Have you ever been through a break up? If so I’m sure you’ve had your batch of crazy things you did after a break up! Check out this list of the top 7 things...
Everyone loves a curvaceous booty, especially at the beach! Ladies, it’s time to lift and shape those buns, and create curves of envy with these seven...
Confidence is the most erotic piece of underwear that you will ever wear. Whatever your body shape or size, if you feel confident, you will look confident and...
Wondering if he’s really into this relationship for you or just because he misses his ex? Wonder no more. Run for the hills if you notice these frills.
Forget about losing weight. You goal should be never be to lose weight. It should be more specific than that – to lose fat.
If you’re tired of the same old lifeless hairstyle, it’s time to change it up a bit. Here’s how to style side swept bangs and create a whole new interesting...
We all let a little loose during the holidays and pack on some pounds. Here’s a bikini body workout that is sure to help with looking your best on the beach.
Are you aching to ask that gorgeous guy out, but just aren’t sure if you should? Do you need a little advice? Take this quiz and find out if you should do it!
Do men with tattoos make your knees weak? You’ve come to the right place, read on and find out why they’re so attractive to us and always get our attention.
Are you in your thirties and looking for love? The dating world feels like confusion and narcissism combined, but don’t give up. Here are 12 tips for dating in...
Many women wonder if their partner is trustworthy. Sometimes it’s our instinct telling us something’s wrong. Here’s how to tell if your boyfriend is cheating...
You’ve tried everything but you still see it on your thighs, your behind and maybe even on other places of your body. Here’s how to get rid of cellulite!
Are guys with long hair more attractive to women, do they have that something that just drive us crazy, or is it a major turn off? Read on to find out.
He wants to hang out but won’t commit, you’ve been dating forever and he won’t take the plunge. Muster the courage to tell him “Let me know or let me go”.
When things end, it hurts a whole lot, but you need to realize that we have all been there, and we are passing on these tips on how to get over your first love.