Archive - March 2012


8 Hen Party Themes

You want to organise an unforgettable girls night out? Maybe it doesn’t seem like it but it is not easy to come up with something all your friends would like...


3 Hottest Holiday Destinations

Every girl should go on a hot holiday at least once in her life. The definition of hot may vary, but there are some things that are universal. Read about 3...


5 Helpful Ways to Save Money for a House

We all dream about having our own house one day. This is a big goal and a lot of people struggle to achieve it. It’s hard but it’s not impossible. As long as...


3 Best Places in Europe to Go Camping

Ladies are usually not into camping, for no apparent reason. So what if you are going to sleep outside? It’s not like the world is going to end. Camping is...


The 26 Bikram Yoga Poses

Bikram yoga is popular with celebrities including Madonna, Lady Gaga and Ashton Kutcher. If you want to get familiar with Bikram Yoga and maybe try it out – we...