When it comes to putting life into perspective, there’s nothing better than a good movie. Here’s 6 movie quotes to make you think about life. Sometimes we all...
Author - Nichola
Writing is Nichola’s passion but she's also an avid reader and a massive film geek. Like most of us, Nichola spends way too much time surfing the web, mostly reading blogs on the weird and wonderful or rumours of who's got the lead role in next years hottest films.
Life is hard sometimes. These words of encouragement are here to remind you that hard times always end and good times always return. You are stronger than you...
Bullies identified this Texas native as “the world's ugliest woman.” But she’s not letting that get her down. Here is some inspiration from the woman herself.
Organizing your personal finances can be a nightmare to say the least, but these wise words will help to get you back on track and headed toward the riches you...
Starting the morning on a high can be tough, but with these 10 apps you’ll be able to wake up on the right side of the bed each and every day.
For those days (or weeks) when you’re feeling low, these tips are sure to put you back on the road to joy. Here's how to live a happier life starting today.
Are you tired of feeling unproductive? Do you feel like you never get anything done? If so, here’s how to change all that and have the most positive day ever.
Every once in a while, our homes need sprucing up; but redecorating doesn’t have to cost a fortune. These 5 DIY home decor ideas will make your home look new...
Most celebrity tattoos have a special meaning to them. Check out these 10 celebrity tattoos to get an idea about which tattoo would be the best for you.
When we’re wronged in one way or another, it’s easy to feel hatred or anger. True strength, however, comes from finding forgiveness within ourselves and...