
10 Videos That Will Motivate You To Work Out

Can’t find the motivation to work out today? Check out these videos for a quick moral boost that will get you excited to get to the gym.

#1 Nike: Find Your Greatness. — Jogger

While this is a very controversial commercial, it is a personal favorite of mine.  A lot of the time, the media portrays fitness and athleticism as something only for the most elite. This video does a phenomenal job of putting fitness in perspective and showing that all can achieve their own personal greatness.

#2 How Bad Do You Want It

This is definitely on of the most powerful motivational videos out there. The seriously intense training montage of NFL Free Agent Giavanni Ruffin coupled with the Eric Thomas’s incredible speech on success playing in the background is sure inspire and motivate all. After watching this video, success is just a matter of will, and failure will seem near impossible.

#3 Renae Thomas Heavy Back Workout

When most people think about women in the gym, the last thing they think of is women lifting heavy weight. It is practically taboo. Renae Thomas shuts up all the naysayers with this video. She confidently executes weighted pull-ups, heavy rows, and an array of other exercises with perfect form. Shes the destroying the social norm for women in the gym with every rep, and it is awesome.

#4 The Strongest Man You’ve Never Heard Of: CT Fletcher

CT Fletcher is harsh, vulgar, and one of the most impressive human beings I have ever seen. His story is incredible, and while I would not recommend his lifting or nutrition habits, his dedication and passion for fitness is undeniable. This video is a small look at his life, and will have you rethinking how powerful your passion for the gym really is.

#5 Warhawk Matt Scott No Excuses Nike Commercial

Nike again brings us another great motivational video. Any excuse you have ever had for missing a workout or practice will not seem justified after watching this video. Matt names every excuse in the book, and when he is done, you will realize that no excuse is acceptable.

#6 Female Workout Motivation! Bar Brothers

While this video is presented in a misogynistic and ignorant way, I manage to look past the poor choice of words and appreciate the seriously impressive moves these women are doing. Bar calisthenics are some of the most difficult exercises out there, and these two absolutely kill it. While sport is currently very male dominated, women like these two are working to disrupt the trend and bring more women to the movement.

#7 No Arms No Legs No Worries

Nick Vujicic’s story is one that will undoubtedly inspire all. His optimistic outlook on life and motivational words show us that no matter how bad our situation may be, there are plenty of positives to look for in life.

#8 Rise and Shine- Athlete and Running Ultimate Motivation

Athlete or not, many of us will find this pep talk to be a much needed wake up call. Not finding the motivation to workout today? Give this video 3 minutes of your time and you’ll suddenly have plenty of motivation to get to the gym and do a killer workout.

#9 Best Sports Motivational Video

Similar to the previous video, these athletes will motivate and have you off the couch in no time. The powerful music in combination with a series of spectacular athletic feats and highlights will leave you with your heart pounding, and ready to take on any challenge.

#10 Female Fitness Motivation – Success is a Journey

The title says it all. Success is not an accomplishment or achievement, is it a journey. Without the journey, success is unobtainable. This video shows the hard work and dedication that is crucial on the road to success, as well as some seriously impressive women who have what it takes to to walk that road.

About the author


Kyle is an international traveler and personal trainer. He specializes in power lifting, fat loss, HIIT training, bodybuilding, sports training, and nutrition. Kyle is always looking to learn more about anything and everything that interests him.

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