Author - John

I am a psychologist, author and a journalist, currently in training for a Gestalt therapy degree. I am mostly interested in emotional relationships and the process of change in people endlessly fascinates me. When I’m not working, I enjoy movies, novels, travel and snowboarding.


Should You Kiss on the First Date

Dating has, by default, several points where you’re almost certainly bound to feel uncomfortable. Getting to the first kiss is stressful, and just having to...


What Your Sleepwear Says About You

Out of all the clothes we wear, our sleepwear is the thing we show to the fewest number of people. Even our underwear gets more "air time" – when we have one...


SMS: It’s not You It’s Me

If you got dumped over text, I bet you felt, among other things, angry, confused, sad, betrayed and discussed. Getting dumped by a text message will almost...