
Tips on How to Choose the Right Running Shoes

Your running shoes is a vital piece of equipment for any runner. It keeps you comfortable, safe and reduces your risk of getting injured. Read on to find out how to shop for the right pair for you.

Choices. We are all faced with choices in all of the things we do, and that includes buying running shoes. There are so many brands that carry a wide range of types, designs, styles and features that it’s basically impossible to choose the right pair in just one go. How do you make sure that you choose a pair that best suits you?

#1 Have your feet measured

We rarely get our feet measured, because we already know our size – true right? Still, determining your shoe size is important for you to get a good fit. It’s important to have your feet measured for a number of reasons. One, your size for one brand may not be the same for another brand. Trust me, my pairs range from size 9 to 11 depending on the brand I’m wearing. Second, the size and shape of our tend to change over time.

#2 What’s your running profile?


One of the most basic steps to finding the right pair of running shoes is to first identify what you plan to do with them. Will you be wearing them for walking, running, jogging – or a combination of all three? How often do you plan to run – and on what terrain? When you’re shopping, ask about shoes that are recommended for specific terrains so you can narrow down your choices.

#3 Determine your arch

The shape of your arch determines how your feet rolls (whether you pronate or supinate or remain neutral) when you run. Most people pronate or roll to the inside of the foot, which causes a lot of injuries including sprains. Choosing a shoe that suits your arch helps neutralize and cushion the impact of each step that you take, reducing the chances of overuse injuries. You can find out your arch by doing a “wet test,” which most stores selling running shoes (and any other kinds of shoes) do.

  • Normal foot arches only roll inward slightly, so if you have a normal arch, you need shoes with moderate control features.
  • Float foot arches, on the other hand easily and excessively rolls inward, requiring high stability and motion control shoes. You should stay away from shoes which are rather thick, highly cushioned and curved.
  • High foot arches are under-pronated and do not effectively absorb shock. Make use of cushioned shoes that provide you with plenty of flexibility to encourage motion.

#4 What’s your running style?

It is also important to identify your running style. Don’t know what it is? Try to pay attention when you run. What part of the foot comes in contact with the ground first? Most athletes and sprinters have their forefoot as their initial point of contact. If this is the case with you, then you should choose a shoe with more cushioning on that area instead of choosing one with more cushioning on the heel.

#5 Shop at night

No, your feet does not magically grow during the day, but it does tend to swell especially if you move around. This is why you should try shoes when your feet are at its largest, so you can get your most comfortable fit.

#6 Last minute tips: Don’t go for looks – or price


Do not be too concerned with fashion or price. A cheap or good looking shoe might seem like a great choice, but it may not be the best option for you. Think about functionality and fit first, and if you find one that looks great as well, then that’s already a plus.

#7 Try, try, and try

Do not shop when you are in a rush. Allot a day or two for shopping so that you will have time to try different pairs. Fit at least five to eight pairs, and walk around while trying them. Check out different shops, too so that you will have a wider selection of shoes to choose from. The more options you have, the better chances you have of finding the best pair for you!

Do you have other tips for finding the best pair running shoes? Let us know by sharing in the comments section.

About the author

Justine R

On an eternal quest for happiness, Justine tries to lead a positive lifestyle by giving back to the universe and following natural approaches to parenting, health, food and beauty. When she's not on the beach, she keeps herself fit (and sane) by running and doing yoga.

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