Author - Lisa

Lisa is a young lawyer with various interests and hobbies to keep her mind off her work at times. She is a true fan of contemporary American literature, European movies, Asian food, African Wildlife and all those little things in life that make us genuinely happy.


10 Most Famous Paintings of All Time

It is hard to make a selection of the world’s most famous paintings and it is particularly hard to choose the criteria on which to base the selection. However...


Salsa Dancing Fun Facts

Ballroom dancing is probably more popular today than ever. The reason behind this is that dancing lessons are becoming more available to most of us and we have...


8 Immunity-Boosting Power Foods

Since we are entering the cold and flu season, you might wake up tomorrow morning with a fever and a sore throat. Before going for some over-the-counter...


Ways to Break Through Your Creative Block

We normally associate creativity with certain professions. Nevertheless, creativity is the spice of life and it is best when it’s present in everything we do...