7 Signs You May Be on the Verge of a Spiritual Awakening

More people than ever, from all over the world, are reporting signs of a profound personal spiritual awakening. Check out our list of the top 7 tell-tale signs to see if you are one of them.

So, what is a spiritual awakening? And why is it happening now?

An “awakening” is essentially a process where a person starts to have a much deeper sense of connection, not just with themselves, but with the universe as a whole and everything in it.

This trend may be due to the increase in connectivity brought on by the advancing digital age. Or perhaps it’s come about as a direct result of the mass disillusionment with the current socio-economic and environmental paradigms we have been forced to witness over the last decade or so, which has in turn led some of us to search for a simpler, meaningful life.

Regardless of why, for whatever reason it is definitely happening,

There are certain universal indicators that consistently appear to herald in the change. To help you find out if you are also on the verge of a spiritual evolution, here is a list of easy to follow signs in 7 straight forward categories.

#1 Physical Changes

A young woman meditating on the bed

At first you might gain a little weight, but eventually this will go and you will become slimmer and look more attractive, and maybe even younger! The initial weight gain is down to our bodies putting up defenses as we try and ground ourselves to deal with the deep rooted fears coming to the surface.

But, as we deal with them, we become happier in ourselves and start listening to our bodies more.

When this happens we start making intuitive adjustments to our diet, lifestyle, and exercise regime and the weight just starts dropping off.  We become not just more healthy and fitter but a ‘purer’ version of ourselves.

You might also at first experience some minor rashes or other outbreaks on the skin due to toxins brought to the surface, along with the deep emotions that are now finally being resolved.

Don’t worry: these too will disappear in time.

#2 Sensitivity Changes

Don’t be too surprised if you find one or even all of your senses (including your sixth sense) becoming more finely tuned.

Maybe you can see, hear, and smell more keenly than ever before. You might even be able to detect things others around you cannot, such as colors, geometric shapes and symbols or strange unaccountable sounds.

In addition, you may be able to detect more easily when people are lying, and you are more intuitive to other people’s feelings.

Once again, don’t worry: this is all normal. In fact, enjoy it. You just are beginning to sense the world around you differently, and this is symptomatic of your awakening process.

#3 Changing Habits and Interests

Reiki therapy hand position neck

This can be anything from a noticeable change in your sleeping patterns (as your body adjusts to a new energy vibration) to a radical change in diet and lifestyle choices such as becoming a vegetarian, vegan, or an activist.

You might also start finding your daily routines have become more and more frustrating and drain you of your energy.

Activities such as watching television or hobbies that you used to be interested in no longer hold so much appeal. But you find it easier to spend time on your own, are more creative and can happily keep yourself entertained for hours at a time.

You may also find yourself drawn to a healing art such as reiki, qi-gong, acupuncture, or yoga.

#4 Big Life Changing Events

If you are experiencing big challenging life changing events or setbacks – such as losing a job, significant financial problems, ending a long term relationship, or even chronic illness – then, as strange as it might seem, these can all signal an awakening process.

This is because they represent your old life and their values and successes, which are no longer right for you and your new state of being.

Put simply, they force you to examine who you are and what is most important to you.

#5 Spiritual Changes

Not surprisingly, you may develop a deep interest in all matters spiritual. Or at the very least, start asking yourself big philosophical questions about the meaning of life, truth, and happiness.

You will probably start questioning a lot of your old assumptions too, and may experience some kind of epiphany, or even encounter a teacher or spiritual system that just feels right for you to follow, learn from and start to master.

#6 Viewpoint Changes

woman portrait

Many people undergoing a change in consciousness also start seeing the world with ‘new’ eyes and at times frequently report feelings of indescribable love, compassion, and a sense of ‘being at one’ with everything.

This increase in kindness, integrity and empathy leads some to become truth seekers or even outspoken rebels actively fighting against perceived injustices or the unfair treatment dished out by a ‘corrupt system’ on helpless underdogs.

#7 Synchronicities and Coincidences

Last, but not least, you might start noticing strange coincidences or “synchronicities” as Carl Jung called them.

These might take the form of just randomly meeting useful and interesting people to finding out important information or being at the right place at the right time. This is the universe speaking to you at a collective conscious level.

It might not always be clear what these events actually mean at the time, but as you develop your awareness and intuition, they will start to make more sense and have greater meaning.

So, now you have a list of general things to be on the lookout for and think about. Naturally, you must use your discernment, and take into account that some of these things may also occur in your life due to completely unrelated factors.

Also, don’t forget that this list is far from exhaustive.

Anyway, I hope that this helps clarify things in some small way. Have you had similar experiences or any other different and interesting things happen to you on your spiritual awakening journey?

We would all love to hear about them.

Good luck and enjoy the trip! Namaste.

About the author

Eleanor Goold

As well as being an avid reader, Eleanor is also a big time animal lover; especially of dogs. If you have a tail, four legs and you bark…. you’re in! In her spare time she enjoys swimming, and vegetable gardening… but not at the same time (it can get a bit messy).

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