of it? Carefully positioning your head just so? Shrug. In any case, if you can kiss without touching him with your nose, feel free to do so. You’ve been given science’s blessing.

So that’s it my beautiful readers, 13 awesome pieces of knowledge that will help you wow a crowd at your next dinner party, sleepover or corporate event. Good luck and happy socializing!

About the author


Nicole lives in a small town in Southern California with her life partner and two crazy dogs. She is a blogger, cook, photographer and all round lover of life!

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