You Have a Headache? Forget Aspirin and Eat This

You have the worst headache: you’re unable to think straight, you feel your head pulsing, you’re unable to listen to anybody talking, and the mere thought of your today’s obligations gives you nausea… So, you go for the logical solution: put on your darkest shade of Ray Ban’s and buy Aspirin at the pharmacy.

The problem is: you use Aspirin every day and doesn’t work anymore. So, what do you do now? Eat berries.

Drugs that can be found in nature are colorful and tiny just like those offered by pharmacists. However, natural drugs are packed in small fruit berries that are very tasty, and have no unpleasant side effects.


Blueberries are packed with phytonutrients. They contain ontain ellagic acid, catechins, anthocyanins, and salicylic acid. Blueberries are actually a natural aspirin. Yes, next time you have a headache, just eat blueberries! They also help reduce the number of proteins that are associated with brain diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson. They prevent dangerous and neurological disorders.


Blackberries Fruit

Blackberries contain an important nutrient known as – the ellagic acid. It protects skin cells from harmful UV rays. It slows down the breakdown of collagen in the skin. You should eat them as often as possible – that way you certainly will not wrinkle easily.


Berries are especially appreciated because they contain gamma-linolenic acid. This acid stops the allergic reaction in the body by isolating substances such as pollen. If you eat berries often, it will reduce itchy eyes and clogged sinuses.


Raspberries also act like aspirin. Eating raspberries can cure a headache, because they contain an important compound that effectively reduces pain and inflammation, even better than aspirin does. Certain nutrients in raspberries protect the cells from pollutants that are found in processed foods and tobacco smoke.


Strawberries in the Garden

Did you know that strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges? They call them factories of antioxidants, and eating these berries will help prevent arthritis, memory loss, various forms of cancer and heart disease. In addition, they are so delicious with whipped cream – just make it sugar free.

You should know that all medications found in pharmacies have side effects. Also, using them too often can damage your organs. Fruit is way healthier, has no side effects and is definitely more delicious!!!

Eat your berries and throw away your aspirins! Side effects of aspirin are gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach bleeding, and tinnitus, especially in higher doses. It is very harmful for your liver, too.

On the other hand, side effects of berries include – the delicious taste, loss of weight, no need of dieting, diminished urges for chocolate and pancakes (although the two can be allies), ideas for culinary miracles, the urge to mix berries with cocktails on a lonely night… It goes on.

Don’t neglect the nature – it often holds the keys to the solution.

About the author


Those who can’t do teach – same with me giving you love advice. I like jazz and the theatre, old movies that I watch while drinking wine, but most of all I like love and smiles.


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  • I personally think this highly depends on the individuals, because i myself get severe headaches upon consuming even a pinch of blueberry. Blueberry is a migraine trigger in my case!

  • I had a nagging headache and decided that I would have berries for lunch (all of them listed above). I ate as much as I could, and about 30 minutes later, my headache was GONE! I’ve had headaches off and on for more than ten years and everything else has quit working. I’M TELLING EVERYONE!