Archive - December 2012


Is Your Scale Making You Fat?

Do you step on the scale every morning completely naked, after you’ve used the bathroom and removed any jewelry that would add an ounce to your weight to find...


How Not to Catch a Cold This Winter

Cold and flu season has begun. People everywhere are coughing and sneezing and wishing they were home in bed with their heating pad and a cup of tea. While...


Ways to Break Through Your Creative Block

We normally associate creativity with certain professions. Nevertheless, creativity is the spice of life and it is best when it’s present in everything we do...


5 Steps to Becoming Superwoman!

Every woman is fabulous, complicated, amazing and SUPER in her own way! But what does it take to go from being a woman who is super to actually being...


How to Look Like Megan Fox

Megan Fox! It’s almost impossible to find a person with a more fitting last name (and yes, she was born with it) than this foxy lady and new mom.