5 Signs That You Are Ready to Have a Baby

You’ve met Mr. Right. For the first time in your life, you are happy with your relationship: it’s full of understanding, no one is playing games, both of you are ready to commit. You like each other’s friends, and you can swear that you have seen something resembling approval in your mother’s eye. All joking aside, how do you know that your relationship is ready to move to a higher level? Here are 5 signs that you are ready to have a baby.

1. Both You and Your Partner Talk About Having a Children

Couple in bed together laughing

You’ve been together for quite a long time and you can imagine yourselves as parents. This means more than just playing with someone else’s kid for an hour or two. Your vision includes unpleasant things: diapers changing, lack of sleep, crying, etc. but now all these things don’t seem so scary.

2. Couples who are Either Expecting or Already with Children Surround You

Even though you still enjoy staying up late with your single girlfriends, lately you have find that afternoons and evenings spent with friends with children can be fun too. Moreover, you don’t mind running after their kids, playing games with them and you laugh when they spill juice onto your white skirt.

3. When Women Talk of Delivery, You Find Yourself Actually Listening, and Paying Attention too

Maybe one of the best signs that you are ready to have a baby is that you show real interest in other people’s parenthood. You are listening to stories about pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding and making a list of what you should and shouldn’t do when your time comes.

4. You are Professionally and Financially Satisfied

Businesswomen discussing over paperwork against railing

It is very important that, before having a child, you feel satisfied with your career achievement and financial status. Of course, there is never enough money, but firm, regular and solid income assures you that you can provide well for your child. Likewise, if you are professionally fulfilled, it won’t be hard to put family first.

5. You Feel Emotionally Ready to have a Baby

Emphasis is on YOU- not you mother, friends and family who curiously, with a wide smile and eyebrows lifted up, inquire if “you two have some news to share.” Parenthood is the most exciting journey you will ever take and since you are a captain, passenger and steward at the same time, do not let any one tell you which course to take.

Maybe you’ve recognised yourself in what you’ve just read and maybe you haven’t. You don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night with a thought “I’m ready to have a baby now!” But what will come with time and on a sight of other people’s children is a taught followed by a warm feeling in your stomach: “Yeah, I’m goanna make a hell of a mom!”


About the author


I am a devoted hedonist who enjoys nice things – food, wine, fine arts, spending time with friends and family. Teaching mandarin Chinese is my life vocation, but my dream is to open a small restaurant and a patisserie. My life's motto: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

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  • Please do not feed into the evil hands of adoption and abortion industries. Nobody is ever perfectly ready for a baby. My family friend’s dad was 17 and a single father and went on to become a surgeon. My friend Carmen was born to a poor 17 year old mum from England, living in Canada, far from home and Carmen and her mum went on to become millionairesses! JK Rowling was a poor, single teenage mum. There is no perfect time and in desperate times extended family should reach out and help all they can.