15 Quotes About Change to Inspire You

There is no doubt about it, change can be a scary thing, and when we are going through periods of change in our life we can all sometimes need a little help and inspiration along the way. Here are some quotes that do just that!

Whether we are going through a change that we have voluntarily undertaken, or something which has not been of our making, sometimes we can feel uncertain or uneasy about the future.

These and many other existing quotes about change remind us that, in life, we are constantly changing and calibrating and that sometimes we just need a touch of inspiration and guidance to make the adjustment a little easier.

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
– Henri Bergson

Change is inevitable and is part of the process of living and evolving- with change there is the opportunity for growth and better understanding.

No one stays the same, not really, and it is unhealthy to carry on doing the same old thing or thinking the same way for the whole of our lives. So, where possible embrace change rather than be scared by it.  You have nothing to fear.

All great changes are preceded by chaos.
-Deepak Chopra

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in the moment that everything seems chaotic and uncertain and it can be hard to see the bigger picture. However, if we hold on and have faith that all will be well in the end, soon we will be able to see the great advances we have made.

nobody can go back and start a new beginning

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
-Maria Robinson

We cannot change the past or things we have said of done, but we need not be defined by them. We can all make changes to our life and start afresh from this very moment, right now.

Isn’t that a wonderful thing?

Change is inevitable. Progress is optional.
-Tony Robbins

Change is inevitable, but sometimes instead of going with the flow and moving forward, we can get stuck in the past and try to fight the universe. It is important that when change is upon us we embrace it and look for the lesson, learn from the experience and use it as an opportunity for growth.

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.
-Jim Rohn

This is so true. Things don’t just ‘happen’; we have to actually do something to make things we want happen. Instead of always reacting to things in life, we have to get up and take action for real positive change.

Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.
–John Wooden

Why is it that some people make lemons out of lemonade whereas other people, who have been dealt a similar hand, seem to endlessly complain about their lot and get nowhere? What is the difference between them?

The difference is that the lemonade makers do their best with what they have in the present time. They are not sitting around waiting for the right time or the right moment, the time is now.

if you dont like something change it

If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.
-Mary Engelbreit

This is very valid advice. Sometimes we cannot change the things we do not like, but we can certainly change the way we think about them. We can put a more positive aspect on certain situations or come at them from a completely different angle. This really can make all the difference to a situation and is a simple, although not always easy, thing to do.

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.

When we change it makes the things around us change. Our perspectives change and we find new in the old, good in the bad, big in the small. Therefore if we are constantly changing and seeing things in a new light this can lead to happiness, fulfillment and wisdom.

The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble.
–Henry Miller

Nothing in life is for certain, apart from death, so to keep on holding onto some form of security, either physical or in the mind is a fallacy, as there is no such thing.

Living is all about changing, we are all on a journey which has its ups and downs, and we must keep venturing further forward. I love this quote because it reinforces the fact that there is no security in life, and to cling onto such a thing is an illusion.

There are things in our life that aren’t meant to stay. Sometimes, CHANGE may not be what we want. But sometimes, CHANGE is exactly what we NEED.
-Nishan Panwar

This is important to remember, just like in the Rolling Stones song, in life we don’t always get what we want, but what we need. Although certain changes at the time may be painful, trust that everything is working out just the way it should.

Never too old, never too bad, never too late, never too sick to start from scratch once again.
-Bikram Choudhury

never too old never too bad never too late never too sick to start from scratch once again

It’s never too late to start again. I think this is something that many of us can forget. It’s easy to tell ourselves ‘I am too old’, or ‘it’s too late’, ‘I have missed the boat’ etc. But in reality, it is always possible to start out over again, regardless of our situation. Never give up.

Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.
-C.S. Lewis

We will never be happy if we always have one eye looking over our shoulder to the past. To move forward we have to let go, or we will always be stuck, just like on a monkey bar, you have to let go and trust that the swing will propel you forward.

Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
-Steve Jobs

Don’t let go of your dream just because you think you have something to lose, we are only in this realm for a short time so follow your heart, the reality is you have nothing to lose.

Steve Jobs also said “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.”

Jobs lived his life to the full and he certainly followed his heart and lived his life with passion, and we can do the same. Don’t let the fear of change stop you from following your heart.

A year from now you will wish you had started today.
-Karen Lamb

How many of us have decided to start the diet or exercise regime or new lifestyle tomorrow rather than today, and before we know it we have procrastinated so much that it never happened? Don’t waste time, if you want to do something, start now, today; this very moment.

And if you are still afraid of change, then you just need to remember this one beautiful quote:

If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.

About the author

Eleanor Goold

As well as being an avid reader, Eleanor is also a big time animal lover; especially of dogs. If you have a tail, four legs and you bark…. you’re in! In her spare time she enjoys swimming, and vegetable gardening… but not at the same time (it can get a bit messy).

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  • If you are not informed, you wil be deformed. The problem of life don’t always go those who win is those who think they can