Can You Wear Black to a Wedding?

Wearing black on a wedding? Are you sure? Think again. Here are a couple of ideas to help you make the right decision next time you go to a wedding.

If you listen very carefully, you will hear the sound of fashion police, patrolling through your town. Ok, maybe not your entire town, but the nearest wedding, for sure. And we all know the problem with weddings – there will be photos, lots and lots of photos.

Chances are, some of them will be of you, and the bride and the groom, including their families and unborn children, will look back after many years, click that „Wedding picks“ folder and smile.

Or laugh at you for total lack of style. Don’t worry, we won’t let you be that person. This one is for all you black dresses fans out there.

Say, you are invited to a wedding. Say, you are a gorgeous, modern woman. Naturally, you have nothing to wear. And there’s that perfect little black dress in your closet, simply screaming for attention. But… can you wear a black dress to a wedding?

Some say that it depends on the wedding.

For example, if it’s an evening wedding – then it’s acceptable. However, more and more fashion experts, (I’ll go so far as saying most of them), agree that a black dress is for cocktails and funerals.

In those years, long past, wearing black to a wedding meant you were making a statement – you were against the marriage. Now, you’re definitely making a statement – a fashion statement.

Ironically, it turns out that wearing black to a wedding is not only acceptable, but actually quite fashionable and daring.

Besides, it could pose a better background for a white wedding dress?

Woman with red lipstick and black dress

By choosing something different, you will look smart, independent and capable.

However, wearing black to a wedding, although increasingly popular, may be a bit of a challenge.

You will have to pull it off. Black, as in color black, is now more than welcome, but black, as in gloomy people, isn’t. If you are wearing black, make sure it brings out your true, warm, happy personality, so you don’t end up looking grim.

Also, one of the key tricks is to find a stylish piece that will be both elegant and playful. Don’t forget – the world is full of diverse cultures, so don’t overdo it. If you know that wearing black could cause unpleasant stares or situations, don’t push it.

Remember your hosts, it is supposed to be their day. Oh, and yes, most people in Southern countries still prefer a no-black wedding policy, but would also disapprove wearing white or ivory. Jeez!

Just kidding ladies! Go, wear that fabulous black dress and knock them off their feet. And, do try not to upstage the bride.

About the author


I'm in love with my big, comfy bed and pillow and my gorgeous cat Tom. Once I have to wake up, I enjoy my coffee with a lot of milk and sugar as I embark on my daily journey of investigative journalism.


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  • I wore black to my nephew’s wedding.. but called the bride first.. it is her day… when I called she mentioned I was not the only one who called!!

  • I boughtna black dress today and i know i am gonna look great at the wedding of my friend. I am sure inwill look sexy!!! Thnx for your blg

  • Its done out of respect of the bride and groom. People wear black to funerals… it sends the message that you don’t actually believe the people being wed should be married. It’s kind of a universal tradition that’s been around a very long time. Its not your day to look stylish… its the couples day. Unless they say otherwise… then have at it.