
4 Simple Tips for Getting Pumped Up Before a Workout

Don’t get discouraged before you start a workout, but use these 4 simple tips for getting pumped up and ready for action!

Before you even begin your workout, it’s good to get yourself pumped up and ready for something intense and challenging. Check out 4 simple tips for switching gears after working or on a lazy Saturday and getting yourself ready for your workout routine.

If you find that you get discouraged in the middle of a workout or that you don’t even want to face a workout in the first place, chances are you need to work harder to pump yourself up and get excited for your routine! Your attitude toward your workout and your exercise routine will greatly influence how successful you are and how well you stick with it, especially when you choose a challenging workout or when you’re not feeling especially motivated.

Many women make the mistake of beating themselves up mentally as a way of motivating themselves, perhaps reminding them of how overweight they are or how disgusted they are with themselves for having put on a few pounds over the years. They may even call themselves lazy or fat or other terrible names! While being honest with yourself can be a great help in getting motivated for a workout, this type of negative reinforcement can actually backfire in the long run. You can become so irritated with yourself that you begin thinking, “What’s the use?” and you give up altogether!

Consider some better ways of motivating yourself and getting yourself pumped up before any workout routine, and see if these aren’t more effective in getting you up and off the couch and enthusiastic about getting into the gym or off to your next aerobics class.

#1 Make a list of why you work out in the first place

sheets of paper and crumpled wads on table

When you remember what you’re working for, you’re more excited about the work you’re doing! Make an actual list, and don’t leave off anything. You might include:

  • Keeping in shape and staying toned and trim.
  • Enjoying better health and avoiding health risks that go along with extra body weight and obesity.
  • Enjoying a better sex life.
  • Setting a good example for the kids.
  • Having more energy.

Remember that your motivation for staying in shape and exercising are yours alone; don’t leave anything out simply because it doesn’t seem very “noble.” If you want to work out because you’re determined to stay fit after 40 or 50, because you know you’re going to enjoy a better sex life if you stay in shape, or because you have a class reunion coming up, list those things!  Anything and everything that motivates you should be included.  Review this list before you get ready for a workout.

#2 Think about how you feel after a workout

Before you head into the gym or put on your jogging shoes, you may feel tired and lethargic and less than enthused about working out, but you know that after your workout, you are energized and always feel great!

Take your mind off how you feel right before a workout and concentrate on how you always feel afterwards. Remind yourself of how much you want that energy and that vitality, and that the only way to get it is to get through your workout. If you keep your mind on the end of the workout, you’ll be more excited to get started on its beginning!

#3 Use music

Young woman drinking water after run

There are few things that affect our emotions more than music, and it’s good to use it to get yourself pumped up and ready for a workout. This can be a great tool for when you’ve been in the office all day and the mood or tone has been somber and professional. You can pop on your MP3 player while on the subway or listen to something upbeat in the car on the way to the gym. If you need to get in the mood for your Saturday workout, turn up the stereo while you get ready or during a pre-workout stretch.

Make sure you use music that gets you going; dance tunes and even music from the 80s and 90s can get you in a great mood and get you ready for a run or for your aerobics class. Mix up the tunes you use so you always have something fresh each time you get ready for a workout.

#4 Start with a warm-up

If you’ve been sitting at your desk all day it can be hard to suddenly get in the mood for an intense workout, so try starting with a warm-up. March in place for a few minutes or spend a few minutes on an exercise bike. You can even bend and stretch while breathing deeply. These simple movements get your blood flowing and in turn, raise your metabolism. You’ll get more energy and feel ready for a more intense workout.

All of these tips are a great way to get yourself pumped up and motivated for a workout, so try them together. Make a list of reasons why you want to work out and keep it nearby, and think about how you’ll feel after your work out while you turn up the volume and do some simple warm-up exercises. If you combine all these tips you’ll feel more enthused no matter your routine and will be more likely to stick with it day in and day out.

How do you get pumped up before a workout and what keeps you motivated and enthused?  Which of these tips are you excited to try?  Share in the comments below!

About the author

Rachel G

Rachel is a health and fitness enthusiast with interests in world culture, psychology, and philosophy, she’s also a romantic with a passion for writing and for helping women live the best life possible.

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