It doesn’t matter who broke up and why, you want him back no matter what. How to get your ex-boyfriend back? What works, what doesn’t and why? Make sure you don’t mess up, or he might never want to hear about you again, let alone get back together. Here are 7 tips to help you make him love you more than ever.
There’s a reason he’s your ex-boyfriend, and your job is to erase that reason out of his memory – forever. He’s out there, dating other women with more or less success. Is he still thinking about you, does he still love you; does he also want to get back together?
Who knows! Maybe he does, maybe not. Either way, you want to hook up again because you’ve realized you still love him. Every other guy you meet can’t match his qualities and this just makes you go insane. Every date you go on with some new guy seems boring and shallow, you find yourself comparing him to your ex and this makes you feel even worse.
It’s time to get THAT guy back into your life.
But how?
Smack him over the head with a brick, throw him in the trunk of your car and take him home. Okay, maybe not. Let’s try something subtler.
Here’s how to get your ex-boyfriend back:
You need to make him feel terrible for breaking up with you. He should feel like a dumbass for letting you go. That’s what you need to make him feel like if you want to get him back. You won’t get him back by spying and stalking him (stop checking his Facebook every 2 minutes), but by making him remember all the great times you had together, and making him imagine how nicer life could be if you were still together.
This requires you to make some radical changes in your life.
Stop and give at least 30 seconds of thought to each of the questions below. Answer honestly; Say it out loud to yourself.
- What is it that went wrong in your relationship?
- Why?
- What is it that he did not like about your relationship?
- What would you do differently if you got back together?
- What did he love most about your relationship?
- What did you love most?
- What was restricting the love in your relationship the most? What was stopping it from growing further?
- Did you give your absolute best to make the relationship work?
Think about these questions. Don’t be too critical of either him or yourself. All this emotional bullshit, arguing and blaming each other for crap is one of the reasons you might have broken up in the first place.
We rarely know what we have – until we lose it.
Now you know what you’ve lost, and you are about to learn how to get your ex-boyfriend back.. Nobody can guarantee you that you’ll end up being together again – but, in at least 90% of the cases, it’s totally possible. You must believe in the possibility.
- Why did you guys fall for each other in the first place?
- What connected you?
There must have been something that he fell in love with in the first place.
- Why did this disappear?
- Did you take each other for granted?
- Did you both get lazy about your relationship and just left it on autopilot?
The reason you must answer these questions to yourself is so that you can determine a couple of things. First, do you really want to get him back, will you be happy or are you just lonely right now, but deep inside you know that it probably won’t work out if you get back together? You must believe that things will work out between the two of you and that you can be happy together again. Otherwise, if you don’t have total belief in this relationship, then it’s not worth trying to get him back.
I’ll assume you’ve decided that things can work out between you and him, so now, the question is – what can you do so that he believes in your relationship too?
#1 Take Time to Heal and Reflect Before Trying to Get Your Ex Back
As mentioned above, you need to be better than what he remembers you to be. Hotter. Way hotter. This can be a huge motivator to any guy to get back together. It’s important that you don’t see each other for some time, and then once you do – he is just blown away by how much prettier you’ve become.
This will make him feel horrible that he can’t have you anymore whenever he wants. Desire kicks in, and now he feels like an idiot for not staying with you. After he runs into you, he’ll think “Gosh, she looks amazing!” – just wait to see his jaw drop when he sees how you look 5 times better. I know this sounds shallow, but it works simply because most guys think with what they’ve got in their pants, not with their heart or brain. Even if he’s a pretty smart guy, physical attraction can be the first step to getting your ex-boyfriend back. It’s just the first step, but it’s a crucial one – ’cause now you’ve got your foot in the door. You throw a hook and wait for him to bite.
Instead of jumping right into winning your ex back, give yourself time to process the breakup and reflect on what went wrong. This space is essential to heal and approach reconciliation with a clear mind and renewed perspective.
#2 Forgive Him – Focus on Self-Improvement to Show Him the Best Version of Yourself
The second step to getting your ex back is forgiveness. You’ll never be able to be together again if you can’t forgive each other. Initiate this yourself. Why did you break up? Did you cheat, did he cheat, did the love evaporate, or you got bored, what is it? It doesn’t really matter the point is that you give each other a clean slate. Don’t talk about what happened in the past with him.
Start over. Click the reset button. Whatever he did wrong – get over it. Forgive yourself if you’ve made mistakes and forgive him, you are both guilty in one way or another, and reminding each other about it won’t help. You can’t get back together if you are enemies, so stay close to each other by forgiving. Let the past go. Every day is a new opportunity for you to have a better life with a great guy, maybe it’s him – and now that you’re starting over, you’ve learned from your mistakes, but you can continue on only when you manage to forgive.
Concentrate on becoming a better version of yourself—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Confidence and self-growth are magnetic qualities that can make him remember why he fell for you in the first place.
#3 Rekindle Communication by Reaching Out in a Thoughtful and Non-Pushy Way
Listen, sure, finding some new dude may be okay for you as a bandade, but it won’t help you get your ex-boyfriend back. You should make him jealous in a smarter way. Like, he should see that there are guys mingling around you, but don’t let him see that you’ve actually found someone. Don’t post stupid, drunken-party pictures on Facebook of you making out with some random dude.
That definitely won’t help, he’ll just hate you and he’ll feel hurt, almost as if you were cheating on him. Instead… he has to see that you are still emotionally available for him, you just need some space and time to heal after your break up. Hint him that you might like to get back together, but don’t attack him about it. Give him space and see how he reacts.
When the time feels right, reach out to your ex in a friendly, casual manner. Avoid being pushy or overly emotional—this is about reestablishing trust and starting fresh communication.
#4 Understand and Address the Root Cause of Your Breakup to Rebuild Trust
Look, if you’re serious about this guy and you really want him back in your life, then you must change. Changing may not be easy, but it’s necessary if you want your relationship to be better than the last time. It’s quite simple. If you keep doing what you’ve been doing – you’ll keep getting the same results. So don’t expect a happily ever after, supercool happy ending if you aren’t willing to do things differently than you did before, otherwise you’ll just end up breaking up again.
So, find out what messed up your relationship and work on it. Were you too cranky, moody, jealous, demanding, insane, nagging-all-day, not giving him his space and freedom, disrespectful, got fat, made out with another guy, or you just sucked in bed? Whichever it was – fix it. He needs to see that, after a month or so of breaking up, you are progressing; suddenly you became a different person. But do it for you, not for him. Once he sees how much different you became he’ll wish you never broke up in the first place, he’ll want to give the whole thing another chance too.
Take time to understand the core issues that led to your breakup. Be prepared to address them honestly and openly, showing that you’re ready to make the necessary changes for a healthier relationship.
#5 Create New, Positive Experiences to Reignite His Feelings for You
Now, it’s time to actually get back in touch with your ex. It depends; maybe you didn’t see each other, or talk, for months, or even a year. Maybe you just broke up two weeks ago and everything is still very emotional and fresh. Either way, you can’t get back together with him over the phone, so you need to see each other.
My suggestion, from a male perspective, having sex immediately once you meet up again may be a wrong choice. Even if you’ve been together for a long time before, it’s good to make everything seem new, and different. If he messed up, and that’s the reason you broke up, you shouldn’t make it that easy for him to get back together. Throw in some temptation.
He needs to desire you, a lot. Be sexy and provocative, but don’t sleep together the first time you meet to “catch up” and see whether he also wants to get back together or not. Let him think about you. Drop a hook, and make him feel horrible when he sees how much you’ve improved, how well you are doing, how sexy you look and how your life is taking another direction. Don’t try to fake it. He knows you and he’ll know whether you’re full of crap or not.
For real, change yourself for the better; let him see that and he’ll want to be part of it. But you won’t let him back into your world overnight – even if you really, really want to get him back, don’t. You both need some time to appreciate each other for other things then sex. And when the sex does come, it better be mind-blowing. Then again, don’t be clingy and don’t call him every day after that – love all over again – instead, take your time. Let him think about you and worry a bit.
You had sex, but do you want to get back together or not? Let him wonder and guess, let him compare you to other women he might have been with since you were apart. He’ll soon realize what a mistake he’s made, and he’ll never want to make that mistake (breaking up with you) again.
The point isn’t just that you get your ex back, but that you KEEP him. Often folks just have sex again, once or twice, but things don’t work out and they end up breaking up again. So don’t take anything for granted. Make sure he has the best night of his life when you make up, but after that don’t drop into your “old” relationship with your ex, instead – create something new.
Focus on building fresh, positive memories together instead of dwelling on the past. Plan lighthearted activities or spontaneous meetups to remind him of how good it feels to be with you.
Keep it different
All the bad experiences you had in the past with your ex- boyfriend, everything that reminds you of those not-so-happy experiences – try to avoid them. Change your apartment if you can, move, have some tangible things that are different, clothes, your perfume, anything that makes him feel as if he was with a new you, a better you, that he’ll never want to let go no matter what.
When you guys meet up for dinner/coffee, whatever, don’t talk about the past , why you broke up and stuff like that. Ask him what’s new in his life, how he’s doing, maybe remind him of something nice that only you know about him that you can both laugh about it. Keep the conversation light. Super-emotional, could-a, would-a, should-a stuff will just bring you back to where you were.
Then and there, don’t analyze, argue or talk about negative stuff. Turn the page. Keep walking in a new direction. It’s your ex-boyfriend that will become your new girlfriend, it’s you – his ex-girlfriend, that will become a new girlfriend. Give each other a clean slate. When you leave the place, don’t kiss. Give him a deep gaze, let your eyes, not your mouth say: I love you.
Let him see it, but don’t say it. Tell him you had a great time, and that you could meet up some time to hang out… he will feel like his leg was chopped of for not kissing, but he will know that you want more, that there might be a new, bright future for the two of you. All night he’ll be flipping around in bed, thinking about how beautiful you are and how much he wants to get back with you. I’m not saying you should be ice-cold when you meet up, on the contrary, be cold, but a bit mysterious, make him wonder.
Don’t just throw it in his face that you still love him and that you want him back. Be stronger than your emotions. Give the whole “getting back together” process some time; make a good foundation for that future you’ll build together.
#6 Reintroduce Romance Gradually and Show Him Why You’re Irreplaceable
Okay, as mentioned before, eventually, you’ll end up at his or your place, taking your clothes off. This night is what will decide whether you’ll get him back or not. I know this sounds shallow, but it’s the truth.
Men are comparing creatures and whether you want him to or not, he’ll subconsciously compare you to other women in his life. Maybe he’s with some new girl right now, and that’s the one you need to take him back from. How do you make sure that this won’t just be a one-night-stand with your ex-boyfriend?
You must be mind-blowing. Everything about you needs to blow his mind. From your lingerie, to your smell, your look, your soft skin, your whole energy and aura needs to excite him to a level he did not know is possible. The moment when he reaches climax is the moment he’ll figure how brilliant you are and how stupid he was to ever leave you.
This may put pressure on you and make you feel self-conscious, and it should. The fact is, you conquer a man’s heart by conquering what’s in his pants, like no other woman ever could. Everything after that is easier. Yet again, this night needs to be different than in the past. It should not remind you too much of the time you were together before, it needs to be better.
This is why it’s ideal if you do it at your place, ’cause then you can prepare a bit, you can make the atmosphere amazing. Anything you’ve not been doing in the past, but know he loves, now’s the time to get with the program. You never gave him oral when you were together before? Are you too shy to talk dirty? Do you hide under the cover?
Think about what you could do better to show him the best night of his life with you and you’ll triple your chances of getting him back.
Hate me all you want for telling you this, but it’s what works and what has worked for thousands of women around the world that got back and kept their ex-boyfriends.
Ease back into romance by subtly reminding him of the connection you once shared. Whether it’s through playful flirting or heartfelt gestures, show him why you’re special and worth another chance.
#7 Commit to Building a Stronger Relationship and Keeping Him This Time
Seems like you’ll get him back. You’ve seen each other a couple of times and things are going good. It seems like all will work out great! But wait, and re-think it. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking all is good now and that you’ll just be fine… you may not. People that get back together tend to go back to their old, real ways, because they did not make any real, fundamental changes to their lives.
It was just a mask. Beware, as if you both go back to your old ways of arguing and dealing with problems, you’ll get back to where you were – apart. Don’t let that happen. Don’t get lazy and don’t take things for granted. The first few weeks of being together again as also the first few weeks where he’s most likely to “run for his life” and leave you or just decide that you shouldn’t have gotten back together in the first place.
How can you prevent this? Really, change. Make him change too. When you become better, you have the right to expect him to get better too. Build a relationship where you grow and improve together as individuals and partners, not enemy’s that slow each other’s progress down. He is not yours and never will be, not even when you both have a ring on your finger, so don’t view him as a thing you’ve got a right over, like owning a car or your shoes.
He can walk away and probably will if you treat him as property. Instead, view him as a customer. You want to make a loyal customer out of your boyfriend that isn’t forced to buy at your shop, but loves to “shop” at your store because he gets treated better than anywhere else. He then grows to need you, love you, and want you – every single day.
There’s more to getting your ex back than this post of course. Every situation is different and requires a slightly different approach. Hopefully at least one tip from above rings a bell and gets you closer on your path to getting Mr. Right back to where he should be, with you, the perfect girlfriend for him. Once you get him back, don’t take him for granted – a relationship… love… is something you must work on and maintain so that the fire keeps burning, if you just leave it unattended it’ll either go out or get out of proportion and burn down a whole forest.
Laziness is why most relationships fail, and that’s what happens when people take each other for granted. Don’t be one of those couples. Take initiative if he doesn’t, you can totally do it! I believe in you.
p.s.: Here’s the 8th step – DO NOTHING. It’s a bit unexpected, but can work to. Simply, don’t call him, don’t try to get back in touch (if he left you), and just wait, forget about him, move on… show power by not making the first move, he’ll wonder how come you didn’t try to get him back. It might be an alternative idea. If nothing else works.
Winning your ex back is just the beginning. Make a conscious effort to build a stronger, healthier relationship based on trust, communication, and mutual respect to ensure he stays this time around.
Also, I honestly recommend you read this guide called The Ex Factor Guide by Brad Browning
Despite how hopeless you’re probably feeling right now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: it’s been proven that more than 90% of all relationships can be salvaged. But only if you know exactly what you’re doing..
Also, remember that getting back together may not be possible or desirable in every situation. It’s essential to focus on your own well-being and happiness regardless of the outcome.
Once you get him back – drop a comment below, let us know what has worked for you, what you did, how and why? Others could benefit from your experience.
Well we got back together all was good until I went back into my old ways of being insecure and needy. We had a big fight that reminded him of why he broke up with me. We ended up making up and I left the next day to go home ( he lives in the city and I live in the country) he told me he loves me and to let him know when Im moving back in 2months time and he’s going to miss me until then. When I got home I overcontacted him I apologized, he said it was ok. 2weeks later I pressured him and push cause I wanted to move down alread, he got angree and brought up the argument we last had and told be he has no interest in seeing me. After 2weeks we talked and he was ok and was back to asking me to let him know when I’m moving back. But I played into my insecurity and overcontacted again calls, texts, emails. He has now ask that I don’t call him as he has nothing to say to me and he’s going interstate to stay with his friend for a while. So yeah Ive messed up. Going to give him space for a while and see what happens. I don’t believe it’s a lost cause, I really have to change.
Wow. You sound crazy.
It is
It is so difficult if you are needy and insecure as these are some of the most common emotions that usually push people away.
I am currently in a bad situation with my boyfriend, he has decided that we are friends and not in a relationship as it was too intense and aggressive with the rows. I really really want to win him back but mostly win his trust back. It’s only been a short time so I can’t expect too much but I really struggle sleeping separately and not ‘going along’ as we did as a couple! He has done this before and with time and comfort, let his hair down and come back. I just don’t know if he is too stubborn this time?! I know he loves me under all of the anger and pain
I’ve met my sole partner 3 months ago, fell in love with him and started gettin jelous over his ex, tried to control him etc. After just 2 months he paid for me to go on holiday with him and we had the best toime together. We have been home now 4 weeks hardly seen each other, he’s gone distance and I’m texting him all the time now asking why. Anyway I haven’t seen him for w week and iom going to his tonight, am so nervous he may have just invited me to end us, but I’m giving tonight muy best shot, I’m going to be the woman he didn’t want to be away from the women he sed he loved and the woman I was on holiday. Please if you read this wish me luck he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I want him in my life please God watch over me tonight when we are together, please God make him see no women will ever love him like I do , please God can I keep him make hm keep me.
Well I think you have kicked yourself in the A** my friend, first of you did not respect his space once going home after he already assured you that things were ok by making up with you before leaving back home. Secondly you felt the need to idk… “Make sure” he was REALLY ok and still “Wanted me” you felt the need to turn simi stalker on him when everything was ok if you just went home went about your life kept normal communication open keep yourself up go to the gym, keep up with school & friends but no you turn all your attention focusing on issues that weren’t even there. So now he’s at the point to where in his eyes i have to be honest you are emotionally unstable and are possibly the kind of girl that given the right situation or get your angry enough you might do harm to him or get physical in some way YES you put yourself in the CRAZY box! Nothing right now is going to change his mind right now the best thing you can do is LEAVE HIM ALONE, cut all communication with him let him get in touch with you i repeat DO NOT CONTACT HIM AGAIN! if he chooses to get in touch with you he will if he doesn’t…. well you know why.
You sound like you have Borderline Personality Disorder… do I know this? Because I have it too. Unless you are just really young and this is your very first relationship and you haven’t a clue how to act. Seriously though, look up BPD and see if you have any of the other symptoms….and if you do, go get diagnosed and get some therapy and meds… helps !
I was just diagnosed with this. (BPD) my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years just broke up with me because I pushed him away. I was so scared of the thought of losing him, I lost him. For 2 months he said “you’re driving me nuts. If you don’t stop blowing me up and checking up on me, we’re going to break up. Is contacting me now worth losing me for the rest of our lives?” He told me I made him do it and now says there will never be an “us” again. No more contacting him, social media efforts, and no talking to his friends again. He said if I didn’t leave him alone, he’d get a restraining order. I want him back so badly and don’t know what i can do to know that I’ve realized what I did wrong and can and will give him his space; though I’ve promised it several times before. I know he’s the one for me and its killing me knowing that everything could’ve been different if I would have just listened. I knew what to do…STOP. But my insecurities wouldn’t let me put down my phone and blow him up. Now I can’t contact him…I don’t know what to do.
I have that too I think it got in the way my relationship so I’m going try again with my boyfriend
I have bipolar disorder
Hey Grace.
You need to do some self therapy. Start a virtual diary (open Word and start writing). Write about what part you played in the relationship failing, which you already know – your insecurities. Next, you need to really come to acceptance with yourself. Ok, so you’re unsure about a few things, but why? What happened in your past that is making you so needy with your bf/ex bf? What ever it is, stop it. Raise your communication level and just tell him “I’m insecure about _____ because _____ happened. So please help reassure me that I chose you because you’re not an @$$hole.” Just be honest, what do you have to lose? Oh that’s right, your bf because you accuse him of doing something he’s not. Yes that was harsh, but you have to be harsh on yourself. Take a moment to fix yourself, otherwise you have no change with him or anyone else.
It isn’t easy at all you have to take it one day at a time. Swe what’s making you feel insecure and bring it uo to him,see what he says. If you really love him and want to make this work you will work on you! And get your man back!Good luck!
This kinda relates to me. I dont know who messed it up. I am sure hes still in love with me i am so sure its painful for him to leave me for the second time. I love him so much, like ive never been in love like this before. We were just emotionally uncontrolled at that moment. He did not say good bye he instead said “its not working, I want to be alone now”. We both cried. I knew he tries to pretend hes okay. Its been a week we dont contact each other. I love him.
Hey thanks for the tips they’re really usefull. I did most of it but i failed in one thing.
Im 22 we were together for 4 amazing years. But we were living together and acting like a maried couple. We needed more space blabla the relationship was over suddenly.
This was 4 mouths ago. Then we saw us again had dinner, he was absolutly crazy about me but he was also pretty clear saying that he loving is new life and wants to stay single for some So when we were in the car i convince him to do it one last time. He was all ” thats not correct we still have feelings and i know what i want” we did it and it was more incredible. After that he writes me saying im amazing and he wants to do it again..
What should i do? I mean we r having sex but it started because of me. I want him to be with me because he loves me. Any tip?
He is in hawaii till the end of the month im in Portugal but even traveling he finds a way to speek with me, but like sex conversation.
Do you think theirs a chance for him to want me back if i end this now? And maybe start over again?
Thanks again
I ended a realstionship with my ex of 2 years we met up and I said I wanted him back we had sex and he left saying he was confussed and then sent me a text saying he wanted to be on his own. After weeks of texting and he kept saying no. A week later I said I was feeling better and wanted our realtionship to end on a smile and could we meet for lunch he said yes one Wednesday. I said I would clear my diary for next week, he hasn’t replied to 100 % confirm so 50:50 we will meet. I haven’t sent a text to ask. I do still love him and hate feeling rejected,not sure how to handle the situation
Aww don’t let that down u
well, we got back together. i wanted to talk to him to clear things up but he’d rather not talk. he cheated, then wanted to talk. the cheating probably could’ve been avoided if we talked in the first place. i bust the windows out his car >.< we are not talking at all :( it's like i'm the suspect, but he's the cheater.
youve done a wrong move baby
Me and my boyfriend had been together 4 4months,the thing is that we stay in different countries we had this thing that disturbed our relationship were he is accusing me of cheating but I wasn’t he said guys call me a lot n I don’t tell them 2 back off, so since he travelled back it has Been one problem 2 another teLling how he hate me and he needs space I will beg him and we will come back again but few days ago he told me he needed space 4 now that my love is affecting his life and work that I should move on with my life I still love him and don’t know how 2 apply these rules since we are not close 2 each other and he said he will be back by septemeber help me 2 make this work what do u advice me 2 do thanks
I have a problem likes it… My boyfriend and I were together for 1 year and half. in fact from 6 months age our relationship became so complicated and it was my fault! last week he told me that he wants to be just friend…since next week he gonna go to another country, where he studies, and he won’t come back till 3 months I’m really confused about what should I do! :| So if you find any efficient way…tell me plZ!
My ex and I broke up a few weeks ago because he started hanging out with new friends that I never liked because they are all bad boys. After 2 years and 6 months in the relationship he suddenly changed his mind about us. He started texting other girls which he said was his friends he even had pictures of them on his phone. I didn’t like that at all because I saw that these girls are starting to like him. So basically it was my fault he broke up with me for being insecure, clingy and not trusting him. He told me he doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship right now but he still loves me. He wants to explore life without a girlfriend and not wanting to hurt me when he meet up with new girls and such. I really do love him with all my heart, and maybe he just needs some space to think, or maybe our relationship got a bit boring. I am so willing to follow these steps to get him back, I’m so not going to lose him to a bunch of girls!
wow that sucks I hope the my ex don’t go out looking for women but every time him and I talk it seems like we start to argue about the past but it seems like im the one who starts it and I just wish I wouldn’t do that but I do and I don’t mean it at all.
well that was happened with my ex too..he said he miss me alot even i did not give him pleasure..and i am the best ever for his whole life but he want to be single for now..and want to meet other girls it is really hurt me a lot..i change a lot i follow the tips here we never talk for 2 months now..since we broke up and he want to be good friends with me but it will be hurt me so much while he was seing with other now i was learned my self to forget him..i dont know but it hurtss me badly we are happy in our relationship for 2yrs..
i was broke with my ex one year ago but i cheated him by faking my fb account due my own disability and now i am trying to convince that though i am disabled but love comes by god grace only .
Actually my relationshio is over phone only and before we meet i told him everything about myself and he meet and told it cant possible anymore .
He talks me but not more often but i truely love him since he has gone i was just dying to be with her and we dont even make out .
should i use these things do i get back him in my life.
please help me..
do anybody have any solution to this??
Well i can totally understand what your going through, well i can honestly say if you two have some serious history… and the two of your REALLY love each other give him his space and time he will be back! Me being a guy ive been there a man can date 100 girls but there is only one you! Remember that :) You have to trust him that he knows what hes doing but at the same time DONT PUT YOUR LIFE ON HOLD! He needs to see that your are a sexy confident woman and all most important emotional stable to move on BUT keeping the door cracked for him just in case. In the mean time go to the gym get a new cut change your wardrobe and start flirting not sleeping with every guy! But just start dating movies, drinks ect and start to introduce yourself back in his face indirectly he needs to see you out having the time of your life looking like a movie start with “Mr someone else” guys HATE to see something they let go with someone else looking AMAZING it KILLS us and he will come for you TRUST ME! Follow this and im sure he will get his sh** together and come to you. When he does dont welcome him with open arms… MAKE HIM WORK FOR IT! if he wants to see you make him wait a week make sure the date last only 30mins a lunch date is perfect again make sure you take his breath away once again… be nice but not to much to say “I want you back” even though you do… you have to make him chase you :) it works when you leave tell him it was nice seeing him and “To take care” dont mention that you want to see him! Almost 99% sure hes gonna be the one to say “So when can i see you again” JACKPOT! Now your fish is on the hook! not play your cards right YOU now have the power again ;)
Thank you for this article. My bf and I got back together after a year apart. I broke up with him because I did not feel he was going to take it to the next step. Engagement. He tried to reach out to me during that time. But I never picked up. He called ,e out of the blue and for some reason I picked up. He said he was still in love with me and he had moved and wanted me to come and visit. Came to me as a surprise because I am pretty sure he has been dating. I never stopped loving him and it made it hard for me to even start a new relationship. So about a month ago I called him and told him I would visit. It was great. We laughed, joked talked about what we did wrong before and how we would change it. He told me we should take things slowly one day at a time. I agreed. But my emotions are running so fast and I think I was “over expressing” myself. Anyway he said it seems like I am getting ahead of myself again and he really wants to take things slowly. It made me feel bad until I read your article. I will follow the steps. We have gotten past a few of them. I really don’t want to mess things up. We both love each other like crazy and we have such good chemistry. He tells me everything like he has always done and I do the same. I think I will build on that. I also talked about the past yesterday and he did not like that because we’d already discussed it and he said he had put it behind him and did not want to be reminded of it. Thank you for this.
love like to know what happened later as i am in a very similar situation.
Thank you for this article :) i really opened mind and thoughts, im still trying to get my ex boyfriend back we lived together for 5 and half months and than he broke up with me, but now that i read this i didnt do anything it said to do, i kept blowing up his phone and getting him pissed at me. And everytime i sent a txt saying sorry he excepted it but than i would go and ruin it and mention the past. He said he wants 2 months of space and i really want to give him that but i get scared that he’s going to forget me and move on. But like it says i need to give him his space and in that time i will work on myself and when we finally meet up i will blow his mind on how sexier i look :) I really do love him and probably will never understand why he broke up with me? It was just ordinary day we had laughs and everything but at the end of the night he gave me the sad news. We did have fights but they were little fights that shouldn’t even have happend. The reason why i think he broke up with me is because were young were both only 19 but he was the one who asked me out and asked me to live with him. I know theres still love there he just needs his space for awhile and in that time i’m going to be doing what it says in this article. Thank you so much you really helped me out a lot :))
This is a great article. Thank you. It made me feel a lot better. I broke up with my boyfriend 3 months ago and I started seeing someone else right away. Maybe that was a bad idea, because he really was just a “bandaid” and it ended up being an explosive disaster pretty quickly. After that I’ve been feeling incredibly depressed and desperately missing my ex. He was not just my ex but he was also my best friend. However, after reading the “checklist” here, it has helped remind me of the reasons why it didn’t work out between us. We actually broke up dozens of times over the 2 years of our relationship. It was for a reason. He told me we are not right for each other romantically, and I know he is probably right, as much as it hurts me to admit it. I could never picture myself marrying him or having a family with him. But I miss him so much and I want to be friends, but he says we can’t because we’ll just end up getting back together. I know that’s probably true too because we’re attracted to each other naturally. I just can’t understand why we can’t be in each other’s lives at all. I can’t deal with that.
Okay, so My situation is very different and I’m still in need of some advice (this was VERY helpful though, THANK YOU!). When my ex and I first met, it was through some friends when we went out to a bar. We jumped into a relation just a few weeks after meeting, which I felt was very soon for me. I felt that he and I hadn’t really connected completely and that during the relationship I didn’t know him as well as well as I did previous boyfriends because we weren’t really close before we decided to give the relationship a try, unlike my past relationships where we were friends for at least a month or two before taking the next step. But that’s not the main reason why we broke up. I had trust issues from the past few relationships I had been in. I was cheated on multiple times, led on, and in the most recent relationship before my ex and I, I was left for another girl. I couldn’t really get over all of that and instead of letting it go, I carried that with me and lived in fear of the day that my now ex-boyfriend would do the same. After having a serious talk and explaining that to him, he made it clear that I didn’t trust him, but trust is one of the most important factors in a relationship. He felt that because I didn’t trust him and because I hurt his feelings by telling him how I felt, that he couldn’t trust me. So, we came to a conclusion and decided that since I felt we were’t very close to begin with and since we both felt that we don’t trust each other enough to be in a relationship, that we’d start over as friends and see where we end up. I explained to him that I care about him and that I don’t plan on seeing anyone else unless he finds someone new, that I’m exclusive to him. And he said he was exclusive to me as well. So my question is, how do I earn his trust back? I’m ready to be with him again, I’m not worried about him hurting me anymore like my exes did before and I have no doubts about weather or not I’d be able to make this work on my end. So how do I earn his trust? I plan on spending time with him and taking the advice already given from this article, so what else can I do? I know I need to be patient and I understand that it’s going to be hard since I’m so ready to give this another try. Is there anything else that I need to understand before I really work my ass off to get him back?
It has been four months ever since we last saw each other but about three to four weeks that he lost interest in texting me back. We probably haven’t text since November and that really kills me because I still have feelings for him. I know he is dating someone right now but I can’t help missing him. I don’t know what to do. We used to work together, right now I’m about two hours away from him and I will be going back home for the Holidays so I was thinking of visiting the office just as an excuse to see him. I’m not sure if this is the right thing to do though because he already has someone. I really want to see him though, I want him back in my life although we were never official, I want this time to be 100% official. Help me please.
I’m hoping I can put a lot of these tips into good use. My ex and I broke up about 3 weeks ago (we were together for 11 months). He broke up with me because I kept starting arguments about stupid things and he was tired of always fighting. The break-up really taught me that I need to change certain parts about myself for the better. However, as time goes by it’s more and more difficult for me to forget him. I’ve sent him a text about once a week since the break-up, and he answered them all. A week ago we were at the same party, and he confessed he still cares about me and loves me. The Monday that follows, however, he acts like he just wants to be friends. I did a stupid thing tonight and called him, though he didn’t answer. I’m worried that I look needy and clingy, when I know all he wants is space. I really want us to work, so hopefully I’ll finally start taking the proper steps. It’s just hard because whenever he does something that looks like a “sign”, I get ahead of myself and try and contact him. No more!
let me ask something.this is the second time that me and my ex boyfriend breaks up or he broke up with me.but this is the worst one.i felt he moved on already because he defriended me included my friends who were his friends on facebook. i knew,he loves me so much but we couldn’t just get a right time to think better and then we ended up arguements.i loved him too.i learnd i have mistakes.tell me please,is there any possibilities to get back together and reconciled?how i read your tips..but in our situations like sure he’s very mad at me and giving up on me.he never replies my emails and text.i wanna try to reconciled with him but how? i know i cannot make a move ist .i want him to see im changed .i want him realized he made a huge mistakes.please email me for some advices.thank you
I’m in the exact same situation, I know he loves me, but he’s tierd of believing I would stop making problems out of everything, he tells me he has stopped believing he can love me, but that he really thinks he might stop thinking that after some time. This all happened in one week, I don’t believe he has stopped loving me, all the times he told me never to doubt his love, it can’t end like this. For now I’m going to give him time, not talk to him.. But I don’t know how to let him know I have changed and that we can truly bé together without any troubles and fusses. What happened with you Anabelle, have you solved it? I really need help
did you work yours out? I’m in the same boat… causing stupid problems and he just doesn’t believe i really changed. he cut me out of his life now and said theres nothing to be said it’s time to move on :/
I will do that and I wish that it’ll work..
I’m devasted, we broke up more than a month now. We have been together for 5months. I got out of a previous relationship of 7years that had more bad than good times so I ended it. Met my now ex unexpectedly after a month. We connected immediately, like we understand each other. It was so weird, I will get myself ready to say something and he would think the very same thing. I experienced real love with this man for the first time in my life and we have been through a lot during our time of dating. Then the drama started. He accused me of cheating on him, I not that type of girl, why would I cheat on him his the greatest thing that I’ve had. So he left me, I love him and I know he loves me too although I heard his very happy. How do I prove my innocence or do I just leave it go on as difficult as it is and let things sort themselves out. I love him and do not want to lose him, I know for a fact I’m the 1st woman he loved in his life. I have not made contact with him. I feel hurt that he will accuse me on of such a thing. How do I handle the situation.
I’m in the same exact boat as you. My ex and I were together almost 4 months, we were amazing together till he started working again. Then we were fighting all the time. He accused me of cheating when I would’ve never have even thought to do that. I love him with all my heart. We’ve been broke up 2 weeks and more drama happened and now I don’t even know if I’ll ever have him back. Because before all the drama happened on Saturday he told his friend he was going to take me back in a week or two, he just needed more time. I love him with all my heart. I had to start the NC over again, so I’m only on day 7. Did any of this work for you? I’m scared and hurt, can’t help but have hope though. Only thing making me feel partially okay
This is a great article. Thank you. It made me feel a lot better. I broke up with my boyfriend 3 months ago, we have been together 2 years and we had lovely time, we were so nice to each other and he was really loves me ,respect me so much also we were planning to get marry, but the think is he didnt have job and house beacuse he used live hotel and he was waiting house and he didnt get and he still waiting,than one day we had lunch together and good time than he said ido not want relastionship any more which he taxt me and i asked him why and he said need to be single,and he said i am not leaving beacuse anather girl i just want be single that is all i want he said. i let him go, but we atill friend and contact each other. i still love him so much beacuse it is hard to forget someome who loves you give so my much respect while we were together,
i need advice
Ok, I read this after me my ex and I had been broken up for 7 days and it felt as if I had stumbled across the road to the Golden City!! I’m sure all of these steps will be very successful and I’ve Walready put some of the steps into action as far as forgiveness & becoming a better ME. First let me give a little history on the situation. My ex had been begging me to move in with him, which was aewsome thing but look I’ve done the move in thing 3times already and they all led to a big fat failure. Anywho, I just was so unwilling to do that again ecspecially since the last time left me raising a new baby on my own.. I refused to move both me and 3 yr old in with him & his two young sons without some sort of “security” from him like either marriage or atleast an engagement. Anyway, we had two break- ups one which led to us making up a day or two later. We stayed in touch through txt the whole time and then I decided to go see him. He apolgized for the break-up & so did I. He then Begged me to move in once again . I told him we would work something out. The next day was full of of I love you txts from him and then Outta no where the same day he called and said he does’nt think
“He’s the Guy for me,” we need to end things on a good note, and I havent “Lost his Friendship”! WTF!!!! I had no words for him at that moment. I vowed I would’nt call him at ALL after that. Nine days passed & I txt him, “Hello Friend”. Only to never recieve a response. This led to me having a complete MELT DOWN on his VM. It was’nt a name calling blaming episode. It was more of the atleast talk to me if you ever really cared about us sort of thing. After that I went out for a few hours came home and decided I needed to forgive him and love him enough to let him go. SOOOOOO, I txt him before I went to sleep and told him just that I also told him that if found himself ever needing a real friend I would be here for him.. Now what I neeed to know is what if anything should I have done differently? Is there another element that I don’t know about like, some new Vagina dancing around my man???? Should I even care at this point? I really want my man back I LOVE him so much and his kids as well.. What is a women to do? What’s going on here??? PLease HELLLp.
Ms. Pisces76
Me and my ex met at work. We hit it off the first couple weeks were heaven. We had so much in common and never stopped laughing to the point where we would annoy my roommates. After those few weeks we started dating and he would come stay at my house alot because he lived a town away. The first couple months were great. I started to realize he had trust issues and drank way too much. I left him and he asked me back he quit drinking. I took h back and it was even better then the first time but a few months down the road his jealousy started again and I was very mean to him because of it. He had broken up with me told me he didn’t love me anymore, said he wasn’t attracted and he had someone else. I got so hurt I went out with my best friend and got really drunk. I gave a guy my number because I was so mad at my ex I wanted to make him feel the same way. I ended up calling him after I did that because I knew I didn’t want anyone else. I patched things up and we made up. I never told him about me giving my phone number out because I didn’t want to mess it up. I never spoke to the guy after that night, he never even text. Maybe a month swum the road and things were coming together nicely and the guy from the night out text, my boyfriend saw it. I came clean although we were broken up he is still hurt and feels like he was right all along to not trust me. Just when he was starting to trust that I was different. I know I want to change and not take him for granted like I did or put my friends first. I love him so much and I don’t know what to do. He says he doesn’t want to be together anymore but he says things like he doesn’t want to be around my friend anymore and that he’s moving back home with or without me. He says there is no chance but says things like that. What do I do? I know I messed up by trying to get back at him but it never went farther than giving my number.
Im so confused my bf of 1 yr broke up with me in October i was ready to move on when he started texting me and wanted to see me i keep saying no until i gave in and accepted.. we started hanging out and spending time together and all the rest.. Out of nowhere he decided that it’s time to move on and want us to stop seeing eachother, he keeps telling me that he loves me and it shows we have so much fun together, but he is so against to give out relationship another chance not now and not later he says… i dont know what to do we love each other and i know we can make this work.. he even told me that he is ready to see someone else already but there’s noone else in his life at this point. We just sent NYE together should i believe that he really moved on so quick or is he just trying to push me away.. Since we broke up I haven’t really give him time to miss me i have been there for him all the time, after the break up he started going out all the time and he had a car accident i was the one he called to be with him… Now im so confused any adviced??
By ex dumped me new years eve after over a year together and I feel like my world has been ripped apart. We rushed into our relationship…or should I say he did. When we first met, he stayed one night…then another…then another and before you knew it, he had never left. He moved his things in and we were happy. I adore him and he said he adored me. There was talk or marriage and children. But in the last few weeks we had been arguing so much. I found out he had lied several times, met his ex’s etc so we argued. And the day b4 new years eve I found out he was out with his ex gf while I was at work. So I went mad and we argued. The next day he finished with me saying it was to hard. We argue to much, he needs his own space, his own life and his own belongings etc. He said he loves me and wants me so much it hurts but he needs to sort his head out and there is no chance. 2days later he said that he will ‘think’ about us after he’s sorted his head out. He’s taken his stuff and moved into a house 20seconds from my place. I want to believe that he will be back after I give him space but I’m so worried that he is just trying not to hurt me my giving me this false hope and in a few weeks when I’m not so raw, realise that he either wants single life or a new gf and say its 100% over :( iv not bugged him all the time with messages and I havnt called him once. Iv told him I will give him space until the end of january and not tx me until he knows what he wants. I’m worried he will forget about me and not miss me. He wants holidays with his mates etc and I can’t go because I have two children and money issues, so I think he may realise that freedom is what he wants. I offered him a compromise by saying that he can move out, see his friends etc but we start again, date slowly like once a week etc but he hasn’t responded much. I’m so confused and it hurts so much I physically can’t cope with the pain. Some advice would really help me please :(
We had a misunderstanding,i told him leave me alone,why yu making me regretin y i chose yu instead of my ex…this was so bad bt it happened was too emotional.the nxt mornin i called him apologising en telling him he was the one i love…..he said its okay bt im now insecure,the words you told me are too mch so i nid sme space to forget ren evaluate our relationship…that was end of november,i kept kalling him,txting,etc until he said he forgave me that was end of dec,surprisingly he txted i dnt c the reason of dating someone who thinks of their ex of wc i sid emotionaly..i jus said ok,take your time love you.that was it,ts nw a week without tokin..i love him so mch i wsh he cud understand i didnt mean he cnt forgive me.wat can i do.we have been dating for 5months en we were the best.i miss him
Thank you so mujj for this …. I am a virgin and i don’t know if I m not with my bf anymore ..cause we were taking a long pause in our relationship…… it is me who propose this IDEA because i really want to finish my school and get my scholarship first for my family…I m 19 years old and i wonder if this is the age of getting n love or …
Ok so me and my now ex boyfriend broke up a month ago and It was really hard on me. He wanted to experience his senior year single. Well I really don’t know what I did wrong, maybe I was boring to him. But he said we can be best friend likes before we started dating well he doesn’t have those feelings like he used to so he was being mean and I really want it back to the way before. After we broke up I had a friend message him ( that he didn’t know) and she would tell me stuff that he would say. I felt bad about it and we got into a fight and told him about it and now he doesn’t even wanna be friends even tho I said sorry and told him I would never do it again I felt so awful. I’m guessing I’m gonna just leave him alone for a while. I feel like I’m going backwards and not getting him back ever.. I really need help
Thank you so much. The article helps me so much to feel better. My boyfriend just broke up with me today and I cant accept it. But the reason is i was cheating on him with my boss. My boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year and 6 months. We’ve been broken up for dozens of times but we still keep on trying and hoping it will work out. Because of my broken family,I needed more attention from my boyfriend and I started to act needy and Jealous.He’s sick and tired of it but because he loves me,he’s always giving me chances to work it out. I know we’re on the edge and that made me think “what if I’m with another guy who I can be trusted financially?”
My boyfriend is not really successful and it made me worry if he could support the family if we ever get to that point. It bothers me a lot. He’s 35 and I’m 23 so he’s close to that point of having a family, and we even started talking about babies and moving in. Until I met my boss, who likes me a lot. I let him bring me to some fancy places where my boyfriend can’t, he even buy me gifts. I felt good and secured coz he’s a nice guy and could take care of me. And my boyfriend caught us through my phone. I realized how much I hurt him and regret what I’ve done. I want him back but he already put restraining order for me and said leave him alone or else he’s gonna file a report of harassment if I don’t stop texting me. I want him back. I don’t wanna be with anybody. I know I did something really stupid but now I realized how much he means to me. I want things to go back to what it used to ready to change and Make myself better. But do u think he’s still gonna forgive me for what I’ve done?
all i’m seeing here is basically use your body to get to love. which is wrong and disgusting. why does every relationship have to revolve around sex and why does being “the night of his life” by being a freaking p*rn star determine if he’s gonna go back to you or not? if anyone does all of these, the guy is only gonna use you for sex, and basically, youre letting him.
My boyfriend and I broke up about a week ago, this article really kinda helped, when we broke up he was always hanging out with his friend while I was working my but off, and then when I didn’t have to work he would ignore me all the time, when he was with his friend. And while he was with me he would be glued to his phone texting his friend. It drove me crazy, and I got really jealous about it, the day before we broke up we had made plans earlier in the week to go out to dinner and see a movie that had just come out and I wanted to see it. I woke up that morning to him texting his friend, and he told me that we were going to see this movie, (the complete opposite one that I wanted to see) and it started at 7. Of course naturally I got mad about it. I asked him why he changed the plans, and he said that’s the only movie that Dana could see (his friends girlfriend) and I got even more mad, because it was supposed to be a day with just us, but I let it go because he came up to me and hugged me and said I love you. on the way to dinner he said “I don’t really feel like seeing a movie today so why do we all go do something with people” inside I was annoyed, but I didn’t let it show. After dinner we were going to hang out with people and he said I think I’m going over to my friends house tonight, and go over to yours tomorrow, I asked him why when today was my day off and I closed tomorrow, he said well he wants me to help him finish this project, (this made upset me because I work full time and only get to see him a couple times out of the week) I told him why your always with him, and today is my only day off. he got mad and said I just wont hangout with him anymore, and I said no don’t do that you can still hang out with him but this is my only day to do stuff, that night he ended up lying to me saying he was going home and the ended up going to his friends, then the next day he lied to me saying he was going over there cause he didn’t last night and then later that night we broke up, And the next day he met with me to give each other our stuff back and he said, this is only temporary until I get a job, we can still hang out and talk and stuff, and after that, he has barely said anything to me, we hung out once and then he started fooling around with me and I shouldn’t of done it but I couldn’t help it I was with him for over a year almost two, and after that he barley said a word to me, and he and started lying to me more and more and now I just don’t know what to do, and I talked to him and he said don’t worry Its just temporary I don’t know if he was just saying that to make me feel better or he was really telling the truth. If anyone could help me that would be really appreciated.
my boyfriend and i broke up like 5 days ago . i still cant accept it. the reason he broke up with me is because he thought i was rushing things . we were only going out for 4 weeks. if i wanted to hold his hand he would consider that rushing ? i honestly think that is he thought i was “rushing” he could have had communtication with me and told me instead of breaking up . aside from that whole experiance , i felt like i didnt know him as well . we went from barly talking to going out in less than a week. we both liked eachother very much though. what im going to do is change myself. not only to get him back , but for all the other assh*les who dumped me. i wanna be that girl that walks passed them and their like dayuummm we should get back together . at the end of it all i just want him to know how lonley hes gunna feel without me by his side. i honestly thought he was gunna be my longest relationship (my longest relationship has been only a month). and also yesterday , i poured my heart out to him and wrote him a hugeeeeeee text . his response was “aww thanks thats sweet (: ” i dont think he actually took in all the emotion and feelings and time it took me to write all that. one thing i hate now is that i try to be mad at him and i cant. i have to see his face eveeeryday and it would hurt me alot. im gunna have to live with this . #girlsgetf*ckedovereasy
thank u so much my ex & I are in so much better of a relationship than be4
Ok, I feel like a just talked to a bunch of friends on a group session..
I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. We’ve been together for seven years. The last year has been quite a disaster. I know I started the fights because I felt like he didn’t love me or that he was feeling comfy and non attentive or something. It made me look needy and like a good woman I overused it. I have never been like that but I couldn’t control myself. And the more I acted and felt like he didn’t want me anymore, the more I loose him. He’s reaction was that he couldn’t understand why I was saying those things. Like offended.
He told me yesterday he need it time to think. That I used to made him feel like he was the King of the world but that he’s been feeling miserable for a long while.
To me that’s the end of it. I text him with sorry’s and I love you and please all night. I know it wasn’t smart but I panicked! I can’t live without that guy. I’m waking up to a world I hate, and feel guilty.
But reading this made me think I might have a shot.
I need to leave him alone for a while. And it’s killing me. I’m dying here. He’s the perfect man for me and I couldn’t make him happy, I couldn’t show it to him.
I just hope I’ll be strong enough.
I cut my hair of today, took like 10 inches off.. He loved my hair.. Just another mistake but I think it’s an improvement.
Lauren I broke up with my gf of like 3 yrs with the exact same thing she said she need time to think she didn’t know what she wanted.Clearly I wasn’t making her happy,this was about a month ago I’ve met her once for coffee and I can hardly remember her laughing more.I think I still have a chance,I recently lost my job too so this really doesn’t help.I can’t get her out of my head I am constantly thinking about her.We do talk but I don’t think I can leave her alone as much as I she does with me.
I know no one is going to measure up I just wish I could be the one who could make her happy and that she gave me equal respect.
My boyfriend and I broke up 4 days ago. We started having problems a few months ago and we just couldn’t fix them. It seemed like he just gave up on the relationship. We both still have feelings for each other, but we were both unhappy and stressed out. He started not texting me back, so I went psycho on him with my drunk texts and calls. That pushed him away and we broke up. He said right now isn’t the best time for our relationship and he does not want to put me first. Anyway, I really hope these steps work!
oh ma gosh this is axactly what i am going through,worse i had found a job elswhere and now i am 5 hours away from seems as if it is imposible to gethim back but somehow i can not get ovaer him.i love him too much yet i have hurt him more than any person on earth…please help i can not live without him
hi, this is an amazing article absolutely helpful.. I am in a slightly tricky situation hope you guys can help.. Am in my early 30s awaiting divorce from my husband. My boyfriend of 4 years is an amazing guy in his late 30s who ran away in my times of need as my husband made it all very sh*tty. We were not in touch for almost 6 months after which he initiated chatting & we are in constant touch over online chat & text messages. We met up couple of times over coffee & things are pretty formal although we did share how much we miss each other.. Do you think theres any possibility of us getting back together
I really enjoyed this article. It made me feel better about my situation perhaps hopeful. My boyfriend I started dating over 4 1/2 years ago and he broke up with me six months ago. Since then we’ve seen each other quite a few times. But it’s been difficult . Shortly after breakinh up it came up in conversation that he was no longer in love with me. Of course I was shocked because I couldn’t understand how someone could fall out of love so quickly. Since then we’ve met on several occasions. we don’t argue anymore and things are generally amicable between us.
I apologized for being very hard on him and demanding. And of course there were a few times when we got together to have sex. But things were getting too difficult because i still had incredibly strong feelings. all the while I got the impression that he was distancing himself from me. So I decided for my own sanity that I would keep my distance I asked him to do the same and that we would not contact each other for as long as it took. Reading this article has made me realize that I have made quite a few mistakes and that keeping my distance throughout would’ve been the most beneficial to our potential relationship. I also understand the importance of sex. but sex has never been an issue for us. yet I feel that by making myself so available to him I somehow devalued myself and spoiled our chances at reunification. I know he has other lovers. It’s not that fact that bothers me but the fact that he claims to no longer be in love me. And I guess what bothers me even more is that I am not able to let go. This may have to do with the fact that every time I asked about us all he would ever say was that he can’t give me an answer. After two months of silence I decided to travel home for the holidays for a month and asked to see him before I go. We had a wonderful time and that left me feeling positive. i spent the holidays with my family but thought of him often. We had limited text and email communication during my one month away and i returned from my holidays only to find that I was missing him more than ever. So I got in touch with him. He seemed a bit reluctant to meet right away but I like the poor sap that I am was insistent. i had questions for him but I disnt want to address them in an email. In all honesty my intention to meet that evening was to talk about our situation. I wanted to know how he was feeling what he was up to, progress reports et cetera. What I didn’t expect was to start asking him questions about his lovers. It turns out he’s had a few which is understandable given he’s an incredibly sexual person. Interestingly this information didn’t bother me what really bothered me was that he told me once again that he was no longer in love with me. But getting to that information was quite difficult. He skirted around the issue again saying that he doesn’t know what tomorrow will bring and that I’m a very important person in his life. Clearly he’s not ready to let go even if he doesnt want anything from me. I on the other hand am still very much in love with him and given that our relationship went deeper than any before. Granted we had our issues and we didn’t really make much of an effort to make things work. But both of us are really trying to fundamentally change. Of course as usual I could not resist him I had been fantasizing about him for months and so I invited him home and he did not refuse And here I am two days later not so much feeling regret as realizing that this is a lost cause. I feel more and more like I’ve made all the mistakes One could possibly make in such a situation. But the most fundamental mistake of all is that deep down I have little respect and love for myself. Most of the time I’m okay with myself but in this particular situation with this particular man I seem to somehow lose myself it’s almost as though I lose my identity but I really think that it’s just a matter of being truly in love with him. I don’t know which direction to go with this. I sometimes think that the only solution for me is to find someone else so i can really put him behind me. The only problem is I have no desire to be with anyone else. I know that what we had when it was working was unlike anything either of us has experienced. And it’s interesting that the breakup inspired us to change in so many ways. I do hope sometime in the future that I will be with him as a new woman and he as a new man. I believe That people can fundamentally change if they really want to. But the price we pay to grow is high.
My boyfriend and I were together for a little over 2 years. He broke up with me yesterday, him telling me that he thinks we’ve grown into being “just friends” rather than boyfriend/girlfriend. I asked him what the problem was, and where we went wrong in our relationship, and he basically said that I was the problem. I asked him if it was anything about me that I could fix/change and he simply said “It’s just you. Can you fix yourself?” He was being really mean… We’ve broken up three times before, and he always came crawling back to me, telling me how much he missed me and he realized what he did was a mistake, but there’s just something about this time around that’s making me think differently… That he might not want to come back to me this time… I really do love him so much. Sure we argue, but the next minute we make up and apologize for what we said that was mean to each other. He’s the perfect man for me, and I know he still has feelings for me, as bad as he was talking last night. I read through this guide, and I think I’m going to take all these things into consideration. All the steps made sense. Hopefully these tips will work for my boyfriend and I. I appreciate it. :)
Hi. my boy friend and I had fight on friday. we are living together and since then he comes home late night and dont eat here .we used to eat at home before even i cooked but he didnt eat last night seems he had outside.we always fight for same topic and I am sensitive about the care he shows for some people but he says he cant ignore it and i feel bad and show reaction always. i am going mad now since he is nt talking and seems he doesnt love me anymore.though it was my fault argued with him i tried to go close to him but seems he isnt accepting. i dont know what i have to do.i love him though its difficult for me accepting he cares about some other people.i dont know understand the reason. I dont know what i have to do now. shall i leave or stay? i want him back but i feel he wants to finish with me :( some one helps me :((
i broke my ex coz i found out he was cheated on me..the other girl use my bikini..and i did not talk to him for a week and he ask sorry and want to be friends with me so i become friends with him he spent christmas and new years in my years there is something happened me and him i thougth we are go back together but looks like he dont want to see me anymore..i invite him to go out with my friends party he did reject me so i tell him i will not bother him anymore we been together for 2yrs like live he text me that he miss me a lot..and im still the best ever he had..but i dont know if he want to ggo back with me or still love him but i think he dont love what will i do now …i miss him a lot too…but i have to move on with my life now i did not text him anymore or even hang out with our common friends…im still confused…
By the way, this article is on point!!! Men hate sniffy, sneezy, blubbering women…so quit it!!!!! Just act like you’re some hot chick from baywatch…exercise, take a bubble bath…and mention it to him, wear Paris Hilton perfume, have flippy, blowy hair, perk up the boobies, get your makeup on point, sport an awesome medi/pedi, eyebrow wax, wear Victorias secret body lotion, and dress to kill. Then, act like a man…and get over what ever the problem was so you can have fun…just quit whining!!! Problems with this???? Ask yourself what would the baywatch chick do in this situation. Answer: Smile ’cause she has the man. Now let me add that I hate when women say I tried not to be clingy but I couldn’t help it…go get a hobby, or at least read a book or what about the newspaper…or…the internet….or maybe google how NOT to be overbearing!!! In other words….Get yo’ life! If you simply must blubber and complain, save it for nighttime when you’re alone with your sock monkey!!! You heard of save the drama for your mama, right?
Oh, yeah….don’t forget to feed his butt…that always gets and keeps them!!!
Our problem was not in bed, it was the order of who is more important in his life. I know God has to be first and I want to be next and not last in that list. After all, we were living together as a couple in MY house. I gave him my all and he admitted. He put me after his, so called, friends. Am I wrong?
Me and my boyfriend broke up yesterday it felt so bad but it was my fault and I fell awful…all I’ve been doing is staring at a pic of him and listen to the saddest songs
I met my ex 4years ago at a nightclub, I instantly felt attracted to him altough I was in a relationship with a jackass that cheated on me a million times.
We became friends and would chat now and then until one day he called and told me he loves me.
I left my cheating ex and gave him a chance, we got serious and introduced each other to our families and parents. The 1st year of the relationship was amazing, he would bring roses when he visited, take me for romantic dinners, send romantic texts and call me and speak for hours. As time passed things started getting different…feeling different…He never made me feel special like before and I was afraid I was losing him, which in a way made me angry and I started arguments and fights with him all the time..In the past 3 and a half years we’ve broken up every year before christmas and new year..he left…after 6months he would come back…Last year when he came back,we promised each other that we would never let our relationship go through that ever again…few months down the line…I could feel that we were taking each other for granted again…He never use to call me, he was too tired or too busy to text me..He always had excuses when it came to weekends for us to spend time together…It made me feel unimportant and as if he had met someone else…though I knew deep down he was never one to cheat, assuming,crazy thoughts and anger caused us to fight constantly,but still we loved each other very much…September last year he was writing exams and told me that he will not have anytime for me, It hurt but i understood because I knew it was important to him..Until I found pictures of him on social networks at clubs with his friends…which tore me to pieces..He lied!! Were his friends,drinking and clubbing more important to him then me? I am 22 years old and since I met him I gave up all my friends and clubbing for him,because he didnt like that…I would pine and crave to be with him and see him or even hear his voice…but all I would get from him was excuses.. Earlier Last year he spoke to me about getting engaged and starting a life together and of how much he loves me….November last year he called it quits when he found out that I had one of his male friends in whatsapp(innocently),I would never cheat on him,leave alone that…with his friend…Since then Ive tried everything possible to make things right, met with his parents,sent texts,tried calling, even drove out to a place nearby to where he lives and texted him to say Im waiting to talk to him…he ignored me every single time…xmas passed,so did new year…still nothing…then I realised I was hurting myself more by trying and getting rejected all the time, even after finding out he had a profile on a dating network, I still forgave and tried…I stopped contacting him for 2weeks,…a week back I received 2 missed calls from him, I regreted that I missed his call but I did not try and call back, I msg’d him a day after and he responded…that gave me a little hope that there was still something between us…After that I havent contacted him until lastnight when I couldnt stop thinking about him and decided to send him an I miss you msg…a beeeeeg mistake!!! I wasnt very happy with his reply and in an emotional state I replied with a nasty msg…I think I just made things worse… Im at that very hurt and confused stage right now… where when I think about all the things he has done to hurt me it makes me feel as If I dont want to be with him,but deep down inside I know how much I love him and that I can forgive him for anything because the love is enough, He still keeps in contact with my family and my mum, not to sure if thats a good thing… I will try your tips and hope it works:-) Ive now realised that he knows exactly how I feel about him and that I want a long lasting relationship with him, but Ive tried and Ive done my part…I cant be rejected every single day when I try to contact him…HIS NOT A NEED IN MY LIFE….BUT I DO WANT HIM TO BE IN MY LIFE…I love him alot, but you cant force someone to be with you if they dont want to…the time apart(breaking off contact) may bring him back or may help me get over him….If its meant to be it will be….
what if he doesnt want to b with u..??what if u r ready to forgive him for his every faults even ready to say sorry infinite times without my fault but he is not ready to feel regret for anything he did with me to hurt me…what if u want him for whole ur life but he doesnt ready to listen ur voice ….what if u wana do everything anything for him but he hate ur every action and ur feelings……???
i love my boyfriend more than my self but he hates me more than anything….i dont know whats wrong with me….y he hates me suddenly ….he close all the contcts with me…..not ready to listen my feelings nd not ready to say that y he left me….not ready to meet me atleast once to sort out our problems……
What would you do if you want your ex boyfriend back and he says thats why i dont love you anymore
Hey, so I did some changes, and I feel much better and I look better. But we’re not talking it’s been two weeks, so how am I going to see him again? should I speak to him first and what should I say?
I know he feels bad because his friend posted on his facebook wall ” these times are hard but they will pass”.
So, what should I do?
Ok gonna give this a bash sounds like good advice for me just now! Been with my boyf a year and half just moved in together 2 months ago. Recently we have been having massive arguments where neither of us seem to be able to walk away from or stop hurting each other. We had another silly argument last week and he has now left me saying its over and we can’t keep going round in circles. We have both been married before and know that we have never felt this strongly for anyone I’m our pasts and when we are not arguing things are amazing. I know that he is very stubborn and insecure (not saying I’m perfect!) but I really do feel that if we can just learn to communicate better and actually walk away and forgive when having an argument we can get thru this and grow together but he just says there’s no going back! Anymore advise or help would be greatly appreciated here as I’m a mess rite now x
yah but he never talks to me ever and i look at him and then i feel like he never even meant to date me i cry everyday cuz of him i love him so much and he doesnt even care
My situation is a bit different. I have a boyfriend who loves me incredibly and so do I. But the problem between us is that he does not bring our relationship into his father’s consideration. It’s been 1 year and 4 months we have been dating. When he asked me out, he clearly told me that he is not that type of a person who likes to date girls and move on to the next one, I personally admire that about him, and I also think the same. We have a lot of mutuality. Our relationship is close to perfect, but he does not like when I ask him about if he will speak to his dad about our relationship so we can get married some where in future. My side of the family found out about him, and they have no issues with it, they just want to speak to his family so they can tie us in a knot. Recently, he told me he was going to speak to his father by the end of this month, but again he did what he has been doing, he dodged this issue, and here I am super stressed about what is on his mind about this. Does he even want to marry me or be with me forever? I need help, because I am so confused about what does he really want? I know that he loves me with all his heart, and so do I, but why is he keep dogding the marriage topic?
i think he still isnt sure about the future together with you,men believe that women change after mariage so i think you should continue loving him and give it your best,when the time is right he will bring up the topic(give it your all sweety you lucky you sill have him)
Eh. Never mind, he’s really not worth the effort. :}
I wana try this,it’s just that i’m not sure if it’s gonna work because my ex broke up with me for the fact that he wanted to live for God and that all the dating and the sex will no longer be right,i tried telling him how much i love him but he is just so stubborn,he just suddenly changed,it was not like we weren’t happy,he just came up with it and that was it,we broke up.
So I met this girl through a friend and we instantly connected. It was incredible. I felt myself falling for her ever so slightly day by day.
After talking for a few weeks, she asked me ask her out which I did and low and behold, we were in a relationship. She told her parents about me very quickly and even mentioned that I was marriage material in a few years.
We live far apart so when I first met her as her boyfriend, we spent a few days together which for me were magical. I loved them. The same can’t be said for her because the following day when I got home, she decided to break it up because I wasn’t the guy for her any more.
It confused me a lot. Every time we spoke, she would tell me she missed me, loved me and that how lucky she was to have me. Even until the point I rolled out of the station as I said goodbye to her, she told me she loved and would miss me a lot.
This girl is a great girl don’t get me wrong but she wants to experience other things and other people. While we were together, she would tell me of guys she doesn’t talk to anymore that she once had some sort of relationship with. I have a feeling she wants to experience these guys rather than think to herself about “what if?”
How can a girl spend so much time confessing her love for someone only to turn around the next day and say “you’re not the one…there might be someone else who is more unpredictable and explosive for me.”
She told me I was a great guy and that she loved me but not like before. May be I am too safe for her. Maybe because she is younger than me, she needs to go out into the world and find out what she wants.
She told me she doesn’t know what she wants but wants to find herself. Find out who she is and what she wants. It makes me think what I was to her for that short amount of time?
Will this girl ever come back? Will she find another guy, be ruined by him and then remember how good I was for her or will she just forget very quickly about me and continue exploring?
so I need help…
my bf and I were in love. we were happy and everything was perfect. then one day he asked me to sext him…I told him I was uncomfortable with doing that and I broke up with him. I kind of went into a depression. some days I felt suicidal. he started dating my “friend” but they don’t seem happy. they’ve been dating since October and they haven’t kissed or anything. I miss him so incredibly much and everyday I regret breaking up with him. he and I are still best friends, and I told him I still love him (even though he’s dating someone). all he said was “I don’t know what to say…” and I cry myself to sleep every night blaming myself for what happened. he’s a great guy and I need him back. I don’t cut myself or do anything like that, but I’m getting worse. I need help. does anyone have any advice?!
If you can do what he wants then just do it. If u really cant then don’t . Ask him why he wants this from you. What made him want this? Are you not good enough. Sometimes I think its best to just ask straight up. But only do this if you are able to. Goodluck :)
So my boyfriend broke up with me two weeks before Christmas and I’ve tryed everything to get him back. It looks like its hopeless even though we are really good friends now and he seems into me again. I just don’t know if I should see if he really ever liked me or if he still does. We’ve been together before, although it took a year and a half to get back together. I’m wondering of the spark is still there!
Thats happened with me many times. You just need to show him what he is msising . Show him the sparks somehow that existed when you first met, or the best time you had so far. Remind him. Slowly. In a cheeky way. Slowly though. x
We were seeing and for 3 years.
Recently just told him im fed up of him not making effort. He spends time with other people and not me. This is a little weird I know. Told him We need to talk (txt). He act txted back” out free Sat” I just replied i am going away for 2 weeks. He probably thinks its the truth. Space is what I needed. Yes I am playing hard to get. To smooth it all out/ Been crazy. He been going out ALOT. Changing his fb pic and not attending skype AT ALL!.
I am going to just mesg him “hi sexy” when I AM “BACK” What do you guys think? Please Advise me. I know I risked not seeing him. But it will be worth it because I would rather see him when We WANT to see each other. Not When Awkward.
i think trying too hard messes things up,he did not want to spend time with you in the first place so by you ignoring or spacing yourself from him you are just making it worse,what you guys realy need is to sit down and talk it through,he is your man so it should be easy to see and judge from the conversation if it is worth it or not.give it try drive to his place or work place and just ask for 5min den secretely make it 1hour.
A female opinion on my dilemma above would restore some sanity to me right now.
my bf and i broke up almost 3 months ago. she told me that she fell out of love to me and was confused if he still wants me in his life. so i let him go and told him i will wait for him until he could make up his mind. for almost 3 months of waiting i just stay ed at home and never dated anyone else.
but him? he dated a lot of girls most were varsity players of volleyball from different universities. then comes this girl. a sta player of the leading team from one of the most popular and exclusive school for rich people. that girl adored my ex bf and i know my ex reciproacates her feelings. she is so popular rich and i honestly say that she is cute too. but i am not having insecurities from that girl. i know im not ugly and it is just being rich and popular is not in the cards for me. my problem is my ex told me that he loves us both. and cant make up her mind who to choose. he still controls me. he replied and answers call from my guy friends and admirers. but i told him i dont have any plans of replacing him. by the way we still live together. but he is seeing that other girl from time to time. he even has the nerve to tell all the deails of their dates. i dont know if he is just trying to make me jealous or he is just being a complete jerk. the other day he told me that he is choosing me over that girl but yesterday he was with a date with her. i love him so much and weve been together for two years. what should i do? sigh
All good…what if your ex said he really really likes you, but is not in love?
My boyfriend and I broke up 4 days ago.i left him bc he wasnt appreciating me enough and then the next day i decided i wanted to be back together and just try and work through things as a couple.he has been ignoring all of my phone and won’t speak to me at all.we work together so things are ten times harder I just want him back we have been through so much and I just can’t picture my life without him. he has told me this is it but we have done this so many times its almost a weekly thing. This time i went way to far though after being rejected by him the last time I lied to him by telling him he was a terrible boyfriend and even worse in bed(complete lied ,he rocked my world) I just wanted to hit below the belt and make him feel how I was feeling.I also lied and told him i had been cheating on him this whole time. Sounds crazy i know I just lost it. I really hopes this works bc i don’t want to loose the love of my life,my bestfriend,my soulmate all bc I lost it .any words of advice?
My boyfriend broke up with me after 19 months. He has said that it has been extremely difficult for him but now he doesn’t talk to me at all as he says that it is a bad idea. I desperately want him back.
I have been with my boyfriend for 10 months, I’m his first girlfriend, previous relationships of mine, I’ve cheated. My current boyfriend would never cheat on me but I’m so insecure it’s putting a lot of strain on us. I can’t help but compare my relationship to my best friends ‘perfect relationship’ it’s making me very jealous I need advise!
My boyfriend broke up with me a week ago because he didn’t want commitment and he didn’t like the distance (Im about an hour and a half away for school) I came home every single weekend to hang out with him even if it was only for a couple hours but apparently he just couldn’t handle that anymore.. We would have been dating a year on Feb 27th. He said that he’s been doubting things for a while but couldn’t tell me right away. He said a relationship isn’t for him and he just needs to do his own thing right now. Also he said he’s not in love but he loves me in the sense he’d do anything for me which makes no sense? He bought me a together forever charm for my bracelet and said all these really sweet things that I just can’t get out of my head. The day after we broke up he already hung out with a girl and he’s trying to get with girls so much younger than him since everyone is away at college and he decided to take a year off. Im done school in 2 months so I guess i’m just wondering if he’ll come back? I can’t picture him just leaving me completely we’ve known each other for so long and had the best times when we were together. I think he just needs time to think and do his own thing for a bit until im home a lot more often. Please, does anyone have any thoughts? It would help a lot! Thanks <3
My boyfriend and I have been together for about five years. In December we got into an argument because I thought he was ignoring my plans I had with my family. We normally see family together during the holidays so I expected him to be on point. Anyway, I was about to leave and asked him what’s on his agenda and he just ignored me. I got mad and cursed him out and left. Days after I text to find out why he was ignoring me and he did not reply. Some time passed and he then said we need some space because I constantly curse him out and he is tired of it. He said that I am jealous and insecure which is a recurring theme in our arguments. Weeks passed and we just cordial over the phone. I tried not to be clingy because he said that we have to learn to be friends and give each other space in order to try and repair the relationship. He visited me in January and we talked somewhat and ended up sleeping together. We were cordial for a couple days and he kept saying how much he loves me and wants to have a family with me. I then asked if that means that we are back together and he said we never broke up but we still need space. Some time passed and we kept sending each other messages and stuff. I really missed him and asked when are we going to be out of this phase and he said as long as it takes for me to fix my ways. I told him that he has things to work on too. He said he knows he is not perfect but we keep fighting over the same things and he is tired of it. Recently he came to see me and brought an unexpected gift. I thought he was going to stay but he did not. I wanted him so badly that I slept with him. A few days after I asked about seeing him for Valentines Day and he said “why did we break up again?” I said “You said we were not broken up” He said that we still need space. I said I was confused because he keeps sending me messages about missing me and wanting to be with me and we are intimate but yet we are “just friends for now”. Mind you, when we text it is not about anything sexual. If he sees where a conversation is headed that way he stops it. Now we got into a huge fight over the phone because I said I do not know what he wants from me and I am fed up of waiting. He said talking to me is pointless because I do not get where he is coming from. I told him that he does not get where I am coming from either and I will just leave him alone. He said that he does not give a f#$% and that I should do what I want to because he is not getting through to me. I try to understand him honestly I do but I do not think he sees it. I love him with all my heart but I fear this is it for us. Sigh. Any advice?
My boyfriend broke up with me 6months ago..saying things like, I want I be on my own, go out with mates, we weren’t getting on anymore. Which I thought was bizarre because we would always joke around, we were together for 4&half years. Took him only 2 months to find a new girlfriend he seems to of forgotten all about me, I haven’t saw him in them 6 months nor contacted I would life to get back with him As he is my best friend. And I truly love him. Any help appreciated
My boyfriend just broke up with me a week ago. We had been dating about 4 months. The first two months of our relationship, he worked a normal 9-5 job and we were able to see each other once, twice, or even more times a week. In December he went back to working a completely opposite shift as me, and six days a week, meaning that we had very little time to see each other. Only about once every week to two weeks. We talked about how difficult it was to see each other because of his work schedule, but that he really cared about me and was going to try to make it work because it meant something to him. The next time I saw him three weeks later, he said that he didn’t think he would be able to commit the time to the relationship. It wasn’t that he didn’t care about me, or enjoy my company, but that he couldn’t see me very often and when he had time off on the weekends, there were other things that he needed to do because he could only do them then. He said that it didn’t mean he wouldn’t be interested in taking me out every couples of weeks or so, but that it wouldn’t be anything more than a date, not a relationship. He also said that it had nothing to do with anything that I did, that he always had a great time with me (we never got into any fights or arguments), and the breakup wasn’t anything he particularly wanted to do, but he knew that I wanted more than he could give me. He mentioned that if his schedule changed in the somewhat near future, or if his feelings towards committing to a relationship changed, I would be the first one to know. I really feel like we’re right together, and he said that he thought we were good together, and I could honestly see myself with him for the long haul. How long should I wait before I contact him? We had talked everyday for the past 3 months, and now nothing. He’s leaving for a 3 week long business trip in April. Should I contact him and try to see him before he leaves, or wait until he gets back? I would be willing to have a relationship with him even if it meant not seeing him very often, as long as I knew we would be serious once he got back on a different schedule. I’m pretty upset and hurt about it, and any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
I’m confused… I was with my ex for 3 years n 6mthns n he cheated on me but when he was with her and he went to work he would call me n tell me he miss me n love me n want to b back with me. He’ll say things like I choose the wrng girl she’s controlling. Well 5 months go by without talkin n we was back together having sex , going out, having with each others family, but she jus kept texting him n calling him then she made up a lie saying she was pregnant by him n she really wasn’t but I feel like he still lover her because he reply back to her texts n calls her when I’m not around. Yesterday we out and he dropped me off at home and supposedly went home or to his dad’s but I called his house his roommate sayd he didn’t come home last night n I called his dad house n they said he didn’t come over, so I started to get worried n I called his cell phone n it keeps going to voicemail, but my mind is telling me he’s with her… I still love him but I’m tired of the heart ache n him lying to me every time he opens his mouth, we was talkin bout getting married next year. I need Advice pls help!!
My boyfriend broke up with me because of my religion.He said his family was totally against it and the pressure had become too much for him.we’ve been dating for close to two years.He also complained about my attitude which I’m ready to change.It hurts a lot and I want him back.I really do.What do I do when his family is the problem?
I got a problem. can someone help?my boyfriend and i were together for 6 years. he has always had a drinking problem all his life.( including his family) we lived together for 3 years. last year he couldnt afford to help pay his share of the rent n bills.(he also has never had a steady job!) he had no choice but to move to another town 20 min away with 2 other guys. this was last july. since then, i seem to be makeing up excuses at times not to drive up to see him only because,for one i pay 4 his prepaid phone n he never seems to anwser so i never know if he is home or not,(lives on the 3rd floor) when he does pick up he is either drunk with his buddies or stoned,(he is very ignorant n loud when he is drunk or stoned) he says he wouldnt have to drink or smoke if i was up there.!! Im trying to teach him a lesson= call me to come over n make sure u are not high or drunk!! so am i wrong to do that? he also says i run my mouth n talk s^%$ alot. i only run my mouth to make him realize what he is doing to hurt me n the mess hes causing in our so-called relationship. past few wks he has only called every other 4 or 5 days to say he is at his moms working. Should i make more of an effort to go up 2 see him out of the blue? Or should he step up and show me he still wants me by quitting his drinking n partying? oh ya, this guy is 31 years old. a grown man.
He needs to step up and show you he cares any guy who really cares will let you know.My best friend is a guy and i always thought we would just be friends,but he hinted towards he wanted to be more.The bad thing was he cut himself so i told him we couldnt be together unless he he steped up and stoped because he really cared.
We didn’t date that long but there hasn’t been a day that goes by that I haven’t thought about him. I deleted his phone number and couldn’t find him except at his best friends house. Should I try and see him or let it go?
What i would do to get my ex back is just let him know i care and i have done that.My friend has a class with him and says he talks to his friends bout me all the time.She says its all good things and about how good life was when we were dating.I just wish i had him back, and all my friends say he still has feelings for me.How do i find out if he really likes me without letting him know i like him?
we had a 9months relationship am not sure if we broke up but wht caused us to be apart is tht he says i always nagging him about other women and no matter wht he told me i dont believe we had a fight when i accused im if he is going back to his babymother he say to me yes a wh if he his going back to her n yes she pregnant as well i pushed him n we began to fight after we finished fight he said to me yes a that me did wnt to here the next day he called me and said nothing like that he was jus messing with my head becuz i dnt want to stop accused him each time i tried to call him for us to talk about it but he doesnt want to come where i am he said if i dnt believe him when he says theres nothing like that happen i dnt know what to believe i loved him and i dnt want to loose him wht should i do i want him bak
HELP . . .
I was with my boyfriend for 4 years we had an amazing and loving relationship and he wanted to marry me for years. However, once I was ready he got cold feet and his friends suddenly became more important and his behavior became unlike him. A month later, he blew me off again and didn’t come home. I broke up with him. He begged for me back but i was too hurt and pushed him away.
I miss him dearly and wish i would I’ve gone about things different. He is now so cold too me and has started dating. I don’t know how to get him to open up to me, if he is so hostile. I’ve tried everything . . left him alone for months and he still hasn’t come around.
Any guy advice would be helpful. HELP!!
I’m glad to say that all your tip helped me to get myboyfriend back, he came crawling back to me within one month, we just got back together before the new year. He dated this new girl for a few days while we were apart buit then realised she isn’t for him. He is still friends with her though so I’m trying not to get my insecurities in the way this time, I’m also taking initiative in creating a better relationship and build a much stronger foundation. I guess I just have to trust him and also give him his freedom. Just like I have my guy friends he has his girl friends. I’m not trying to push him to do things for me like making me feel special he has to do it o n his own.. But for now I’m just enjoying my life with my boyfriend. Much thanks to your great tips,
P.S. He told me I’m the hottest girl he has ever laid eyes on… I got a new hairstyle and new wardrobe to show off the new me – the Better Me :-).
Thank you,
thank you!!!
Hello Andrienne! Im just having a question because Im in the same exactly posisition that you were and Im going through same things. When he told you to break up how long did it pass until you talk again? And when did you finally meet up close?
Thank you!
My boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me 3 weeks ago. He said he did not want to be in a committed relationship anymore. He just wants to be single and see what’s out there. How can you say those things to someone you’ve been with for 4 years?! 3 weeks later, he called me yesterday at 4am. I missed it because I left my phone in the car. I called him today and he said he didn’t remember calling me because he was really drunk. I asked him to meet up for catch up tomorrow and he agreed. I am going to follow this site’s advice: be positive and just have fun. But is there still a chance for us to getting back together? I still love him so much but I feel like he’s made up his mind to be single. I’m so confused and depressed.
what if he already has a new woman? what do I do than?
My ex let me go sayin “I love you so much but i have to let you go. I have to pratice for football but rememeber i love you sorry” what should i do. love him.
my boyfriend broke up with me about two weeks ago, and hasnt talked to me since. he didn’t give me a reason why, he just told me that he wanted to be honest and that he didnt love me anymore, i have heard no rumors of there being another person in his life. up to the day he broke up with me we had been out of contact for about a week and a half because he was very sick and couldnt talk. he wouldnt let me visit him, so i couldnt do anything to help. then on a wednesday morning he told me that he didnt love me anymore… we began being intimate a month ago and as of that time, our sex life only lasted less than a month, could it be that he only wanted me for the sex? how can i figure out the reason if he wont give it to me? i was shocked as well as everyone else was, we never had a fight and i would visit him every chance that i had, so my guess is because i was too clingy, i want him back but i dont want him to take me for granted, and i want him to love me again like he had promised me so many times, at this point my emotions are physcotic and i want to call him and demand an explanation for leaving me, but i remain silent. what would the next step be?
My fears came true last night when my boyfriend of 8 months broke up with me. I am 23, he is 26. We have both been in very serious previous relationships and when we finally met, it was a soul connection other than purely physical or anything of that sort. I was with my high school sweetheart for 6 years… He had been separated from his wife for two years and a half years(they were married at 21), and has just recently signed the final divorce papers.
From the very beginning, it was clear that this would be the relationship that would allow us to be happy, individually and together. After only a few weeks of being together, he told me he loved me. It was amazing. Of course, I loved him too.
I’m still at university, he has just started a high stress an demanding career. We both knew this time would be pivotal in both our relationship and his career, ultimately, our future. I am not a needy girlfriend, all I need is a kiss at night and some arms around me at some point during the week. Most of all, I just appreciate the company, even if we do absolutely opposite things.
He needs his space, personal time to focus on nothing but himself. I thought he was getting enough, until he asked for more. He was constantly tired, rarely made attempts at making love or kissing unless he was drunk… I thought it was because of his dedication to his work that we weren’t spending as much time together- which I will never resent or hold against him. He broke up with me saying that this wasn’t working… That he wasn’t in the relationship as much as he was and that I deserve better. What is so much more confusing is that he kept calling me pet names- Babe, Hun, Sweetie… Why would he do that? In my mind, it’s because he does want to be with me, and genuinely doesn’t feel like he’s good enough. I have been there for him through this, as a supportive girlfriend does, doing this not only for him, but for us. I gave this 100% and refuse to believe that there will be nothing in the future. I love him and God knows we are perfect together. Please, help.
Thanks so much for this. I broke up with my boyfriend and want him back. We just kept arguing i was jealous.. he said he only had eyes for me me and i was the love of his life. It has hurt him so much i know.. but im so willing to change.. i followed your tips i look great, have fun and he still looks at me like i am the one but says sex with no emotional strings is how he wants to do it for now as he is still hurting and probablyv thinks ill do it all again..but i won’t.I hope he comes back totally.. at the moment im working on trying to get him tovstart taking me to his local bar with him again.. we went all the time before. im taking itvslowly anyway. I never want to hurt him again
I so hope with all my heart that this will work!
Unfortunately my situation is a bit complicated and a bit different than the “normal breakups”
My ex had a huge crush on me for about 3 years before we got together. When we finally did, it was AMAZING! We have super chemistry together, we click a lot character wise and we both loved eachother a lot. No relationship is perfect, but I promise, this one was… Until he found out he had a back condition and started taking these stupid pills which had loads of side effects and effected his moods, his libido, the way the thinks, everything!! He changed so much!!! After taking them for a month he has decided that he doesn’t want to be in a relationship any longer and wants to be alone.. This was 6 weeks ago! I was a bit clingy for the first few weeks and texted everyday but now I backed off… Still, nothing’s happening though! He keeps saying he knows what he lost, we were great but he needs this and he wants to stay alone…
I feel like I lost my one and only true love :-( I’m trying to have hope but I just about gave up now!
I’m trying this out… We broke up almost 3 months ago. Within a week he had a new girlfriend. He told me he just wants to be friends. But also says how he can’t get over me, is still in love with me and wants to have a baby. But what I can’t understand is why he doesn’t want to me committed with me. We’ve been talking for the past two weeks and even had sex a few times. After reading this I feel like I should just start over. Step by step.. At this point I really don’t know how else to deal with it!! My enitre heart is broken, he’s truly the love of my life… Advise please!!!
My ex and me were together for a lil over 4 months, last july we went to california and stayed with his family, after we got back he started acting distant, then he started hanging out with a girl, and kept sneaking off to go hangout with her, i asked him if he wanted us to workout, he said he didnt know what he wanted and he wanted to do his own thang, so i got upset and had a friend tell him i was seeing someone else, he got mad yelled at me and asked me who i kissed, who im dating, and who im cheating on him with, i wasn’t and there was no other guy, i loved him, i just wanted him to come back, well she broke up with him, then he came back to me and asked if we could work it out, i said yes, the next day he was back with her, so when he tried talking to me i was soo upset that i told him to just go be with her and to leave me alone, seeing them together everyday was killing me slowly i couldn’t eat or sleep or focus on my classes for my CNA, he ended up moving away with her Dec. 14, 2012, i was so sad after he left, i started pushing myself harder to get my CNA done, and on March 14, 2013 i passed, Im now a CNA which im very happy about, right now im working on getting a job and a place to live, he lives in Des Moines, i was thinking about moving there, but im heading back to sioux city, only because i dont know anybody in Des Moines, and i have friends and family in sioux city, I still miss him, I still love him, he wrote a friend of mine over facebook and he told her he still has feelings for me, i just wish that he would forget the past and we could start new, ya we had our ups and downs but what couple don’t, i wish that there was someone who could help me get him back i love him.
i wnat him back anyway. i am ready todo anything. i love him , but he thinks i cheated him which is not true. what should i do to take him back
My ex and I dated for 2 years and we broke up 2 months ago. Things were sweet at first ,we clicked in almost every thing,but things turned sour when we both started college…we were both stressed and impatient and eventually we broke into arguments and fights. I complained a lot and started to become unappreciative.Even after the break up, he was still kind to me… I knew the reason why we broke up and I’ve changed,Ive become a better person. (my family and MY EX told me, not my own opinion) but he still doesn’t want to get back together. He suddenly became rude to me and it has been 3 weeks since we last contacted each other. Im not hoping for him to come back anyone soon, but deep down I still love him. Should I even try to win him back again even though I know the consequences? Or just move on and get a new guy?
My ex and I broke up 3 months ago the relationship was about 6 months. I have a child who is 5 who he was very involved with. He broke up with me and he ended up coming back the same day apologizing. He left because he said he was ready for something so serious. We were great for the next month or so more in love then ever. Then he stopped coming around as much. Would see my child but leave after her bedtime. The sex stopped. Soon he started being short with me and I finally called him out on it. He said he just couldn’t do this that I didn’t do anything wrong. That it was him he just didnt know what was wrong with him but he wasn’t happy. What I think it was is that we got lazy and got into a routine. We started staying home more. And we texted everyday almost all day. Which I think was a big downer on our relationship. Me and him have texted back and forth sometimes mainly I contact him. But he will say I don’t talk to him enough or something. His not dating anyone. He knows I miss him but he won’t see me in person. So I was wondering if I cut off all contact for a few weeks and then maybe see if he will have lunch? I know once he sees me he will realize. I just can’t get him too.
My boyfriend left me 2 weeks ago ;( evrything was absolutely amazing and perfect. I love him and his little girl so much and i feel heartbroken. We had 8 mounths relationship in witch we lived together….I think i was a bit jelous of his ex, the mother of his daughter, witch i regret now ;( but is it too late? I think he loves me, despite when he left me he said he doesn’t want a relationship and he doesn’t love me the same way i do. Is it possible to tell me all this just to make me go away, or to protect me, or I really dunno….and that’s killing me…. I haven’t slept proparly, i haven’t eaten proparly, i hate my job ( and I think that was one of the reasons we start having problems, cause i was really moody ) and i just want him back. PLEASE, i need help, i am so confused and hurted. .. If anybody have any advice i am happy to listen
My boyfriend just broke up with me 3 days ago and weve been together for 2 years and 8 months. We had been madly in love with each other and he asked me to marry him twice even tho we couldn’t actually get married because we were only 16 at the time but he asked me all the time well we got in a fight and I told him I couldn’t handle how he was treating me so I told him we needed to break up, he was very heart broken and cried and begged me to take him back and I did within 5 hours. But then about 4 months later he broke up with me he said he wasn’t the same since I broke up with him and that he was done. well while we were broken up for about a week he had sex with another girl, just a rebound hook up and he hates talking about it. but He had lied to me about it when we got back together and said they had kissed and he left and I didn’t care because I had my love back, but then 7 months later we were using his phone to get on facebook and he accidently sent a message to a girl we were both talking for different reasons and he said oh hey I accidently sent molly a message on your facebook I thought I was on mine. well I didn’t really think much of it but then I was wondering what could he be talking to her about? well I got on his facebook and he was talking to molly about her best friend he had the rebound hook up with and I freaked out and left and he called me franticly wanting to know where I went and I asked him about him having sex with another girl and that he had told me they only kissed and he came clean and said he did and he told me he understood if I never talked to him again but I love him more than life so I said no were just gonna have to work through it and your going to have to be patient with me because you’ve lost almost all my trust. well we did have our fights but we always worked through them and figured out what was wrong but I did use him lying to me as a weapon when we got in fights and he started to get very angry that I was still bringing it up. well we talked and before he had broken up with me the first time he said that if we broke up again he would never get back together with me because he didn’t want to string things out but we did get back together he text me saying he still loved me and wanted me back so we got back together. Then he had me move into his parents house with him and things were normal but he got another job and worked more hours so it added some stress and I was getting stressed out about my own job and we did take it out on each other. but we had our good days and bad ones we would go on date nights and laugh and have fun and I asked him if we break up were never getting back together are we? and he just wrapped me in a hug and said it doesn’t matter how many times we break up we will always get back together because I love you way too much to let you go forever. well I found out he had been messaging other girls about our relationship issues which really bothered me because I thought we could talk about anything and sharing any of our concerns with each other he told me all the time that I was his best friend and I would joke around and say yeah well your not mine but then I would tell him later that he is my best friend and I love him. I just wanted to be able to talk about anything and not hide things. but then on my graduation night three days ago I had to work at 5 am and then do my grad stuff and he had to work at noon so we weren’t going to really see each other except after my graduation so when we got home after dinner he told me he didn’t have to be at work for a half hour and I thought oh cool we can hangout and relax since we haven’t seen each other all day well he started to rush off to work and I got upset and I said so your choosing work over me on my grad night? and he got mad and left when he came home from work he went in the bathroom and left his phone on the night stand I did think I was going to find anything on his phone he had only talked to his mom and a co worker but I was bored so looked through what he was saying to his mom and pretty much he felt like we needed to break up but he felt bad about it and didn’t know what to do and his mom just didn’t want him to feel stuck but he also was talking about how I got upset at him going to work but twisted it so it was completely different then why I was mad. well when he came back I just quoted his text to his mom and asked so you don’t want to be together anymore and he got upset and withdrew from me but after we talked for awhile we weren’t as mad at each other and my friend asked if she needed to pick me up because I told her what was going on and I told my boyfriend that she would come get me but then he changed and was telling me I didn’t have to leave and I could stay there with him but I just calmly said no its okay Ill leave and while I was waiting for my friend it actually looked like he was about to cry before I left. well the next morning I text him asking where we were at relationship wise and the night before he said he didn’t know what he wanted to do yet that I should keep my key to the house because he didn’t know what was going to happen yet, well when I text him he told me he just couldn’t get back together and that it was over and he was done but in a way that didn’t sound like him. and I begged him not to do that but I just went to the house and moved my stuff out while he was gone and I asked him what things he wanted me to take and he didn’t really care if it was something I got him he would say well ill keep it but if you want it you can take it. then yesterday I text him wondering if he could bring my cd and a couple other things I left at his house to my house and if we could talk and he was very short and said he didn’t know what we would talk about when the other night he said we could talk whenever I needed to and that he was always here for me and that he still cares about me and that you don’t be with someone and spend almost 3 years of your life with someone and not still care for them but when he replied with being angry and mean I just stop texting him because hes acting really weird and idk if its because hes hurt to and confused and doesn’t know what to do because he told me hes not happy with where hes at (he graduated last year and isn’t in school just works) and that hes going no where in life and that I deserve better and hes just an assh*le to me and not doing anything with his life and that hes super stressed out. so I don’t know what to do I haven’t text him today and all my friends say to just give him space and even his sister said let him be he will start missing you after a few days and hell want you back which I hope is true because I want to start over with a clean slate like this articles says and just try again but different approach I know what Ive been doing wrong and I love him so much and I know he use to love me too and when were together we are super happy when its just us but his friend who told me he was jealous of mine and my boyfriends relationship because his gf is off in the navy now he wouldn’t let us have time alone just constant on top of us even my boyfriends parents would ask me about it and say wow you guys don’t get alone time anymore and it made me stressed out because he is just using my boyfriends house as a place to drink and smoke and he gets jealous when my boyfriend isn’t giving him all his attention and I feel like that also had stressed him out too which sucks because Ive been blinded by my own problems and stress I didn’t realize he was hurting too. so im talking to his mom tomorrow to find out if I even still have a chance and whats actually going on with my boyfriend =/ I just hope that he cares about me enough to still want to try but idk I need advice on what I need to do and what I should do!
Okay so me & my ex boyfriend broke up like a couple months ago. Me and him have been dating for over a year. Ever since we got into high school he changed. He’s like every other guy now. During our relationship, he would cry when I left or if I took the bracelet he gave me off. I just really want him back, I still do love him. I honestly need to know what to do. Help me please
i am married. but i had this 1year affair with a colleague. it didnt bother him that i was married and he loved me genuinely.
i have this attitude of always breaking up with him when things went wrong. but of course we’d always get back together. that’s how strongly we were connected. he didnt have any other girl for tha past year. and everytime i’d tell him to go look for somebody else, he would always tell that he’s not on the lookout.
latter part of last year he joined our office cheer team. i have been insecure about this and this caused us recurring issues. i didnt know the girls in that team which didnt help us with our situation. while i lacked trust, he lacked reassurance. a month ago, we broke up.
while there were exchanges of hurtful words and gestures, he realized that it was about time he moved forward with his life, that what we’ve been doing is wrong and maybe he felt he wanted to start things right with somebody else. he said he’s starting to want to know this girl from the cheer team. though admittedly, he’ still stuck with his admiration, love and connection with me.
he’s been exerting effort to focus on this other girl and probably hopes that they have a future together. i can sense though that he’s not totally happy. he’d still tell me that he misses the way we communicate. though i still sense his resistance, it bothered me why he still had to tell me that most of the time he can’t help but miss me in their conversations. i’m not sure what to make of his actions but i do believe that he still has strong feelings for me.
i guess what he wants to happen in his life now is the right way to go. there is still that selfishness in me in trying to prove that i can still win him back. then again, the more i think of it the more i feel guilty to ruin his life and future because the truth is i will still have nothing to offer him.
i wrote this story to share and get inputs from you guys. the article is a great read and i will still do those tips. but i honestly dont know what i really want.. have him back or let him go totally.
My ex fiancé and I broke up 6 weeks ago. I’m 22 and he’s 18 (yes bit of an age gap) he was the love of my life and still is. He is now with a 32 year old woman with 3 kids…
How do I get him back?
My boyfriend and I just broke up a few days ago. He said it wasn’t working out between us. He said that we argue too much and that I get frustrated way too easily. We did argue and I would get mad over little things. But we would always talk out the issues and for the most part move on from them. Recently I had become really jealous of this girl that works with us. I felt like she was extra flirty with him and it made me feel insecure. I talked to him about it and told him to say something to her about it. He declined saying that it would make there working relationship awkward. He said I should trust him and he does not like her. I kept pressing. The next day he broke up with me. I really care about him and I want him back. I’ve been texting him constantly and I feel bad for doing that. I will give him some space to think and hopefully this will help us. I really want us to be together.
My ex loved me like crazy and i didnt quite value it. I broke up with him 6 months back. And then i realized i loved him, so i became clingy and irritating and moody, things got worse and it was the first time that he told me that he didnt want to get back. We were best friends from 3 years, and we dated for 8 months. Now he has come back, he just wants to be friends, though he is not dating anyone. I am so in love with him!! He says he loves me when he is drunk but something else when he is sober. He is giving me so many mixed signals that it hurts. I have no idea what to do.
My best friend of 3 years and partner of 2 broke up with me 6 months ago now. I love him with all my heart and had grown to see him in my future (house, his cat, maybe kids, the whole shebang) so I was absolutely devastated when he told me. We’d had problems before but it seemed like had figured them out. We hardly ever fought and when we did we found a solution pretty quickly.
After the breakup I did the whole crazy ex girlfriend thing then just stopped talking to him completely for 3months. We started talking again when we both turned up at our club unexpectantly and I apologised and asked him to hang out. But, I didnt feel like he was hearing me so I full on lost it a few times. And now we are back to not talking for a month now but we still see each other around at our club. I’d also made the mistake of telling him that I wanted to start the relationship from scratch and he baulked at that.
I’d been having pretty hard time at work and school for the last year and was very stressed and clingy. But now I’ve sorted all that out and am feeling like the person I used to be in 2011. Since the breakup I’ve felt like I was going off the rails going on dates and doing activities and just anything to try to make me feel better (this is both when I was and was not talking to him). None of it makes me feel better, I cant stop thinking about him because he feels like my other half.
He said that he didn’t think that we had enoughin common, which isn’t true because we would do so many old and new things together. When we broke up he said that he felt like we stopped being friends but then later saud the he was still my friend because we were really good friends. He also still wanted to hug and touch me and told me that he still wanted to do those things. None ofthis made any sense to me.
I have been trying to bury my feelings by trying to hate him but deep down I know that I only want him. I don’t know what to do.
I need help
I was this person for 4 years. When he meet me I had a daughter from a prevues relationship he accepted her as his own , which was good , but then we had a son together 2 years later. Any way when went through a lot of sh*t together he wet to jail and no one was their to help him in the time of need but me. I love this man with all my heart and soul . I know that he loves me because he told me so .i also have a mother who gets to involved in my relationship with him he is tired of it now . Plus I broke his trust my talking to male friends . I want him back but I don’t know how to got about it. I told him I wanted a family with him but he says no . I am heart broken now. I gave him space and we wind up having sex , afterwords I felt bad because I have feeling for him and I told him I wanted t be with him . Am lost and don’t know what to don’t.
It feels like not being able to breathe when a good man leaves you. He’s put up with me for so many years, i’m so sorry for everything. i fked up i was naggy, unappreciative, rude, and not available to him emotionally i was pushing him away he was such a sweet heart and i always found something to argue with him about i took what we had for granted we took a break for a while and decided to try again start from the beginning..we went out had fun and i fell into my old way got mad and argued about soemthing so stupid.
i guess that made him feel like under the surface nothing has changed the thing is everything has changed he says he loves me but he’s not sure of the success of our relationship because of past performance but he wants to try a part of him says he doesn’t want me to wait for him cause he doesn’t know at the moment i guess because of the recent fight we had but also because he’s tired of going through everything but i dont blame him he deserves better this is why im trying i know im emotionally messed i have depression and push ppl away i dont mean to do this im actually thinking of going to couples therapy with him because that would really see if we should be together and after that if not then we would have to go our seperate ways i guess but im not giving up on him because for three years he enver gave up on me not once he loved me thru all the bullsh*t i put him sorry im really sorry
I need help
My ex-boyfriend and I just broke up 2 weeks ago. I love him and his little boys so much and i feel heartbroken. We had 8 mounths relationship in witch we lived together…he and I we are another country but had sometime lived with, I think he loves me, despite when he left me he said he like me but he doesn’t love me the same way i do. Is it possible to tell me all this just to make me go away, or to protect me, or I really dunno…
How do I get him back
hii. my boyfrnd broup me just 2 weeks ago. and when i ask him why he is broking up with me he said he want to give his time to his frnd ang family…
Now i want him back.. but the problem is that we both are in the same college and in same class.. so we see each other daily.. i cant make him feel jealous because if he see me with other guys he feel cheated. plz tell me what i must do to get him back..
Your article gave me hope. There is no question on any level but that I am the best sex he’s ever had and on top of that he says no one has ever treated him like I have. Yet he has walked away. I am devastated. But he has had some family and work issues this year and all I did was whine I was selfish. So now I have let him go. Please tell me the mindvlowing genuine sex snd the fact that I treated him nice will bring him back (it always has before but he seems indifferent to me..being very distant) . He has come back after some pretty bad fhts in the beginning (we got over that years ago) just want to give him his space. The problem is he has a shallowness to him so if he hooks up with someone hot he will actually feel good because he looks good with her not because he feels good like he feels with me. Its sad to watch. His self esteem is bad. I wanted him to feel loved and he did..why is it never enough?
About 3 months ago, me and my ex boyfriend split up. We had been talking to eachother for about 2 weeks, started ‘seeing eachother’ for a week, then were in a relationship…for a week. -.- Things were going great, I’d go round his occasionally, we both knew the meanings of having our own space as we’ve both had relationships with space issues, but after him saying he saw us going really far, he suddenly ended it. To this day I still don’t fully understand why. We still talk, but most of it has been biting eachothers heads off. During that time, we never had sex. We did sexual things, but we never did the deal. (Glad I didn’t) But since we broke it off he’s said he wants to do that with me but doesn’t want a relationship. Stupid thing is, I’m still crazy about him. I’m the kind of person who falls in love too hard and to quickly. Last night he gave me a phone call saying how sorry he was for the way he treated me and he wanted to try things again. After finding out he had been drinking last night makes me wonder if he’s telling the truth or not. I’m supposed to be meeting him tomorrow to talk about things, so I’m going to try these steps. I need him back. I haven’t been the girl I usually am since we broke up. Everyone knows me as the loud and energetic nut. I’m the exact opposite at the moment. Fingers crossed!!
I broke up with my gf for an extremely obvious reason – she didn’t love ME. Girls, please. I need true love, not a fakened up “story”. It was my first relationship, and I didn’t get a new girlfriend since then. We didn’t have any sexual contact either. But it was going on for 1.5 years. I loved her, but eventually she killed all my feelings towards her. I was trying to look sexy, to smell amazing, was extremely kind. Was probably the best she could deserve. Yet she didn’t understand it…now I just want to ask dear, dear girls – there are people like me who you never notice that are looking for a serious relationship. Please notice them and pay attention to how you behave with them…especially do you love your bf’s or not. Right now I see what a jerky girl she is, for lying to me and faking up so much stuff just to claim “oh look I have the best bf ever” but never loved me in real. Seriously care for what you do girls, please. I don’t want any more experiences like this bullcrap full of lies. Thanx in advance.
Me an my boyfriend been on and off for months! He’s family was extremely interfering and very nosey! We met 9 months ago and dated for 8 an half months. We had arguements over his family alot. And both out jealousy and insecurity. I know it’s sounds crazy but we agreed to be friends but we still love eachother. An I’m wondering if that’s all we are ever going to be now. I need to cut ties to move on in literally begging him to give me another chance but of course his family have to stick their nose in! But if I got back with him I just ignore them and tolerate them! I’m not bothered about them. I just want my man back. I love him he loves me why can’t they just butt out and stop interfering? Sounds nasty but if I don’t get him back I hope he meets a really horrible girlfriend in the future who treats him like crap. And stops him seeing his friends. For three weeks he messed me round saying we was just seeing eachother an his family hated it. UNTILL his mom shouted in my face on the webcam then he took his moms side an called it off. So now were just friends and not seeing him as almost killed me. I wish now I had of never bothered and stopped on my own!
I fell in love a few months ago, this man i believe to be my soul mate. Im 43 years old never married because I never thought i had met the right man until he came along. I thought he felt the same, often he would look at me and say “i cant believe you are here with me”. I met his family a couple weeks ago and then he went away with a friend for two weeks. He came back and told me he couldnt be with me. He said it was partly due to my job, that he would worry about me too much and that i didnt look after myself health wise. This being i didnt eat properly, im a shift worker its not always possible to eat healthy. Two weeks ago he was telling me he missed me and talked about travelling together, he was always worried i would get bored with him. Now he has left me because of things that may never happen. What can i do. This man has my hart . How can a man go from so caring loving, telling you hes so thankful to have you in his life to , we wont work out.
Seriously?! Only one happy ending story and every secind girl saying this is a helpful article???
Guys, does anyone have smth to say?
When I started dating my boyfriend we both fell hard and fast, I quickly learned that he was very insecure and could not be alone. He was drinking a lot and one day he would be the best person I could ever ask for and the next he would say horrible things to tear away at my self esteem. I started looking for job opportunities to move close to him, when that finally worked out I learned that he had been seeing someone else behind my back. I have tried to move on and date others but each time they want to get close I just couldn’t, I would feel as though I am cheating and then realize that I really don’t want someone else in my life, if he finds out that someone has an interest in me he makes accusations of me moving on and not caring about him. He will text me during the day when I know that the other guy is at work but as soon as it is the end of the work day he will no longer reply. It’s like he wants to live his life with someone else but also make certain that I am still there and committed to him. He will make accusations that he knows I’m seeing someone else or that I’m sleeping around when I’m not, I don’t know if that’s him just trying to feel good about the choices he has made to do just that. I can’t let go of the many words of encouragement that he has given me even with all of the hurtful ones he has made. It’s so hard to just quit loving someone that I have loved more than anyone. I’m reaching out trying to make friends in my new home but I can’t stop thinking about him all day every day. I wish I knew how to get him to feel what he felt when we first met, to see how I have always been there and committed to him. Whenever he needs help I am always there and I feel if I say no then he would have no need to stay connected with me and I just don’t want to lose him.
I have been with my partner for 2 and a half years and all the sudden he is acting strange he doesn’t wanna see me anymore i go to his house to talk to you close the door in my face and i ask is mother where is he she said he’s out with the boys i don’t know what’s happening what is the acting so strange for no reason at all the funny thing is he doesn’t wanna talk about it either from being so close and so lovable hacking he just switch off is he born in the relationship i don’t know well his father deposit away this year but why did you push me away i wanna to comfort him but he didn’t want me anywhere near him i know you’re going through depression but he still goes out the weather is cheating on me i don’t know
My boyfriend broke up with me last May 14. We were fine texting during that day. But when I suddenly become mad because of a little thing. He also got mad and broke up with me. He told me that our relationship is not working anymore and that we are always fighting. I begged him and told him if we can still fix our relationship. He then told me that he doesn’t want to fix it anymore and doesn’t want to be in my life anymore. The next day, I once again asked him if we can fix this but he said he doesn’t want to. I told him that maybe we should talk about it in person. We met after four days, we talked about our relationship. I asked him again if he still doesn’t want to fix it and he said yes. He also told me that he doesn’t love me anymore, though I don’t believe what he told me maybe Because I still can’t accept it. I cried in front of him and told him that I love him so much and I dont want to lose him. And He told me that he will still be my friend and he will never leave me as a friend. On that day, he told me that I can do whatever I want to do with him. We went to the mall, watch movies and had fun together as if nothing happened. The next day, he didn’t contact me or text me at all. Four days had passed and he suddenly texted me, he invited me to watch a movie with him and so I went. After that, we went to our respective homes. He texted me, how I’m doing though we had just seen each other that day. Because I was very curious of what does meeting up with him means. I asked him if going out and seeing a movie with him means its a date because I was expecting anything from it.He told me just friends and just invited me because he doesn’t have anyone to go with him. We stayed up late all night texting and told me that he was just checking up on me if I had already moved on because if not, he will still not contact me. He also invited me to go out again with him next week and accepted it. The next day, the day after we stayed late texting each other, he didnt contact me again or didnt even texted me at all. Because of that, I decided to text him and said that next week will be our last meeting because its hard for me to move on if I keep seeing or communicating with him. I also texted him that I need space after we meet up next week, I will stop any means if our communication and if he really doesnt want me in his life anymore, then I dont want him either. But, if he still wants me, I told him to make an effort. Is my decision right? I wanted to stop all means of communication with him eventhough I really want to get him back.
My boyfriend and I have broken up for 2 weeks now.. We’ve were together for 9 months. Problem is we live in different states. I purely love him.. but how do I get him back with so much distance? We haven’t talked since our breakup…
My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me two days ago. He was an alcoholic and he got mean when he drank and he ended up going to jail because he scared me.(that was like7 months to a year of our relationship) He went to rehab and is so much better. When we would fight he would always throw “puting him in jail” in my face. I’m not trying to be the hero I just wanted him to get help. I was very insecure and clingy in the relationship and he gave me so many chances to change. I would be doing really great then hit a bump in the road and make a mistake and he would blow up and dump me and I’d convince him I’m doing better, and he would say one last chance. Well the night before I made a huge mistake and he said that’s it were done! He started calling me horrible names and telling me that he hated me so much. I asked if I could come see him to talk about it and he said yes drive really fast (meaning drive fast and wreck) everything I would say he would laugh at like I was a joke. He told me to never ever talk to him again. He also said the soonest he would ever talk to me was 10 years. Idk if he said all that because he was angry, or if he really meant it. I’m not going to communicate with him for a while. But idk if he will even contact me because he erased my number and blocked me on fb. Which I’m kinda glad he did so I don’t have to look at him and see his posts. I love him so much and I’m working on bettering myself. But after that idk what to do….
Hello …love warriors..I very recently ended a 4 yr relationship. ..the last 2 of those 4 yrs we lived 2gether..I’m opting for “no contact” 4 now…..what confuses me..and this question is really for the men is…why would he want to make love to me …when he knew we were going our separate ways…he was very determined to make that happen….I really don’t think that was fair or right….note:…& he contacted me days after our departure..saying he’s glad to hear my voice & he’s thinking about me every minute of the day…wow…smh…pls Jason tell me why he did the lovemaking….b4 it ended….#sleeplessnights #lotsoftears #discardedprincessginger
i feel terrible! :-(
we alwys hd ups and downs in our 3 n a hlf year rltionshp..he was possesve…n alwys hd idiotic doubts …bt still it ws going on good!! today he said tht he cnt trst me n wants to leave…
Hey Jason I need some advice from you, can you help me please ?
I’ve done all these things, he says he’s just not ready for any type of relationship at the moment. I know he wants an open relationship as would I, but he says he’s not ready. Do I just carry on doing the things I’m doing and wait? Or do
I just move on?
22nd of July ; The date we parted
My first ever boyfriend of 4 years plus broke up with me by saying “let’s just be friends”, “I don’t see a future with you anymore, I’ve tried but I just can’t.”, “You’ve to understand that it’s not you, it’s me. Even if you change, I’ll still be the same and eventually the same problem will unfold and we’ll quarrel again”. I’ve sent him threads of messages saying I’ll change and will be able to overlook issues and gradually hope that things will change for the better, but he seems to have made up his mind and wanna end this relationship with me.
The problem which is causing this is because of my sensitivity and paranoid issues. It so happened that whenever he does not reply me for an hour via text messages, I’ll ask stuffs like what are you doing, are you really busy, are you really alone and all just now and even random questions like ‘have you been smoking alot, I’ll want you to quit soon, really”. I’m like that because I guess there’s trust issues between us previously on this incident where he told me he’d went for dinner with his guy friends but coincidentally, one of my friend saw him outside having dinner with a girl instead. But then again, my boyfriend was the one raising his hands up and waving to my friends at that moment, which in this case he’s not afraid of being seen but still waved to her. I asked him about it and he said yea, he’s sorry that he lied because he’s afraid to tell me that he’s out dinner with this girl colleague. He’s scared that I’ll constantly ask him questions and nag at him about it and flaring, being jealous and everything.
Ever since the incident, I became really sensitive and every little issue I’ll just ask my boyfriend if she’ll be in the picture and everything. One day, I just spammed him with messages asking why he’d took so long to reply like an hour to reply me, he replied and said he’s just busy with stuffs and everything. Perhaps there’s just nothing behind it but my constant spamming of messages might make him tired of me explaining the same thing over and over again. Till the next day, he’d said “actually I don’t even know if we’ll be able to hang on till the future.”
I was really anxious and worried at that point of time and I sensed something was wrong and I’ve kept telling him and saying I was wrong and I shouldn’t be so sensitive and paranoid, asking him questions everytime. He said he couldn’t see a future in us seeing that I’ll always ask him questions that made him uneasy everytime we meet. I reflected and thought back, I really shouldn’t be like this and I told him I’ll change on my end and all. But he seems determined to be really ending of this relationship with me.
We have talked about the future and on having a house, how we’ll furnish it, kids, marriage everything and I know he really loves me and put in lotsa effort to make me happy surprising me with different dining places every weekend we meet.
However, I know he’s just scared and tired of all my questionings and nagging afterall all assurances and therefore, he’d snapped this time and decided to just leave and let go of me and really wanna move on.
Today, I’ve got the usual habit to clear his Hotmail inbox and I realized that he’d booked two tickets to a horror late night movie yesterday. And at this point of time, I might have guess that he’s watching it with the girl whom he previously had dinner with. Somehow, I felt that he might have taken a slight interest in this girl colleague and have decided to move on and try out dating the new girl since he’s so firm with his decision on ending off the relationship with me and see no future in us after all that we’ve been through and in such a short period of time?
Ever since the 22nd July until 25th July, I’ve been sending him messages on wanting to salvage this relationship, wanting to change and be more open minded and gradually change to really trust him, his replies are all negatively saying “no, I’ve tried but I can’t.” “It’s better we stay friends” “I can’t see any future ahead of us anymore.” “I can’t see myself being nagged by you everytime”. His heart is not even waivered and he seems really firm with his decision.
Sigh, what should I really do now? I know somehow he’s really tired of facing my questions but then again, a percentage of it might be because he met someone new and thought she might be the one for him instead and not having to be with me anymore?
He’d just changed his whataspp status to blank as previously it was “I love my one and only…” and then today, he changed the display photo of us together to a solo picture of him already. Sigh, why?
I don’t know, really. I still wanna salvage this relationship and assured that I’ll really change but he kept saying sorry and everything and doesn’t even want to give me a chance to really prove my words with actions.
I really love him, and I really want to work things out between us.
My boyfriend of almost a year, we would have been a year Wednesday, 2 days from now, broke up with me Friday. He says he is fed up and he gave me so much chances and I kept doing the same thing over and over. Quarreling about the past. Accusing him of stuff he didn’t do. He was a perfect boyfriend, seemed too good to be true. He is the man of my dreams. We were friends before we got together. I was cheated on in the past and that has been holding me back since. I became fearful and paranoid. He did give me chances, I promised to change yet I still kept being negative. He says he wants a more positive girlfriend and he still loves me. It seems like we are broken up for good. I lost the man of my dreams. My advice to you is to stop being hard on yourself, we are all humans and are not perfect. Some of us need to learn a lesson five or six or a hundred times before it actually sticks. What matters is at the end we learn it. I have since decided to be positive about the situation, I have hurt him and I have decided to not beg. People are attracted to confidence. I have accepted my mistakes and decided to forgive myself. Only then I can accomplish anything. He is a great guy and tomorrow I plan to go see him and sees if he will speak to me do I can apologize in person. He deserves it. I want to thank him for all our memories as well. I hope he agrees to see me. I just want a peace of mind. I am sure he is hurting just as how I am. Fill yourself with love first and you will attract the right person into your life. If it was meant to be, it will!!!!!! Trust and have faith in yourself and keep positive. It will be hell, but everything gets better with time. He didn’t deserve this and he never did anything to betray my trust. But now I have lost his. I didn’t want to lose him but I did. My advice may be weird but life goes on. It will hurt like hell but believe that you can change and you are halfway there already.
I dated a amazing guy for two years and we broke up 7 years ago. I quickly married the wrong person and have filed for divorce. For years I felt like I owed my ex an apology but I was never in the position to do so (my husband was the insane jealous type), so a month ago I finally worked up the courage to call. It was amazing! We talked for hours and dissected how our relationship was doomed to fail based on our attitudes, and how young and inexperienced we were. Every sh*tty thing that was done is now a joke that we can laugh at, and we began texting/calling regularly for two weeks. He is on a indefinite break from a long-term girlfriend and I am in the process of divorce, and it seemed like we both just needed to be able to talk to each other and be totally candid about our past and present.
Until I got a bit tipsy one night and our conversation turned to him admitting that if he was who he is now, we would have never broke up; and that if we were to get together in person it would be a bad idea since something would happen. I couldnt believe how happy I was to hear that, and the next night we had a totally sober conversation where we arranged to get together purely for sex.
We’ve hooked up twice now and it’s been amazing, but I find that I dont want a relationship yet I want him all to myself. I dont have time for a conventional relationship, but I dont want to miss out on a relationship with him down the line. He says he doesnt want a relationship either, and I dont know whether he feels anything more for me but I find it very confusing. I realized I liked him more than a friend when I began anticipating his replies to texts and getting anxious when he takes too long to reply.
Now i’m in the position that I dont want to seem needy, as I know he’s always been a man who needs his space, yet I fear that once he’s got the time to invest in a relationship, that he’ll brush me aside and call uo his ex girlfriend.
I dont know what to do, since he’s actually a real catch that I should never have let go, but will he ever give me a chance again?
and thanks for reading this
im sorry if i have any mistake in this coz English is my second language
so Ive been with my boyfriend for almost a year, just a week before the anniversary he ended it. ive been trying to stop crying but i simply cant. specially the fact that many thing remind me of the good memories i had with him. he was the first real bf i had, and i was his first relationship. so having mistakes and some arguments were normal i think, so i neglected them. the good thing about him was that even after the times it was my mistake and he was hurt, we spent the night crying and apologizing and saying i was sorry, and the day after that he was totally normal. the longest time that we didnt talk was like 24 hours coz he had no reception in the mountains. the real question for me is that the usual relationship tips never worked on him. playing hard to get, staying out of touch or trying to make him jealous would just make him say: ” stop that… i know what you’re doing!” even in the beginning of or dating and after we knew each other well, i knew he was somehow different. you know he was like 50 shades, not the crazy kinky side of him of course but the part where he took care of me and protected me. despite his age, hes been working for long and its been almost two years that he provides for his family. he pays for the mortgage, buy food and all that. and he also goes to college in another city. he does not party like boys his age do and all the other boyish stuff. from the start, we both kinda knew that we cant last forever. i live in a country that family matters the most and in that part we were the opposite. but we are too young ( 22 ) for getting married or something like that, and i know that you might say im too young for being hopeless of finding someone else. the fact is, arranged marriages kinda rule in my family ( i live in middle east if u need to know) and its not just underestimating myself but im short ( 5 feet only ) my hair wont grow longer than my shoulder, my noes is too big in my face, and believe me, i have consulted with different doctors about my problems, but they need solutions or surgeries that my dad wont let me do. even my mom says im not beautiful. my sister mocks my face and body. let alone people in college and so on. im in a family that love and support does not exist, and coz im not that fun and outgoing because of my economic situation, i cant really go out with my girlfriend much. so im asking you this, coz Ive been asking myself: whats the harm? now that im alone i can understand how much the breaking up hurts, and i know that if it went on longer, it would have been even worse. but considering all those things i told you, isnt he the best for me right now? and considering the fact that he always acts different, and also kinda mannish despite of his age, how can i get him back? its our anniversary in a few days, and his birthday in 3 weeks. would that be okay if i contact him in those days?
Will I got back together but I don’t think it is working out .How do I tell him ? Please help me with this one
I don’t know if I have done the right thing. I sent my ex an email to say that I didn’t want to leave things on a bad note and that I hope one day he finds that special girl that will make him happy and one that will understand him as he is special and a complex person and that there is only one of him. That in time hopefully we will be able to become friends. Ended with all the best…Have I done the wrong thing as he didn’t answer me and I know he has read the message??
Hi guys,
I know I posted something similar to this but I would like more advice from everyone. Would appreciate it. So you see,my ex boyfriend broke up with me two weeks ago after being with him for 16 months. Im 23 and he’s 26. He said he has thought it through and wants to be friends. I am so heartbroken that it has been so difficult for me to do school work and everything else. He’s someone I truly love and I thought we had something special. He was someone who I thought I was going to marry someday. He told me he loved me and would never leave me, well I guess I got fooled on that one. We did talk about our future about getting married and what not and so I need help in showing him what he’s missing and see how lucky of a wonderful woman he had in his life. So I need help in getting him back permanently.To also add that he told me that he can’t imagine his life without me and it would be weird if I wasn’t in his life anymore so I don’t know if that means something or not.
why in step #4 did you suggest that “got fat” was an issue in a previous relationship?
I broke up with my boyfriend about three weeks ago. He initiated it saying that things wasn’t the same, that he loved me but he felt like we were not happy together as we were before. We were together for 2 and a half years mostly in a long distance relationship but about three months ago I moved to his country to be closer and managed to be only a four hour drive away sop that we could see each other on weekends. It came as a huge surprise to me and I was (still am) a wreck about it… It is even harder now that I am in a big city on my own so it is hard to think about anything else. After that we texted for about a week because he wants to stay friend but it was very hard for me because it gave me the illusion that it was not really over and even though I tried to keep it light we couldn’t help but mention the breakup and how I was sad etc. After one last text where he said that for him his decision was made and he wasn’t going to change his mind, I was really hurt and asked him that we stop contacting each other for a while so that I can get better. The thing is that like many of you I suppose, I really want him back and I cannot help but think that this is the only thing in the world that I really want because I do love him. I know he is young (22) and that he probably feels like he wants to get more experience with other people but I cannot help but feel that we are right for each other… I haven’t harassed him or stalked him so I got that going for me… Now I am trying my best to not contact him for a while and work on myself to look better and feel better and hopefully see him again. I wanted to ask anyone for advice on this No Contact Rule, do you think it is efficient? Is there a chance we can be together again? Also since we live within a four hour drive distance it will be difficult for me to re-connect with him… I mean if he comes see me or I go see him we will have to sleep at each others places… Which is not that great to try to give it some space at first… Any advice for a broken heart is welcome! :)
Me and my ex broke up about 4 months ago. I was truly deeply in love with him and he said he loved me too. We lost our virginity to each other. This past summer I went on a vacation to Hawaii and he went on a vacation to Wisconsin. He left two days before I got back. We had been going out for 7 and a half months and we stared having sex at the 3 month mark. The first time we saw each other after we both got back from our trips, we hung out and I was planning on having sex with him that night, he acted like everything was fine when I went to pick him up by making out with me, picking me up and spinning me around. We went out though and he sat me down and said we needed to talk. Right then i knew something was wrong. He broke up with me with the phrase “I’ve fallen out of love with you.” I was crushed. I have no idea if this could have been caused by him doing something with someone else and feeling guilty about it so he broke up with me or if he had found someone else but I am still deeply in love with him and dreams about him nightly. I want him back so bad. He broke up with me on June 22 and I haven’t actually spoken to him since. I sent him a happy birthday wish because I thought that would be a nice things to do since his birthday is the day before mine even though we weren’t together anymore and never got a response back from him. I don’t know if that was a smart decision but I really miss him and want him back. Since the breakup he has cut off all contact with me and I don’t know if that’s because he did something with someone else while he was gone and he feels guilty or if he found someone else. He deleted his Facebook or at least blocked me and I am so upset. He seems mad at me. I still think about him daily and all the fun times we had together. Do you think this article will help in my situation? I don’t know what to do. I miss him so much and want him back so bad. I’ve always heard that giving them their space is the best way to go about getting them back but that doesn’t seem to be working. HELP!
Me and my ex boyfriend broke up last night, I think of him everyday. I can’t sleep he’s always on my mind. I want him back to me :( I don’t know what will I do I miss him. I Want to text, call and see him asap :(((( I don’t want to be stock on this break up what will I do I want him back as soon as possible :( I want to apologize with him. But he said its over, let’s stop this. And I feel sad and hurt at the same time its my fault that’s then. I broke my promise once again and he hates mo for doing that. :( I really want him back :(
Me and my bf have been together for 15 yrs.. on Oct 12 I found out my dad is in the hospital. .he doesn’t text or call me all when I get home I was pissed off..thats my dad..he didn’t even bother texting to see how he was..we get to arguing. .and he breaks up with an idiot I start begging and begging. . No. .plz..and he just gets so angry with me..I have to leave the house. .I can’t afford it. .all wk moving out and work, stressed, heart broken to the max..and I can’t even be with my dad cuz i’m moving out..thats the worst..there were signs I should have picked up on. .like..he was becoming distant. .we had been kinda fighting but we talked about it..and I was really trying to work on the things we talked about. .I’ve been calling, texting. .of course. .I mean hello. .our entire lives are together. .but no answer. .no reply. .today is my birthday. .1 wk to the day we have broken up. .and to be honest I just want to go home..and be with the same time. .we have a lease together. account *which I closed out yesterday* I opened my own..the utilities are in my name..I mean..I have to protect my name right. .at the same time I want to wait and see..ugh!!! He has broken up with me before. .maybe 5, 6 yrs ago..and he basically said he had hit rock bottom. .and blah blah blah..what am I supposed to do? No contact? While I was reading the article some things for sure stood out to me..I need to change myself. .not for him.. for me..I have become lazy..with my self. .and we were kinda on auto pilot. .but thats how life is no? We still did fun things..just not as often..we’re adults..with bills..and responsibilities. .idk..advice? Anyone?
My ex ended it just a couple of days ago, we were fighting over stupid things and we just struggled to compromise with each other. He says he just doesn’t want to be in a relationship anymore, but I miss and love him Sooo much! We used to have fights were we almost broke up but it was then fine, so I’m struggling with this because all the other times it was okay because we knew how much we loved each other. But the times we fought were mostly over text because we only got to see each other once or twice a week so, so much of our communication was over text. But when we were together it was perfect and we were so in love. I’m just struggling so much right now I just don’t know what to do. I know everyone keeps saying you just need time and then see how it is but it’s just soooo hard. all I want to do is talk to him! We have ended on good term atm cos we agreed to be friends. I don’t know if I should still have hope we could be together again or I should just move on!
After being in relationship with my husband for 30 years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back, but all in vain, wanted him back so the love I feel for him, I begged yet I have made ??promises, but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested I should instead contact a caster that could help me a spell to bring him back, but I’m the guy who never believed in magic, I had no choice but to try I sent the caster, and he said no problem that everything will be fine within three days, my ex back to me within three days, he cast the spell and, surprisingly, in the second day, it was around 16:00. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for what happened, he wanted me to return with him, he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that’s how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made a promise that no one I know who has a relationship problem, it would help that person by him or her in reference to the only pitcher actual spells and powerful that it helped me with my problem and it is different from all false there. Anyone may need the help of the wizard( You can email him if you need help in your relationship or anything
If a guy say he wants to go on a date with you,and the he says I want to have a dinner with you. Than the next day he says no .
Why is that
Do you think so ??
Please help me… My boyfriend and i broke u because he had to leave for college and we couldn’t be together. We both still care about each other and having to leave each other was really hard. Every time we see each other its very awkward and we barely even talk. Its been very hard for me and I miss him so much but i cant text him because he gives very short responses and then usually just stops responding so we never text or anything because I don’t want to annoy him. Is there any possibility of us getting back together? We never have said I love you to each other but lately I’ve been saying that I love him. Our relationship was nearly perfect. We never had a fight or argument and we were very close. Please help me I need him in my life so if you think we will get back together or if you have any tips please… I am heartbroken.
My ex broke up with me about two weeks ago. He says he was tied of arguing. He was saying another girl a couple times but they are no longer talking. He always text me calls me and wants me to hang out with him or stay the night at my place. He text me when I’m at work with xoxo and always says he loves me and is more affectionate toward me now then when we were together. But he still says he dosn’t want a girlfriend right now I’m confused.
me and my ex, got back like 3 months ago,is a relation of 11 years ago :D bt we were breaking up and come again several times before. he came back to me, and kept contact most of the time, asking me out, and texting me non stop, we met couple of times, he told me about his ex gf he met and about details between them, also that she didnt fit him, and she wasnt right for him, and after couple of outings, ofcourse i did wt mentioned, looked my best, smelled amazing, and yes he stared at me, i try to look the best when we meet, and he keeps staring at me, but sometimes i feel he has distance between me and him, he doesnt call often, i sometimes call, we had couple of arguments but solved out, when im upset of him he make things up, we have kissed couple of times, and he started not me actually, it feels better than before, no fights, no attitude, i try to make it right, i try not to confuse him, and if i do i turn the page and make it better, but when i disappear or not talk, he comes to me, he asks, and when we meet he says all his feelings llike : imiss you, i want you, im thinking about you. sometimes is confusing, bcs i dont know it goin, but i dont wanna lose him this time, and think about me more and to see the best in me than his ex. he confessed to me that she lied to him with “iluv you” and then left him, when i just at the 1st place was crying to him when we were together to stay. i know i was stupid. but now am different. i need some help. why he is not calling much? what shoud i do? and about marriage, he mentioned in our last meet, but was not there any help? shoud i mention the marriage thing? or not? thanks alot waiting ur answer
my bf broke up with me today and 5 minutes arft we broke up he asked a girl out and they are together I don’t no what to do I’m really hurt any tips please
My relationship with my ex boyfriend, wasn’t perfect but we made it work for nearly 2 years. He’s ex came back into his life and was complaining to him about her life, making is seem like everyone hates her and that she was thinking about killing herself. He felt sorry for her and they started talking and that led to him having feelings for her again. He told him that he was having feelings for her and then we started talking about us and I ended up telling him that we were expecting, I kinda didn’t want to tell him, but I did. At first he was kinda excited and then he told her and she “nearly” killed herself over that and then he freaked out on me and left. I was/am scared of my child growing up without their father, I grow up with parents hating each other and only got to see my dad every once in awhile. I don’t want that for my child and he knows that and agrees, but yet he left. Anyways, I turned to Dr. Alex for help and he has helped me. All you have to do is believe in his work and trust that he will help you through a break up and bring your ex back if its meant to be. You can reach him through his website above. He can help you with just about anything.
I loved my boyfriend until he broke up with me because I told him to kiss me I loved him he would say I love who you are and I love you but he wouldn’t kiss me why????
My boyfriend and I were together for almost 3 yrs our relationship was amazing u til I made the biggest mistake of my life by sleeping with someone else. Eventually my boyfriend found out and he gave me a chance to try and make him fall in love with me again. It seem to work for about 6 mo the we were doing very well but I had a car accident became very depressed and had severe anxiety I asked him for support a week later he told me he no longer felt the same way about. He said he really tried after I messed up but now he just wasn’t in love with me. I really live him and want to make things work out. Anyone have any advice?
I met my Soulmate 6 months ago, but we got together 2 months ago… He lives in London and I live in Germany, so it was a long distance relationship…. I heared bout him before we met cuz he is best friends with my cousins…. The thing now is that my (ex) boyfriend has two roommates (both male) and i had a thing with one of them like 3 years ago…. at that time i didnt even know my boyfriend and he didnt know his now roommate cuz they share a flat for like 2 months…. My boyfriend is so upset cuz i didnt tell him about that, so he broke up… i visited him in London before (2 Times) and this dude was there too and we talked normal cuz this “thing” was long ago and Normung serious…but my bf is just so hurt and i dont know how to make it up again… do you think he can forgive me ?
I’ve started a blog about how I’m feeling, but he left me with no hope and mixed feelings; I wish your steps would help me but I don’t think it will.
I and him are far away and he thinks so differently, it seems like he moves on to easily but at the same time I know I was his weakness in his eyes.
I tried everything imaginable to recover my relationship with my ex. He has a substance problem which I was unaware of for a long time. When I finally discovered it I was naive enough to think his promises of trying to quit would work. The worst part was his interfering guy “friends” who did not want me to break up the party. He is middle aged and so am I. I tried to be tolerant as we had many great times and we compatible in many ways. I do believe this man loved me and I thought we might get married (neither of us had ever been married).
Is it ridiculous to think there is any hope? The man just did a complete turn around on me after several years. He refuses to speak to me. There are lots of things that people can negotiate. I wonder if substance abuse is one of them. I for one was unable to navigate this.
Any success stories out there?
I don’t know how to even function without him. My boyfriend broke up with me two days ago. We have been dating for a year. I was talking to this guy that he told me not to talk to. This guy was just a friend and I never, ever flirted with him in anyway. After all, this guy had a girlfriend. I was taking to this guy, because he had issues and was thinking about committing suicide. So, I thought I could help him. Thing is, I told my boyfriend I wouldn’t talk to guys if it wasn’t about school. I agreed to that and I shouldn’t have. Especially since I don’t get along with females and I grew up with mostly guy friends. My boyfriend and I have had arguments in the past about me having guy friends. He refuses to let me text or talk to them. However, he has many female friends and I don’t have a problem with that. Except, a couple of days ago, I found out he was talking to this Hispanic hoe that works at Waffle House. Apparently, they talked on the phone all night too. I was upset about that. He claimed I wasn’t giving him enough attention, so he went to that hoe. BUT i blamed myself for that and forgave him. SO like the next day, he found out I was talking to the same guy that he told me not to talk to. (BTW this guy isn’t a bad guy. I have no feeling towards him either) I tried to explain why I was talking to this guy, but he just got upset and started yelling at me. Literally, the dude went crazy and there was nothing I could say to him at that time that would make him feel better. I just dropped him home and.. I haven’t spoke to him or seen him since that day. I sent him TONS of text messages and voice-mails. He hasn’t replied. I’m really angry with myself that I lied to him and I wish I could fix everything by just being honest. I’m not sure if he would ever talk to me again. He’s known for cutting girls off for YEARS! Honestly, I feel soo lost without him. I wouldn’t even be in college right now if it wasn’t for him. He is literally my best-friend and we have been through so much together. However I feel like he has had enough with me. WHAT DO I DO? (And I refuse to give him time… He doesn’t need time. He needs me!)
My ex and I were dating for 4 months. It wasn’t like any other relationship I have ever had! We were always having fun. He was a police officer that worked really long hours and on the night shift, I am an office manager who keeps daytime hours. As time progressed it grew harder to see one another but we still made time for one another. We never argued or fought really. Seriously everything went so smoothly, he was caring, and kind, and super sweet, and always went out of his way to show me that. Well when we first met, he told me he was in the process of buying a house, it was going to be about an hour away, well this made me uneasy but he was always reassuring me that we could make things work. Well one sunday afternoon before he was going to work i sent him a text to see what we were doing the next day, well his response was i don’t know i have yo close on my house tomorrow. Ummmmm wait a minute what house? His response was you knew I was buying a house. So i was loke leaving him alone at that point a few hours later, mind you he was at work, i text him i don’t think this is going to work you are nocturnal i am not we both work hard and its already difficult to see eachother and you live 15 mins away. anyways he told me he needed time to dedicate the conversation to. I said olay and goodnight and went to bed. I spent the next day pampering myself preparing for the worse, he texts me and acts like nothing had happened, i tell him we need to have a conversation, he said he needed time to sort things out, welll i pressured him and he agreed staying together would just be delaying the inevitable i cried he puked, i realized i had been overreacting and apologized and well he hasnt accepted my apology. I went on vacation a few days later and he watched my animals while i was gone, when i was away we kept minimal contact, relatively amicable, but when i got home i found a very expensive goft i had bought him months prior for his new house in the bottom of my laundry basket at this point i flipped out called him every name in the book and told him to get his coward ass to my house to drop off my keys. A day and a half later he showed up gave me my keys we say 3 or 4 words. I shut the door and lock itm i immediately apologize for my behavior but i told him i didn’t want him to see me upset. Now we don’t even speak. I am so hurt and distraught. I know we were together a short time, but i have been in 2 very long term relationships and i can tell you i have never felt the way i felt about him about any other person in my life. I don’t know what to do. I am so sorry, I apologized a milliom ways and he just doesn’t seem to care anymore. And he hasn’t tried once to contact me on his own in over 2.5 weeks.
Hi, it has been 2 months since we broke up but we are still in touch with other. Whenever I believe that things are getting better, he goes in the past and starts humiliating me for hurting him (I was flirting with a guy at work and he found out). Now, I am mad at him coz he was not there when I needed him. I really want him back but not at the cost of losing my self respect. I want to stay away from him for a little while but I dont know how should I tell this to him. I dont want him to feel that I am going away. He wants to be with me but he does not want a relationship. But this is too difficult for me coz everytime I see him, I want more of him. What should I do? I am really messed up, please help me.
Me and boyfriend have been together for 4 years and we broke up for 4 months last year because I said I would change about my moodiness and I didnt, I didn’t put as much work in as I should of then I got back together with him in June. We have been fine no arguments nothing, until December when I was feeling down and stressed with uni and I was ill with severe iron deficiency but no doctors would listen to me so I have been really stressed and upset and continued to January and I didn’t realise how it was making him feel. Recently we had an argument because I was so low and upset with everything as it was all going wrong I just wanted to know he was there, so was a little needy. I upset him by saying he didn’t care but apologised by getting him a card as I was truly sorry and didn’t mean to hurt him. He has now broke up with me after I said I will change and be myself now I have been treated and we can have fun, I have taken this more serious wrote down my thoughts, his thoughts and how I can change for the better and I am certain I am going to change and want to change. I have asked him for one more chance and he says he doesn’t believe I will change. Do you think there is time and he will regret his decision, I love him so much and I can see a future with him
Life can be very displeasing especially when we loose the ones we love and cherish so much. In this kind of situation where one loses his/her soul mate there are several dangers engage in it. One may no longer be able to do the things he/she was doing before then success will be very scarce and happiness will be rare. That person was created to be with you for without him/her things may fall apart.
i never get him back . but im with him right now. making sh*ts . idk his possesive about me wants me but i never feel the way he makes me feel . he hang up with many girls and get back again to his ex gf. and this tips made me moved on not to get him back again. THANKS for the tips.. :) ♥
True love neva die
Hi jason, so yeah my story is i am getting dumped. He is the dumper. He dumped me when i am falling in love, trully falling and falling til now.
All i want to do is make him regret it and of course i want to get him back. After 4 years together we’ve been in on and off relationship. I think a lil drama in love life is good BUT iam definitely wrong. He broke up with me after getting back in a month after off for a couple week. Sure i regret it but he is amazing.
i will contact him next month in April, i think for now we should chilling our head down. Do you think i have a chance to get him back? There’s so much question in my head.
About a month ago I found out my boyfriend of 4 months has been cheating on me. I was so confused, we have been doing so well and we were really close, I didn’t understand what made him do it. Before we started dating, we were close friends for 3 years, we told each other everything and we used to tell people that we were going to get married some day, at the time it was all a joke, I had no intention of being more then friends but he did. Anyways we got together and it was the best couple of months of my life. Then, I found out he cheated on me, he begged me for forgiveness and he said he didn’t really have a reason, he was just stupid! So we got back together 3 days after I found out. The first week we were okay, but the second week turned to chaos, I started feeling insecure, every girl that called him, texted him or took a picture with him made me cringed, I will throw tantrums and break up with him, then call him back and all he would just say is “did you get over your little tantrums?” We stopped having real conversations, it seem like he would always cut our phone calls short and tell me I talk too much, so I started picking fights with him because that’s the only way I can get his attention if we’re not having seX. all he did was apologized but he never really made the effort of making it up to me, I didn’t make him fight for me, he stop spending time with and stop calling as often as he used to. HE cheated and when I forgave him it’s like I shot myself in the foot, because he completely changed, and I have been trying to show him that I have forgiven him by sending him cute messages in the middle of the night that he can read in the morning (he’s never done anything like this, his never even called me beautiful or complimented my new hairstyles or any effort i make for him) and we can move forward but he started acting as if I cheated or I have done something wrong, so I retaliated by constantly reminding him that he cheated. Anyways his been paying me no attention, unless we’re talking about sex, he doesn’t listen to anything else I have to say. So I decided to dump him on text after I called him to confine in him and he just completely disregarded my feelings and told me his going back to sleep. I text him and told him that it’s over and that I was not over him cheating on him. it’s been in days and he has not replied, probably because i also told him i was over him and hated him(lies), he wouId already called back by now to stop me from leaving but he hasn’t. I was only breaking up with as cry for attention and affection. Though we fought so much leading to the break up, we were always great and he made me so happy in a way no other man has ever before. I feel bad because I Forgave him for cheating then dumped him After I told him he was forguven. He probably thinks I’m just crazy. What do I do? Even though I initiated the break up, I don’t want to be the one that crawls back because I will be condoning the way he’s been treating me lately, I don’t want to feel neglected again but I want him to want back so badly that he would do anything to make it work and lasts
I do not understand why there are so many people online claiming they can get your ex back for you. My question is why would anybody want to have their ex back inspite of the breakup. Breakups happen for a reason. And ex’s are always troublemakers. Even if one does patch up, these relationship do not work. Better to start a new relationship then to try and repair and waste time on the troublesome old one. Why try and repair an old truck with no available spare parts.
Um I like this and all. But my ex and I have broken up 7 times. I only broke up with him once so yeah. He did it the other 6 times. But anyway. What do I do? I love him so flippin much. I need help
I was insecurebecause usually he’ll call me on lunch time then became like I haven’t got any calls till come home late at night such as 2 a.m. then I get frustrated and let him sleep out in the carthen I get emotional and let him in the house then I just felt like I wasn’t his was a Friday night he was supposed to come from normal time and bring dinner to he didn’t come the next day so I went to work came home and all his clothes where gone no calls are text message from him.. I had complain a lot.. what should I do to get b him back to love we again.. I’m going to do the no contact b rule ima follow those steps and see how it goes
I really wanna give him back to my life !
Hi, I still having feelings for my ex boyfriend but I currently have a boyfriend due to the fact of making my ex jealous. All of my friends try to hook up with my ex and I get so jealous. They both have positives and negatives, but in different aspects of the relationship. What should I do?
I have been dating this guy he lives abit far from me I went to see him he lies to me he were have gf already but never had sex with her when we first met we was so attractive to each other then up having sex was like we were falling we almost sleep together for 11 time but he borak up with his gf but now his pull away from me too as he knows that I really liked him I’m so confuse don’t no what to do he said he has to go his different ways I’m So lost cos I fall in love him and I don’t no about him it’s seem like he hasn’t get over his ex
Thanks for the Article. Great tips.
Well, I’m right now in a kind of broke up. We didn’t see and call each other , nearly about 2 months now. I hope these tips would help me to get him back. But my problem is we are too far to meet now, I mean by location. There is noway to see him to me or see me to him.
And after this, earlier we did share emails though.
My story is too long so can’t share all here. Anyway I didn’t get any mails about a week now. but today he is asking , “how r u? ” So, should I reply? or not.. I can’t just imagine what to do now. I appreciate any help..
Thank you so much.
hi my bf dumped n he said he don’t want any realtionship.. aftr dat i text him regularly he obbsed with me.. we r in long distance realtionship… he blocked me from aanywhere now tell me wat to do
Hey, my name is Anissa Johnson. I’m only 13, but I have someone that I really love, but he broke up with me because I was disrespectful. He broke up with me last week and its hard. But I’m going try all these steps I hope it work. Excepted one thing he’s making me jealous so I really don’t know what to. I hope these steps work because we were supposed to plan stuff in the future and live our lives together so going use all the step and see what happens
I just hope we get back. We talk but not as much. Look depressed in class when he don’t talk to me. I want to change myself. He’s the only thing that makes my day. God please let everything work. Everyone please pray for me that get him back. Tomorrow I’m actually going to talk to him. Go please let this conversation go well tomorrow, I don’t want to bring up the past, I want to work on the future with him. Please GOD, I’m begging you please god let everything go well between us. I never I want to make the same mistake ever. I know I might be 13 but you can found love at any age. And just because y’all say I love you doesn’t prove anything, you have to show that person how much you love them. And that’s what I have to do. But lady’s out their, if are reading this y’all both have to comment to what y’all say. Keeping a promise is one. I lost someone that was important to me, now I’m trying to get this person back. But I’m not getting in his face I’m backing up a little
Okay so my boyfriend broke up with me because I was transferring to another college while he was being forced to go back to Chicago. When we talked, he told me he was staying a bit longer but he still chooses to go to Chicago, despite that he didn’t really want to break up with me. How do I know if he really wants me back? I still love him, but I don’t want to chase him away.
Yes, this is true, when a relation broken up then She thru the cause to he and he thru the cause to she. Actually they don’t know whats the main reason for broken up. After read the article somebody get back their ex and somebody actually knows how to maintain a perfect relationship.
My bf just broke up with me 2 weeks ago (with good reason, we weren’t compatible), but I still think I can better myself. This article has completely lifted my spirits because I still have thoughts of wanting to win him back. It gave me a reason to not contact him right away (although I was tempted to at times, of course), and to better myself such as looking more attractive, etc. If in a month or more I am already over him, I am still going to be a better person. Thank you so much for this article!! I will save it for future use when I need to lift my spirits again.
Dear Jason,
I enjoyed reading your above article and while most of it is useful to me, my situation is a little more complex. The ex that I want back isn’t a recent ex. we broke up in high school. Well I say broke up but more like I just ignored him (give me a break I was 16). He didnt treat me bad and neither of us cheated on each other. He was my first real boyfriend and I realized that this could be way more then I was emotionally prepared for. After high school I emailed him apologizing for my stupid behavior and immaturity but he didn’t reply. Karma at its finest! I told myself then that ‘well I trided, move on’ Recently while reading another article he came into mind and hasn’t left. He has consumed my brain. He lives on the other side of the country and has a girlfriend (I can add Facebook stalker to my resume now) I know I hurt him but I feel like we have “unfinished business”. How do I get his attention again?How do I make him want to contact me even if it is to tell me to go pound sand?
Ok, so I met my dream man and we started dating. I have not dated much, so am really naive when it comes to men and dating, but we were going great together and planing ahead for weekends away. We were dating for two months when he just ended it out of the blue without any reason at all. I had to hear through second hand stories that he thought I was childish and he did not like the way I treated my mom. I was told he did not want anything to do with me. He did not want to see me or speak to me. I tried contacting but he just ignored me. We have been broken up now for six weeks and my heart is in pieces. I have no idea why he broke my heart and I have to admit I have been trying very hard to get him to explain or at least meet up and tell me face to face. I am now told again through second hand stories that he has met someone new and that he is happy, but his family does not approve of her and they have all turned their back on him. They were not happy when we split up at all as they say he was clearly happy with me. Now I am left wondering what the hell went wrong and trying to pick up a broken heart. Everyone seems to have their own ideas and when ever I say I would like to try and see him they just keep telling me that he does not want me and I am being childish. I must grow up. Sorry, but my heart is broken for no reason and he hides behind others instead of just telling my why! I don’t know if I even have a remote chance of getting him back but I really hope I do as he is my whole world. I have waited for this man my whole life and when we were together it was as if we were meant to be. You just know when you have met the right man. I just wish he would talk to me as I get the feeling there is more to this then meets the eye. I am a blonde and fare and the girl he is dating now is dark so totally apposite to me. Some says it is out of spite for everyone, but I ask why? I read this article and hope perhaps it might work, but not sure if it would. Think I am not going to be so lucky as he is very stubborn as well.
My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday night I couldn’t believe it I was really hurt and I have been texting him a bunch.I’m pretty sure I just ruined any chance of getting back together.he said he likes me a little still but says he’s not upset about breaking up with me.its so confusing and I hope I didn’t ruin the chance to get back together because I love him a lot.I’m really upset.
Girl, don’t act needy and desperate. This is like making him run away from you.
Stop all communication for a few days and gradually start over again. Give him time and space.
After some weeks try to contact him, just to see how he is going. And start contacting him more frequently depending on the feedback.
You can do it, but you need a set plan!
My bf left me BC I was acting like a spoiled brat being petty and drama. He said he got tired and when I got home vroom sleek new had moved everything out. I cried and couldn’t understand it. Now I really realize what I did and didn’t do. He was a great man inside and out and I took him for granted. I pay every night good brings him back in my life BC I love him a lot. He talk occasionally on the phone and he comes by but for some reason I don’t think we are done completely. Please help me get my hubby back!
what do you do when your ex says he doesnt want to back together but you know he loves you and it could be just a phase
I defiantly need help and this article gave me help
My boyfriend broke up with me a week ago, he said I wasn’t being supportive and he just wasn’t feeling happy, but what complicates things is that I have ADHD and asperger’s disorder, also he has clinical depression that he still hasn’t gone to the doctor for no matter how many time I tell him to go get it checked out
I told him because of my disorder I needed him to be open and detect with how he feels, and he has no reason to hide it since he goes to his friends instead
I’m will to be there if he’s upset about something, it’s just that I have difficulty seeing the signs, but he doesn’t want to since he sees it as babying me, which is pretty insulting
I was really broken up since this is my first relationship(I’m not the most popular girl) and I just kept on texting him and trying to see him to patch things up, one time we were talking just about other things and it seemed to be ok, but just today I tried to see him after we got into another argument to try to hopefully patch things up but he just got pissed and called me a staker(we live in the same town and his house is only a few min away)
Now I’m just gonna give both of us till next week to calm down and hopefully this site will bring us back together
I’m starting to change and see the signs, like when were both in similar states or stiuations and he is in worse luck then me I have to watch my words and be supportive, for example we were both signing up for college classes and I got in and had all my classes in, but the college was having alot of technical difficulties with him and there was very little I could do to help him except for try to be on class watch for him
Also he felt like I didn’t do alot for myself, like I wanted to get some langire to woo him and I knew he doesn’t like surprises so I asked him to pick out the colors he liked best(he’s actually pretty benifical for cloths shopping)
I’ve decided to try to let him buy things instead of me trying to pay for things cause I also feel like he thinks I flaunt what I have at him that he doesn’t, but that’s not true, I feel like I have more then enough stuff and I just wanna spend time with him which sometimes cost money(sometimes is alot of cash, but I can afford it)
There also alot of thing happening in his life right now, he’s gonna do his driving test in a few days, he’s trying to get a job, and college starts up in 3 weeks and I think the stress is just alot for him right now
It’s true he could be an ass sometimes(my family sees it too) but I still love him no matter what and I want him back :)
Hi I need ur advice can u able to help me I want my bf back he don’t break up with me but have affair with other girl and say ones he break up with her than think for me when ever he marry just marry with me not her so y at present he talk with that girl y he is not with me and all his friends post on that girls time line and that girl send me pics off my bf with her I really need help pls if possibal replay me by mail I need help I want my bf back with me any how I will do it plz so me a track to get him back …
I’m way to young to go through with that I’m only 21 and I have been with my boyfriend since I was 18!!.. See the thing is with my boyfriend the complications are a lot different to what u where talking about there…it’s not even close!!..
Im still tryin to grt my ex back. Sny othrr advice anybody csn give me. To help. I havent seen him in almost two months but did talk to him once. Ibusually dont go out nor bump into him at all
I was with my ex for almost 8 years… it’s always been an on and off kindof thing because we were young and dumb in the beginning and then we would argue over parenting, money, the usual stuff. So anyways a year ago I moved out and the kids and I went to live with my grandma. We got back together… things were going really good actually until my grandmother got diagnosed with stage four lung cancer in May and then it was like I was put into over load with stopping working, taking care of her full time, the fact of now my gma has this disease and probably isn’t going to live and taking care of 3 dogs at the time because my brother had his here (thankfully not anymore lol) and 2 kids. My grandma raised me and so shes like a gma/mom/best friend. If I was going to Walmart my gma was going with me.. we are that close. So anyways though when all that was going on I kindof pushed him away by shutting everything out. I couldn’t cry over my gma, I didn’t want to be touched, nothing… So needless to say we separated in July after the fact I completely ruined his birthday because I did it on that day… I was yes, a complete ass. We’ve both made our mistakes and what not BUT….now he says hes “talking” to another girl that he’s interested in. but he’s confusing me because he says he has feelings for her but then he turned around and was talking about how things could always change and he want to be with me. but that he’s scared the same things are going to happen again….
On my birthday on August 23rd…. I couldn’t tell you what it was….. it was like life changing really…. it hit at once and I missed him, I love him (which I always have but I never loved him like I do now), I cried probably the first time over him or really anything in probably 3 years and that was only because my grandfather passed away whom was also like my dad. But now I feel that it’s almost too late… He doesn’t say it like that but he just says to give him time, not to call / text him (but then said tonight I could if I wanted to), and that he would need to think about it because of this other girl. He said something like “she may say or do something I don’t like and that be the end of it” and then was like “I could tell her tomorrow that I wanna work things out with you, you never know” and then the next thing you know he’s in a bad mood because he said I waited so long to actually express myself to him….
I couldn’t tell you what happened but the whole thing you put up about acting like you don’t have a heart saying was totally me… now it has completely screwed be Im completely confused on what the hell to do….
Whats your opinion in all this? Do you text/call or not? What is going thru his mind about this girl that he’s known for 1.5 months that he doesn’t hang out with, he only texts her he says but they have a “connection”. I don’t see any girls commenting or liking things on his Facebook but when I’m around and his phone is around he’s quick to make sure he doesn’t leave it or I don’t go thru it.
Last night we had sex and he kissed me like he meant it. He kissed me bye etc. today when I talked to him he said to give him time (he’s out of town anyways until Wednesday with family) but he’s worried everything is going to go back to the way it was. I’ve worked on myself and I know now what my problem was – my ego! Then he told me on the phone to not call/text him. If he wants to talk he will call me (I can’t do it. It’s hard) and told me not to tell him everything to let him wonder. I’m trying to be open and honest with him.
I don’t get it…
I had a breakup last night….I seriously want him back..He move on by saying..”He want to be single.He don’t need me.He is happy with his busy life.” But i love him a lot…Don’t want to be alone..His age is 23 and mine is 19.Please tell me what should i do to get him back??
My heart is shattered. I met a guy who I knew from school. We finally met up 10 years later and decided to see where things would go. After about 3 months or so, Out of the blue on a Sunday afternoon he arrived at my house and said that things weren’t going anywhere and nothing as developed . We are jut friends really than anything else. I accepted it gracefully and thanked him for everything. The following Thursday i messaged him to tell him that I have accepted everything, thanked him for everything once again and wished him well for for his flying (Hes a pilot) He replied saying he was sorry for how things turned out as i was always sweet and very kind and wished me all the best. Im trying really hard to understand what he meant when he just ended things like that out if the blue. I even saw him on a dating site and was active. I havent contacted him ever since and have decided to go off facebook for a while as i keep. catching myself checking his profile. its been over a week since the break up. Do you think theres a chance he might actually contact me ever again,?feels as though hes iced me out and doesnt really care.
Thanks for these tips, Jason. All of the other material I’ve read online had advice that I didn’t really jive with. “Don’t talk to him for a month or for 50 years!” Obviously every person and relationships is different so following a specific formula isn’t practical. Absence can make the heart grow fonder…or just further convince that person that there’s no point in going back. Your article stated pretty much what I believed I should try to do after my recent break up with my long term casual bf/sex buddy. Thank you.
My boyfriend and I are in complicated situation, we want to be together but we can’t because of his mother, so we are just being friends now and he says that we are more than that but less then couples. I don’t know what to think cause’ sometime it feels like he doesn’t want to talk to me or that he’s only giving me short answers when we text but when you skype, its a whole different situation. When we skype, it feels like that we were still going out and so its confusing me so much. We would still be together if his mum didn’t poke her nose in our business but I understand that he’s respecting her wants but it hurts me. She think that she is doing a good thing when it’s causing so much pain for me to not even be able to see him in person, I need help to know what to do please.
Dated my ex bf for 1 year and 6 months, long story short we broke up cause we couldnt communicated with each other. I ended up in the ER with an asthma attack and he found out. He called me all worried and I told him I was fine. (It had been about 2 weeks since we had broken up that this had happened). Same week he calls me again to see how I’m feeling and that night I find out he’s talking to another girl. I call him up and tell him to f**k off and then he and that girl got into a fight cause a mutual friend of ours was telling this girl what my ex said to me when we broke up….telling me he was gonna realize hes wrong and come back. He calls me on black friday after thanksgiving and wants to see and talk to me. I see him that saturday and we catch up and yup…have sex. bad i know…anyways he then says he wants to try and work on things and give me a second chance. im thrilled. So less than a week goes by and on wednesday i go and see him and it was raining pretty bad so i had to stay over and we had sex again…it was not a good idea but i love this man so much…he calls me friday to tell me that he needs more time and doesnt know if he wants to work on us. He says he sees changes in me and thats what i had to do for myself….but also for him. I want him to come back to me so much. I love him.
Well i think this is useless
Thanks for this post, Jason. After I read it I had a little hope that me and my ex-boyfriend COULD get back together. But then I scrolled down to the comments and I read everyone else’s comments, apprehensions, fears, emotional and psychological hardships that they’re going through and I wondered — if this is how a person is making us feel, is it worth it?
My story is slightly different: although we only dated for 3 months it was probably the most mature and loving relationship I had ever been in. He started talking about marriage a few dates in and I was like “Whoa, this is all coming fast! I can’t believe he’s telling me this!” But deep inside I blushed so hard and I was super excited about growing to love this man and our future together.
He eventually said he loved me, but I wasn’t there yet. I loved him but I wasn’t “in love” with him. I couldn’t put my finger on it – and I still cant. Maybe it was the pressure he kept putting on me to “open up”, maybe it was the stress of my job. Either way, it was tedious to always have to reassure him that I wanted to be with him…
About 2 weeks ago, after an intense brunch date he texts me saying he doesn’t think I am capable of or know how to be in a solid relationship. He listed all my flaws (he was right about some of it) and he pretty much said he didn’t want to be in a relationship where his girlfriend showed no emotion. Other hurtful things were said and I was blindsided by it all.
The whole ordeal left me gutted. I cried a river and at one brief point I was even suicidal. What hurt the most was that I was beginning to fall in love with him…
So now, there’s not a moment that goes by when I don’t think about him and how I want him to come back so I can be better, do better say the things I was too shy to say. I’m not the only person who needs to change, he needs to come back as a new person too. But truth be told, it seemed that we were both stepping out of our comfort zones to be with each other. I wanted him to be more patient and he wanted me to profess my love for him everyday and in the end we both felt like we were being cheated of something and that the other person was being selfish.
I still miss him and love him but I think I am going to take all your tips, Jason and genuinely move on. If he comes back that would be wonderful but if not its likely I’ll snag another guy and this time I’d be the best person I can be.
I discovered I was pregnant I wanted to keep the baby but he wanted me to have an abortion. After too much pressure from him I gave in and aborted. He’s gone MIA ever since, he won’t respond to texts and only answers my calls after like the fourth ring I apologized this morning for being too demanding about the abortion money he said that he would think about it and that he would organize on how I’d get my stuff from his place. I really love him and I don’t know what to do or where to begin without him. Can the no contact rule to work in this case? Do I have any chances?
We had been living together for almost 4 years. At first I broke up with him because of his actions (going out a lot lately, did not care to let me know, no sex, lame sex, pitty sex, no meaningful conversations, etc). I gotta accept I expected him to react on this and just promise we would work things out, he kind of did at the beggining but then he just went for it and took off. I was shocked and the two days after the break up I tried to contact him over the phone, texts, waiting for him at work. All things I could imagine. Not proud of it right now. But hey, I was desperate. Well it did not work, he told me he had made his decision and there was no going back. I was a wreck. Because of the time we had been together we shared some bank accounts and financial duties, so I needed to get in touch with him to solve all that out. It has been a week from the break up and we are yet to meet. He says he has no time because he is looking for a new place to stay and that he has other things to do right now, but that he will let me know. Meanwhile I have all his stuff still in my apartment, pictures, clothes, etc. It is really hard. But I have decided to just leave it as it is. Will not contact him again, unless he does and see if when we meet again something has changed, otherwise I guess I’ll just have to move on. I am working out and renewing my closet haha, keeps my mind out of all this. Any advice?
My boyfriend n i were in an amazing relationship.. he was totally crazy about me.. it was my fault.. we were fighting too much n i hurt him a lot due to the stress i was going through these past few months.. then one day he just left me n said that he can’t do it anymore.. i went extremes to make him stay..i begged.. cried.. hurt myself but it was no use.. he almost hated me.. then i had no contact with him for almost a month.. now just like 2 days ago.. i talked to him as a friend.. he said he missed me and when i asked him about all the gifts n drawings i gave him.. he said he is still keeping all of it..but he also said he got no feelings or even wanna be in a relationship.. he says he feels good being the way he is now.. i can’t control my feelings.. i admitted to him that i still love him n I’ll wait for him..but towards him.. I’ll just be a friend until he feels smtg for me.. i seriously want him back.. but i don’t know how.. he is being so stubborn with his decision..
What if we still live together?
Me and my boyfriend broke up because I found out he was talking (flirting) with other girls. He refused to stop talking to them once i found out and his guilty reaction towards me was so nasty and defensive. He then informed me that it’s because he wasn’t ready for a committed relationship and was still scarred from the messy break up with his ex. We were together for about 4 months and overall our relationship was amazing, we had an amazing connection and yes there were little arguments (like normal couples) but overall nothing ever serious. The whole talking to other girls thing was a shock because of this but I guess his reasoning was understandable (even though it’s still so wrong what he did). Once we broke up we argued pretty badly for a couple of weeks but then we eventually met up and decided to stop arguing and he apologised in person for his wrong doings and from then we decided to try and remain friends. He told me that overall I am the perfect woman for him but his head just wasn’t ready for a relationship and had we met later down the line then I would be the type of person he would want to settle down with. It’s been a few months since the break up and the last time we spoke was about 2 months ago. Do you think I should initiate these steps to get him back, or should I just still leave him alone?
I’ve changed everything, I now go by Vivian wear red glasses and identify myself as Polynesian. BUT HE WONT LOVE ME
Hi ,
I was feeling so off by the present scenario . Don’t know why but it feels like you can give me perfect advice about what to do.
So…I had been in a few relationships earlier but they were not too serious and were so immature. Then for a long period of about 3 years…I was single and I was quite enjoying my life. I met this guy at a concert and felt attracted…and before we can proceed, the very next day he proposed me. I knew that this was mere attraction so I declined and told him what I felt. But then.. After some days..I felt I needed him and so we came into relationship. He had a previous relationship with a girl for 2 years with which he didn’t felt attached. And so…he had approached me. Well our relationship was obviously a non serious one at initial stages…but as we proceeded…he started falling for me …even I felt the same. He said he was glad to find me ..and that I changed his life for better… It was all like a sweet dream till 5 months. He was too serious..he even planned everything about our future…and introduced me to his family. Obviously we had a few differences on some matters but we always ended up being together. And then one day… I found him flirting with a random girl on social site…I bit of overreacted..and all was a mess…and he asked for second chances… I said I needed time…and he said no he will prefer being single…and I said ok.
But since then…I’m not at all feeling good without I realised he is too egoistic.
Now yesterday I came to know that he is now again approaching his ex…the same girl which he least wanted.
I Can’t understand this …what is going on in his mind? Can this be a rebound? Is it possible that ours was a rebound? What I’m supposed to do???
Waiting for ur guidance…
I just recently lost my exbiyfriend. I lied to him and cheated on him. But I made him think it was all his fault. What do I do to get him back. Now we are broke up
There was this guy I really liked and he liked me so he asked me out. We were together and it was all going really good…..One day we got in our first fight and he broke up with me and I never knew why. I’m trying to get back together with him. There is this guy and he flirts with me from time to time in front of my ex and he turns red and gets jealous I guess, but he never talks to me..But he stares at me. I try to get in contact with him and everything but he shows no interest to talk to me…..I’m just confused
I don’t think anyone should worry so much about getting him or her back. Sometimes relationships just don’t work and that’s okay. Sure, it hurts like hell, but that doesn’t matter as much. Don’t stay in relationships. And for godsake if he dumps you, then just get on with life. You shouldn’t be begging and pleading to get back together with someone who treated you poorly. Yes, you probably made mistakes but the point should be that so did he. You’re not the only one at fault here. Try to remember that, when you want to get back together with him, just think do you really want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you? Not only that but if one night can make up his mind, then do you really want him? There are better guys out there that actually care about more than sex. You can do so much better. Take time to heal yourself and worry about fixing yourself for you.
me and my ex boyfriend recently broke up about a month ago. Currently I am trying the no contact rule, but it’s impossible for me not to see him due to the fact we attend the same workplace. Also we share the same close friends, so sometimes when out with friends he’s there and at parties, but we never speak at all during them. A few days after the break up, I wrote him a letter appolising and asking if we could be friends (I think this was a bad idea to do this and I got no reply or anything from him). Also I wrote in the letter that I was okay with his decision to break up, but I wasn’t. In a few weeks I want to try and contact him and speak as friends. I would prefer to do this via text as he ignores every call, and as soon as he sees me in person he gets as far away as possible. I just don’t know want to say to him after this no contact period, or how to get him to want to talk to me. Could you please help me or give me any advice at all. I would really really appreciate it and be really grateful.
It has been 8.5 months and he finally reached out after I stopped trying.
In 30 days, I plan to initiate contact again. He has fallen into a deep depression and confided in friends that he misses me. I need it to genuinely be his idea to get back together. My words are not and have never been enough.
I have been steadily changing for the better, and finding my own happiness. The way I know it is real love is because I am not unable to live without him, but I want to make him happy and share the new life I have found.
Our friends that he has distanced ask why. They say he has changed since we broke up and he is no fun anymore. They say I will only be disappointed, that he’s just a sad sack. All this does is bolster my resolve to win my love back and make him happy again.
I will come back with an update in 30 days.
There’s this guy I used to date and I honestly don’t remember who broke up with who but my friend asked him why he doesn’t like me and he said I hurt him real bad but I don’t remember ever hurting him all I remember is him dating my other friend and I really want him back but it would be so awkward to walk up to him. We never talk but I really want him back!
Hi my boyfriend always use to talk with for a couple of days later he will fight and we wont be in contact for 3-6 months after thathe will msg me and he will b normal as before and again he will fight and wont b in contact for 3-6 months this is go on repeating from 3 years i cant understand whether he loves me or hates me but i love him so much just suggest me how to make him mine completely
WE R together now , what he did was start texting goin out kindda relation ,no sex though .. nothing real serious .. i tried to break up but he did not let go and now we r together .. but i know the other girl wont stop texting calling … i really love him dont wanna leave .. what to do ..
hi girls/ guys need help my ex left me 4 days ago all he said is that coz u moved out I got used to being single and I want not to be with anyone your perfect I just wanna be alone
so have gave him engagement ring and he went what am I doing with that I said throw he went no am keeping it then he said the flat smells like him I said spray then he goes no I don’t want to and I been textin him blocked me callin him and what’sapping him but still texting me I’m confused he’s 25 I’m 21 need help so broken
I broke up with my boyfriend a year ago. And after that i came up with a new relationship that doesn’t worked out. Now i realized that my first love was my pure love and i want him back.
Please suggest something. I need help. Please. I love hom a lot.
We tay together but we arent together as of right now , what he did was start texting goin out, not coming home till the next day kinda relation ,no sex though i woulda had a feeling.. nothing real serious .. He tells me he just want the other girl money and nothing more & that he is still in love with. Me and can never fall for anyone else .. but i know the other girl wont stop texting/calling once this is over and i really love him and i dont wanna leave nor give up on what we’ve become .. what to do ..
Well me and my ex don’t talk anymore one day I came home and he told me he was braking up with me for no reason what so ever and when I had seen him the next day he was with another girl what should I do about that?
I have not contacted him for almost 9 months. I would like to send him a Christmas card; should I? He is seeing someone. (she is married and left her husband to be with him.) He had told me that is why he did not want to have a relationship with me; because of timing, his seven year friendship which is now a relationship with her. Advise please? I feel he still thinks of me. I could be wrong.
My ex and I were together 9 yrs. I was clingy, had low self esteem, needy and jealous. The break up was shocking, he took a week and a half to tell me if he wanted space or if he wanted a break up. He was chatting with an 18 year old. He was telling me he doesn’t love me anymore and when he hug me he said he wish he could feel by there is nothing, he withdrew from me emotionally 2 months before we broke up. When I was packing his stuff I found something he wrote that he didn’t find me attractive. After the break up I was trying to convince him and did testing terrorism until he said to text him only when it’s business related. So did one week no contact and called to talk to him about the outstanding bill I was still upset and sent a text to apologize. He called next day and he was upset and sent a text apologizing. I did 2 weeks no contact and called yesterday since he been telling ppl that I wasn’t paying him attention and also thinks I do by love him. So I called and ask if we can meet weekend to talk and he said yes. He still have stuff at my place and he coming to pick some up. Today I went to his work to get my keys from him because he still had my keys. He couldn’t look at me but did when he hand me my keys, I was acting happy. He said so whenever I needn’t get something from the house inbred to contact you and I replied yes I am paying the rent and so I went and havnt made contact however he said he will come weekend.
My ex came over for some of his stuff was amazed how the house looked, I did some rearranging. He said twice that the house looks nice and that I looked happy and then stated that he was probably the one holding me back. He said this about 2 times, the second time he said it I ask why he is saying something like that and he said he said he know perhaps he just feels guilty and so I told him that he wasn’t holding me back and then he notice I had a mini burn on my hand and ask me what happened I told him I got burnt from the stove. And so I got ready while he was checking his email on the computer, pretending that I was going out and he ask if I’m going some where and I said yes. And then I tease him a bit about his hair since he havnt. After that he said I looked happy and I said I am, that stuff got shift these pass weeks. And when he came out the gate walking on the road he said it again that I looked happy and I said I am. And so since he doesn’t have FB I texted him suggesting he get a fb account and add me, personally it would have been good if he saw some stuff I posted. Anyway he respond and said
”U look happy and like u trying to take care of yourself that’s good. And no thanks i don’t like fb. I forgot to ask does my friend mother still have that place for rent?”
“I hate being by the apartment feel like a kid there. i just need a place and some time to myself to let out my rage and sadness the way i want I’ve been holding back since they in the house all the time ”
I did something stupid, so my cousin and been searching net and she found something called the Second chance letter and so I wrote one and gave him when he came to pick up some of his clothing. I wrote it just as explained, saw a sample and did it that way, In the beginning I put that I accepted the break up and then apologize that I didn’t showed that I appreciated him and then the part stating that good things been happening and someday would like to tell him about it but right now we both still needing space.
The next day in the morning, he texted and said he read it and doesn’t mind sitting down and talking someday. Then in the night he sent a text asking me if he can ask me something and I said okay sure.
“Why do u want me back? What is it about me that u love so much? and he feels like he wasn’t doesn’t his best as a partner as well.
I respond to him that it would be best to talk in person about it when he is ready and then I got to go.
I havnt texted him since nor have he reached out. Sigh I guess blow this , What to do now, surely feeling stuck to win him back. I shouldnt have done the letter because now he knows I want him back sigh this sucks. Not sure how to reverse that either.
Timeline of contact & no contact.
After the break up we went one week no contact and the week after that on a Monday I initiate contact so that he but his half the pay the bills. The Tuesday he initiated contact that he have paid his half. It was more a business conversation. On Wednesday was my birthday and he initiated contact through text to enjoy my day
On the 22 he initiated contact that he was coming by the house, I didn’t answer and 29 of November he initiated contact again Stating he was coming by the house I didn’t answer. The reason I didn’t respond was because he at the time he had my house keys so he had access, whenever he wants. He sent another text on the 29th Asking if I had paid a bill only then I respond. During this same week, I knew he was angry since his coworker told me that they didn’t kiss, since her called got transferred to my phone and I ask her and she told him that I ask her. He then called me 7 times back to back but I didn’t answer. I went 2 weeks no contact although he was the one to contact.
On the 1st December I initiated contact asking if we could talk just to tell him what’s going on that when he came to the house for the clothing.
Since Monday December 5 2016 he haven’t reach out and so I sent a text 10 December “you are truly one for a kind, unique in every way. I am so glad I met you because there is nobody else like you in the world”
and today I2 December I sent ” You changed me in positive ways that I am still just starting to understand”
I got no response, should I cut off contact, or have I just blow my chances of getting him back. Sigh
Hi Mark-
My boyfriend just broke up with my about two and a half weeks ago. Even though we’re only 17, our relationship was very mature and strong. We both talked about future plans such as marriage and kids and we were both on the same page. We have been dating for about 1.5 years. We were such a strong couple, completely in love. Our relationship was very serious. He gave me a promise ring and we always said we were going to be together forever. His family loved me and my family loved him. We were really a great couple, having mutual interests.
There were a few problems in the past. He’s very sensitive and when he gets stressed he can’t handle much emotion. Because of this, he “broke up” with me in the past. It wasn’t really a break up, he kind of just stopped talking to me. It only took one or two days for him to reach out. He said that he was so sorry and that he was so devastated when he didn’t talk to me. He said that he couldn’t see himself with anyone else and the “break up” made him sick. I thought that this time was going to be like those in the past but after a few days he was still being cold. It’s been about two and a half weeks now since he broke up with me and a week since the last time we talked.
Out of the blue he just stopped talking to me. We go to the same school and there we usually talk but one day he started avoiding me and stopped texting me, too. A couple days later I found him before school and tried to ask him what was going on. He didn’t really answer. When I asked him if he still wanted to be together, all he did was shrugged. I was very upset at his response and just walked away.
When I didn’t hear a response from him the next few days, I decided to text him. I said I missed him and asked what was going on since he didn’t really give me an answer before. He responded that I was being mean to him and blaming him for everything and making fun of him. I had no idea where that had come from and when I asked him, he didn’t really respond. I was so devastated.
A few days later I was still so upset. I decided to text him and ask him if he would talk to me if I came over. He just responded that I should leave him alone.
It’s been about a week since then. I’ve seen a few pictures of him on social media. He seems completely fine. Hanging out with friends and smiling. Do you think he just doesn’t care?
Our relationship was so strong and it just doesn’t make sense that it’s over. He was so in love with me and couldn’t even stand a day without saying he misses me. And even about two hours before he started ignoring me, we were talking like normal.
Sorry for the long narration but I’m just not sure what to do. Do you think we still have a chance and if so, what should I do?
I meant Jason. Sorry! My exes name is Marc. Whoops.
I hope it may come back my life I love him a lot he broke up without any reason
I hv been dated wit mi guy for 3yrs nw buh cos of his bad character it bring about conflict between us so seperation has cm buh as for mi i still lv himmm paaa pls how can i get back again?
I love it .
I am devastated and lost. My ex and I met freshman year of college. He was always so into me more than I was into him. He was absolutely in love with me, I was his life line. He was so serious in seeing me as his life partner, his future and everything. He made it known that if we were ever to end it would be because I ended it, not him. I see where things got unhealthy–he always wanted to spend time with me mostly and we did spend all of our time together. This school semester he became more busy with schoolwork and practice, and we clearly spent less time together. Our lives became more routine together, because he still lived in my dorm and we got every meal together. We started having more problems because I was not the happiest with him. I would call him out on things he did that showed less interest in me because I was upset we were not spending as much time together. In addition, he became very hurt when he did not get into a social club on campus, because he suddenly felt like he had no friends and was not cool. One day while fighting, he decided he wanted to break up. This is the person who absolutely swore to never do such a thing, and even though in the past we were in positions where this could have occurred, we never actually ended things–we worked through them. When i reflect i seee that he believed all of a sudden we were spending too much time together, made too many controls together, and that he was missing social opportunities. However, this is the hole he made for himself because he wanted us together and did not care for others. I believe that the rejection from the club and him being annoyed with my behavior led him to believe he is no longer in love with me. He says he loves me more than anything, but does not feel the same way. I convinced him to try to feel emotions for me again, so the past month we continued the meals and living togetehr, but he would never kiss me on the lips and became distant. Then finally he broke up with me and said that he just wants to be single and is not in a place for a relationship right now. How do I handle this? I want him back, and I want everything we had back. He said he wants to be bestfriends, but I said no I cannot and that I want no communication, but we have not exactly had no communication because he texted me today a week later asking if I could help him financially and that he will give the money back as soon as he can (I told him to ask others first because this is disrespectful and then i would if otehrs couldnt, because he said he doesnt know who else to go to). I assumed he would come back to me, and it would show him that he needs me, but he says he found someone else to help him. How do I get him back? We have one class together a week.
i hope this works i brokeup with my exboyfriend on 4-5-17 we have been dateing for 6 months
He brokeup our relatioonnship on September 2016. I tried to make our relationship strong but I failed. I don’t know all is my fault or not. But I want him back… I love him soo much.
He brokeup our relatioonnship on September 2016, I tried to make our relationship strong but I failed. I love him so much I want him back in my life… We are dating from 2 February 2012.
I want my love back he is another girl engagement completed
i want my love back we broke up November 2016 i hope all of this could work for me
I want him back I am pregnant for him
My ex-bf and I broke up yesterday and it’s really painful. I promised him that Im letting him go which I did.. because that was he really wants.And now im miserable because I cant do anything, chose not to do anything because I might be better off without him.. But 70% part of me still wants him.back.. I miss him badly
Hey i need to ask some queations! My name is khizra and problem is i had break up with my boyfriend 2 days ago!! And firstly i want to clear that it’s been a five year’s now we are in relationship but the problem is i have a bad past and he know’s everything about it and that time he was just my friend but the beggining i love him and i told him when we first met but he said i have a bad past and you’ve done wrong with me because i was already there that’s true he was there but he’s the one who make me cry all over the night’s .he don’t accept my love that time and that make me down many times in these situation i have done something wrong with other guy’s to make him jealous but now i am thinking and cry that these decisions are the worst decisions that i have done in my life but i sorry about it and try to convience him that i was just my mistakes but never understand my feelings hs always thinking that i’ve cheated him and telling lies all the time he don’t trust me i want to marry with him but he don’t want he said he loves me and yes he loves me i belive that but he dont respect me and trust me his desperation level for me now just gone.but the truth is i really love him i want to marry with him :'( but he dont want like that and 2 days ago we had fight each other and he left me but he don’t talk with me and it makes me cry every single day and night i am feel like nothing please help me :'(
My ex and i broke up after a few months of dating,he left me for his ex but he still claims he loves me and still wants us to be friends.he cares for me,he does alot of stuffs for me we are very close.we stay the same street am closer to him than his girlfriend coz she’s far,we had sex at times but he feels is a bad idea coz he thinks he’s using me he doesn’t wants to hurt me.all i want is to get back with not remain just a friend i need your help.
Me and my ex have been together for 4 years…. We took our first break 06/13. And im dying without him. He is my better half. I hope this works ?. I’m not going to give up like this. We’ve been through so much…. I love him!
Hi there readers,
This article sounds good i want my ex to come back to me, only becouse we had a great relationship and i never wanted him to leave. It was he who said that it was nfot going to work anymore just becouse she started a new job and didn’t have the time and let’s be honest he was lazy and didn’t wanted to commit at the end… Anyway i know he is the one for me all is needed is for him to make the decition and take responsibility. Does that sounds like i am desparate and do you think we should be thogether if i have done all for us and he saw a little obsticle on the way and decided he can’t do it.?…..
Dang. Best advice I have read. It also focuses on the sexual aspects of a guys mind. And how it can make or break your new relationship with sex too soon.
I’d greatly appreciate feedback on my break up, especially from guys. I had been dating a guy for 6 weeks. Although he was following up and seeing me every weekend since our first date, he never mentioned exclusivity or “the talk” about “us.” So on date 7, he invited me over for dinner and made his move. I told him I was not ready as it is sonerhung you can’t take back and it would change our dynamic. The truth is I was ready, but needed to know where I stood with him as it is not something I am casual about. We ended up in his bed, but I stopped it short of the deed. He seemed ok with that and asked me to spend the night, but I could not because my elderly and judgmental mother was in town visiting. That’s when our dynamic changed and it seemed to me to go off the rails. Very awkward. We had two pre-scheduled dates afterward that were in teasingly awkward. Then he called me. He asked me what I wanted and I told him I want something exclusive and meaningful. I explained that I am used to knowing I am on the same page with a man first and that I declined because was afraid that I would be serious afterward, but he would be casual which would be hurtful. Then he told me that whereas he had been “captivated” (his word) before, now it is just “awkward” (his word) and he does not think he can go back and pick up where we left off. He asked if I can go back and pick up where we left off and I said yes, I can. He then said he would think about it while he’s out of town over the next few days and let me know if he changes his mind. I found that insulting, but just said ok and goodbye. I realize he could have taken it as a rejection, but I feel like with my past significant relationships this would have been a big nothing burger, and certainly not anything that could not be recovered from. After all, things went far enough between us for there to be no reasonable doubt that I desire him. So, what do you think? Is his behavior reasonable or am I right that the punishment does not fit the crime? Any feedback and advice would be greatly appreciated!
just recently I broke up with my boyfriend,we spnd lot of time together,he is my first love and everything for me,ours relationship was to good evn in school all teachers know about tht we are in relationship, all students said made for each other ,I think about him always every minute ,I was wanting a2nd chance to solve the problem but he decided to breakup evn he doesn’t give any reason why he want to break up with me,i had sent him lot of msgs to convenience him,bt I also force him to continue the relationship otherwise I do sucide and all ,I know there is my mistake and I’m feeling guilty about this ,I was do this only because I don’t want let him go bt after doing this he starts he don’t evn want to talk me ,it’s hard it’s realize that I will never be with this boy again ,he is the boy who does not want to make me cry bt now he hates me because of my reason??so please please please give me some advice how I get him back because I don’t want to leave him in any condition?
hi here looking
Me & My boyfriend just recently broke up and I am always crying and feeling really hurt I didn’t wanna brake up with him but we got into a arguement over a convo I over heard or may of only heard parts of but I got angry and so did he , at first he said he was gone come back home but we weren’t gone be together . Then he changed his mind I guess texting saying he still wants me and the kids in his life but never ever wants to be with me again . everything was fine we where working through some things before this night , I feel his friends and family may have a part in our splitting cause every time he got around them things would start to change . He’s sent a lot of mean texts to me that don’t sound like him but I can’t be sure if they are or aren’t . My kids and Myself miss him a lot and I just don’t know what to do anymore i feel if I never came out of my room after that convo I over heard things would be fine still …
Hey guys! So my situation is very unique. When I got with my ex I was dating someone else. The guy I was with at the time was caring and let me basically have control of the entire relationship. I didn’t want to be with the caring guy because I didn’t think he was attractive enough for me. So I was working at McDonald’s at the time and my ex that I’m trying to get back started working there. At first I didn’t notice him much because he worked mornings and i worked nights. But one day I went into work to get my check with the caring guy I was with. While I was waiting for my check one of my managers at the time that had just turned 19 and liked to start drama had told me that my ex thought I looked like his wife… yes his wife. At the time they were separated in the middle of a divorce. So for some reason that made me notice him and the caring guy told me that I would end up with him because he knew me too well. I had cheated on the caring guy multiple times because I just wasn’t happy but didn’t want to be alone. So I added my ex on Facebook one day and he started a conversation with me about a post I had posted. It was something silly that he said he didn’t know about but later told me he did. Anyway so we started talking on Facebook as friends and then we started snapchatting. One day I was just like “hey, do you like me?” And he was like “as a friend ya” and i said “no like as more than that” and he said “no lol u have a bf” I said “I’m basically not with him, but I’m pretty sure u like me” he said “I don’t feel good about it but I do like you”. Of I almost forgot. At the time I was 17 and he was 25. Yeah I know thats a big gap but he looks younger. Anyway so needless to say I broke up with the caring guy and got with my ex. About a week or so into the new relationship i was stupid and cheated with the caring guy who made me feel bad for breaking up with him. I hid this for a long time from my ex. So in this new relationship everything was really great for like 5 months. Then I started to be controlling and possessive and i started to act a little crazy. That’s when everything went down hill. Oh ya, I had met his 3 kids (ages 6,4,and 1.5). And I had a bond with the 2 older ones who lived with him. So everything started to go downhill and i got bad anxiety and started accusing him of cheating and I ended up telling him about me cheating. We broke up for a day and got back together. Once we got back together It was good and everything until we broke up again for another day and got back together. Again things were good but then we broke up for a week and i was living with him and had my stuff at his house and we had gotten matching tattoos. So that week was terrible I said I was working on myself to try to make him jealous and i still lived with him as a roommate but we never seen each other . Then One day I caught him at home and i basically forced him to get back with me. Everything was really good or at least I thought so. But then we broke up for a day and he said he wasn’t happy and didn’t want to be with me and didn’t love me anymore. I persuaded him to get back with me and told him I would give him space but we could still be together and he said ok. So we got back together and me being the person I am changed for a day and then went back to the clingy controlling and crazy person I was. We were together for 4 days. We broke up yesterday and I’m just devastated. Yesterday when we broke up he kicked me out. I told him I would take what I needed for a month or so and i would be back for my other stuff in a bout a month. That day I went completely Insane. I wore his clothes and layed in his bed and cried and posted sad videos on Snapchat saying how I just want him back and i also posted on Snapchat a trip down memory lane with every picture we ever took together. His friends contacted him telling him I was crazy and i was gonna kill him telling him to change the locks. So I stopped and took it down. I had a friend come over and help me pack. We hung out for about an hour and then I had to pick up my ex from work because we were sharing his car. When I got there he didn’t want to talk to me. He asked me for the house key and car key back that I had. So I don’t have either of those anymore. Anyway, he gave me a ride to my moms and on the way there I just told him how I was sorry for ruining our life together and he said he was sorry for his part. I ruined once we got to my moms because I asked him for a kiss goodbye and he said no and told me to get out of the car. I tried to kiss him anyway and he pulled away and told me to get out. He said that he was not going to contact me for 2 weeks. And then he drove off. I messaged him after he left and told him I will miss him and i love him and blah blah blah. And today was the total solar eclipse and i was worried about him and i told him to be careful and to have a nice life and i might see him in a month or so and i haven’t gotten a response back yet. I think I blew it but I’m hoping that this article helps me get him back even though he told me he doesn’t love me anymore and said that he fell out of love with me when I acted crazy. So hopefully it works. Please comment with thoughts. Thank you?
i really want to get back with my ex but i don’t know if he wants to
Anyway i know he is the one for me all is needed is for him to make the decition and take responsibility. Does that sounds like i am desparate and do you think we should be thogether if i have done all for us and he saw a little obsticle on the way and decided he can’t do it.?
I founded out he cheated on me two weeks ago not heard from him and now the loan people he answered to but he’s. Not speaking to anyone else. as he’s gone holiday I have no idea when he back worried outta mind but he said he would pay off the loan for me but he needs to sort it out with me. and I’m scared he’s not going to talk to me I still love him
Broke up with the love of my life after a huge fight. He said he would never take me back again after I ended things with him numerous times. I only realized that he was the love of my life after I lost him. I want him back but I also don’t want to hurt him again. Not sure how I can even get him back, seems like he is moving on with his life.
please help me get my boyfriend back??
My boyfriend and I got into a fight. He got arrested and charged. I understand that he’s very upset about that. I’m upset about it too. He moved some of his stuff out and staying at his mom’s house. He has depression really bad and now his even more depressed. I didn’t want him home until I knew it was safe for him to come home. We both said we are together but just taking a breather. He is so depressed that he quit his job, drinking and being neglectful. We will text great one day and talked about our issues. Everything seems great then the next day nothing. I picked him up one night he was shaking and have lost a lot of weight (it’s only been 2 weeks). We had a great night. The next more he got upset thinking that my kids didn’t want him around they are happy without him. My kids are really confused right now. I got him to eat and shower ect. Took him back to his mom ( not wanting to). We texted and I admit to my faults and mean it. He said he forgives me bit I broke him for what I said when I was angry and I said the same to him. But deep down I knew he was only mad but longer he stays away I’m starting to believe what he says. Now the next day no answer.. I know he has low self esteem issues and depression. He won’t take his name of the lease agreement and tells me he’s coming back. I’m starting to believe he’s playing games even though he’s not the type but being around his family he might have changed.. How long should I wait before shutting his phone off and car insurance. I’m not sure if he wants to be together or not. HELP PLEASE!!!
Tips for getting an ex-girlfriend back when she has moved on? Is it even possible to win her back?
i was in a relation ship with my guy for 7yrs never proposed him. physically we were attached but never proposed each other. Recently i heard he is going to take someone in his life so, before he propose his someone i proposed him.
Not sure, for some extent i contacted that his girl and messaged and informed that i was with him physically also.
he is not responding me his someone blocked me for messaging her.
please advise.
im broken completely
I need help. My long time boyfriend has suddenly got me pregnant and has immediately moved in with a girl. I still am in love with him and this is a time I need him most. He tells me its too late he now has an instant wife. What do I do?
Well we broke up just 8 days ago.. actually he broke up with me anyway when i ask him to reason he said “I think it’s not gonna work. I always leave you alone and I know you have suffer about so I don’t wanna make you upset anymore” (for me it’s a stupid reason) normally he is an introverted person who doesn’t like to share his past and whatever happens he keeps smile that’s why I wanna be with him all the time. He got jealous when I changed my profile picture (I was with my friend) so he kept asking me that who is that person after we broke up. He also told me that “I can’t imagine my life without you in it” so he made me confused. I’m still inlove with him and I feel that he is still love me but Idk what should I do? T.T
please help me to get my guy back I did no wrong
My boyfriend and I were dating for a week exactly, and I did no wrong that I know of exept one thing that may have set it off, but it wasn’t bad. I love him, and I really want him back. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WANT HIM BACK!!!!!!
my boyfriend nd I were deeply in love till I met some girls who liked to go out…smoke nd drink a lot ..I spent most of my time with them than my boyfriend…everything changed after that until I met one guy from the party then dated him..I loved him so much because he was good !!..but he didn’t love me because we broke up nd I now regret why I chose him over my previous boyfriend…I want my boyfriend back..what can I do now
I’m in the process of a divorce but have been seeing a guy for about two months, me and my husband are still in the same house while waiting for it to sell and I’m getting verbal abuse constantly, he wound me up saying my new guy had been bragging about me with his friend, I freaked out and had a go at my new guy and he doesn’t even know my husband so it wouldn’t have been true but with all the mental abuse I get I flipped out and questioned my new guy. He got tremendously hurt by this as he’s had a messy divorce in the past and was accused of alot of things that weren’t true, he said he can’t go through all that sort of stuff again and said I need to get away from my husband and clear my head of all the hate I’m feeling at the moment, he said he’s sorry but he doesn’t want us to carry on because of this. I’m heartbroken, we’ve only been together a very short while but for the first time in years I’d found some one who made me feel special, I’m devastated and I don’t know what to do, is there anything I can do to try and get him back or have I totally destroyed everything? I had messaged him a few times but only got negative responses ? thanks Nicky x
I also went through a breakup, he told me we do not match and i hurt him deeply… he said half of him didnt want to patch back and the other half of him feel that there wont be any change or improvements in this relationship. he kept insisted that we are just friends and etc. its been going two months of our breakup..
Trying to get my x back but he’s never answers back and I no we had something but I’m struggling to win him over