How To Stay Positive Among All The Negativity Around Us

With these amulets and tricks, you’ll be able to remain positive, strong and happy among hateful friends. Learn how to stay positive with our 5 tips.

Being a positive person is not easy, especially if you’re surrounded by negativity. Hateful people are everywhere, and such energy can be contagious. So, how can a person remain positive and in harmony while around those who are negative?

With these tips and tricks, you’ll learn how to stay positive and bring more happiness into your world.

1. Cleansing negative energy is possible with crystals

Young woman at crystal healing session in therapy room

Like most people, I’ve had to deal with negative and envious people. People like this are everywhere, and can make you feel like you’re carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders just by being around them.

Crystals can help to rid yourself of the negative energy that has attached itself to you.

These natural wonders are perfect for cleansing the soul. In them hides an amazing power that is capable of curing even the darkest feeling. Purchase a crystal that you’re drawn to.

After showering, gently pass the crystal across your entire body while concentrating your mind on positive outcomes. Repeat this process for a week, but most importantly have the belief that the crystal will help you.

When it’s time to clean the crystal, find an area in your backyard where you can bury it for an entire night. During the time that it’s in contact with earth, your crystal will return all of the energy that it has picked up.

2. Use the power of the evil eye to your advantage

Just as there is the hand of G-d, there is the evil eye. This powerful amulet dates back centuries. Through its use, people have broken evil spells that have been cast upon them.

As it turns out, the human eye is very powerful. There are individuals who are capable of causing harm with a simple look—and this is when the amulet kicks in.

Once the amulet picks up harmful energy, it breaks or falls. Those who believe in its power usually wear it in the shape of a bracelet and never take it off! Also, there is no need for any spell when sporting such a powerful accessory.

Instead, people believe that it’s work—and it does!

3. Delicate baths with flowers can help you to feel better

woman relaxing in bath with petal

This next trick works perfectly with the crystal, because it helps to nourish the soul while eradicating any signs of negativity. To start, gently toss gardenia and rose petals into your bath. Incorporate a bath bomb of your preference, and slowly soak yourself in the water.

While soaking, pray to whatever being you believe in for tranquility and for anything that isn’t positive to leave your body. In flowers, you’ll find a soothing relief as they are symbol of love, peace and positivity.

At least once a month, add these beautiful flowers to your bath—the results are amazing, but, most importantly, you’ll feel the difference.

4. Use the internet and your mind to your advantage

Online, there are numerous videos that’ll empower you in difficult times. For example, I’ve learned more about the importance of knowing who I am. This simple yet powerful thought can help you to understand why people act the way they do.

Even though you can’t control another person’s actions, you can control the way you feel.

When you know the type of person you are, other people’s comments become irrelevant. Keep in mind that no one can bring you down without your consent. In fact, only you can allow the opinions of others not to affect you.

Remember, too, that if what other people are saying or doing doesn’t have a positive impact in your life, you shouldn’t worry about it.

At first, changing your mindset can be difficult, but once it becomes a routine, not even the strongest rock can break you.

5. Meditate to become closer with yourself

deep meditation open mind

School, work or anywhere that you are surrounded by people can be overwhelming. Being in touch with who you are is important, and meditating can help you to disconnect from reality and achieve a sense of peace.

There are numerous meditations available: some people practice yoga, while others simply listen to the sounds of the ocean.

Find the right meditation that works for you and implement it into your daily routine. Within no time, you’ll be able to control your emotions, and others will notice the positive change. too.

6. Don’t get involved in gossip

Unless you’re sharing your feelings with someone you trust, don’t say things that could later implicate you. Remember that not everyone is your friend, and there are people who will do anything to gain someone else’s trust.

Drama is very draining on the body and soul, so the father away you stay from it, the better.

Even if the conversation appears to be tempting, don’t fall into the trap. When people get involved in negative situations, the end result is not always positive. Only worry about yourself—other people are secondary, and if they aren’t attributing anything good, it’s better not to pay them any attention.

Staying positive is a personal choice, but sometimes this can be difficult. It is important to find remedies that soothe you during stressful times. These tricks and tips have helped a lot of people, and I’m positive that they can help you, too.

Remember that problems are unpredictable, and so are friends. However, there are still many kind-hearted people in this world. Even though it may seem hard to find them, by simply changing your mindset, you can attract such individuals.

What may appear to be a big problem today will eventually be irrelevant. Have faith, keep your head up and believe the best is yet to come!

About the author


With a fascination for beauty, I want to share my secrets with you! Even the most alluring women, have the power of embracing who they are—let me help you on the quest!

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