Change Your Vision – Change Your Life

Do you look at your life and wish you were further ahead than where you are; have dreams that are still just dreams, goals that are unmet and visions that seem like they’ll never be reality? Yes? Then you haven’t lived to your fullest potential… yet.

When you think of the perfect life what do you see? How do you envision your relationships, career and personal well-being? Do you walk differently? Talk differently? Feel differently? Have a different attitude towards life in general? Chances are that you do – and that’s okay. You can be that person with just a few little adjustments as to how you “see” your future.

The reality is that life will never, ever be absolutely 100% perfect. There will always be something that stresses you, hurdles to overcome or challenges to engage in. But, you can get as close to that life you want to live as possible, and here, you will learn how to do just that.

It begins with a vision

Close up beauty portrait of a young caucasian healthy woman eye looking up with lush and long eyelashes

In order to be the person you desire to be, you have to be very clear on who that person is. You have to know her inside and out. You must understand her thoughts, feelings, desires, fears and goals. If you don’t know that about her, then you may never truly realize once you’ve become her. How do you make this happen?

Find a nice, quiet place where no one will bother you. If you have to, put on some headphones that have either white noise or sounds of nature so you can completely relax. Take a couple of deep breaths to clear your mind and then let the vision take place.

Picture the perfect you standing before you. First, look at her physical features. What shape is her body in? Is she physically fit? How is her hair done? What is the color and length of it? Pay attention to the condition of her other attributes. Is she glowing with moisturized skin and are her nails neat and manicured? Try to take in every detail that you can about her and her appearance.

Next, look at her stance. How is her posture? Is she standing tall, with her shoulders back, tummy in and head up? Does she portray an air of authority and self-confidence without even saying a word? Is she standing like she’s sure of herself and comfortable in her skin?

Once you take in everything you can by looking at her physical appearance and stance, start to delve into her mind. Try to feel what she feels and think like she thinks. What thoughts does she have about herself? How is her confidence? What about her comfort with setting personal boundaries? Does she love herself? Is she proud of who she is?

(It can be mentally tiring the first time you do this exercise, but the payoff is tremendous, but hang in there. You’re almost done.)

Now that you have an idea of who the perfect you is on the outside and inside, put her in situations and watch her react in her perfect way. Ideally, you’ll want to put her in situations that you currently struggle with.

For example, if you want to lose weight but can’t seem to stop reaching your hand in your co-worker’s candy dish every time you pass her desk, how would the perfect you deal with the situation? Would she just walk past it smiling because she is stronger than the candy that is calling her? Would she laugh in its face because she knows that she holds the control over her life?

When you create the scenario in your mind try to make it as real as possible. Include the sights, sounds and smells that environment has. The more your mind recognizes it as an actual event, the greater your results will be.

Okay, you’re done for right now. How do you feel? Are you inspired and ready to take one step closer to becoming who it is that you envision in your mind? Has this motivated you to do what it takes to get the same thoughts and feelings as the perfect you so you can also enjoy her level of happiness?

Good. You’re on the right path. But, it’s going to be a long walk, so it’s time to keep moving.

Practice makes perfect

After completing this exercise, you should feel like you know who you want to be more intimately than ever before. You should have a clearer image of the feelings she has about herself and the strengths that she possesses. It’s like meeting your icon and learning what makes her click. How can you ever become her if you have no idea who she is?

Take the time to practice this one exercise on a daily basis. Yes, it can be difficult to find a few minutes with everything else you’re responsible for at home and work, but if it gets you closer to who you want to be, isn’t it worth a few minutes? If you want it bad enough, then it is.

Start each visualization with getting to know the perfect you again, paying close attention to her physical appearance, stance and innermost thoughts. Get her imprinted thoroughly in your mind. Then, put her in different scenarios that you currently find difficult and see how she deals with them.

Always, always make her the victor. Have her come out on top of each scenario and each situation. Remember, you’re learning from her and only want to learn how to excel and succeed so let her show you the way.

Practice this over and over again until you feel her strength and energy. Follow her every footstep and mirror her every move. Become her minion and morph yourself into her prodigy. Why? Because you’re already her, you’re just not acting like it…yet.

This is only the beginning

Beautiful young woman walking in the open air

You will notice that in a very short period of time, you will start to take on her thoughts and behave like she does. You’ll want to be her so bad that you’ll consult her before you do anything or take any sort of action. And you should, because once you behave and think the way she does, your life starts to fall into place – just like hers is.

You see, when you’re not happy with your life it’s usually because you’re living differently than you feel you should. You’re not meeting your own expectations. You’re letting yourself down and settling for less. While it’s understandable how that happens with all of life’s pressures and demands, that doesn’t mean that you can’t change it. You can and now you know how.

Create this vision. Let it engulf you and you will transcend to levels of living that have seemed like fairy tales. You’ll have the life you’ve wanted for way too long and finally understand what it is to be the perfect you.

About the author

Christina DeBusk

Changing careers mid-life from law enforcement to writing, Christina spends her days helping others enrich their businesses and personal lives one word at a time.

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