10 Types Of Birth Control

There is one aspect of our lives we tend to oversee, and that’s birth control. It is an important matter that we should be careful about. So, ladies, these are the 10 methods that can help you manage birth control.

1. Male Condom

Yeah, the most common mean of contraception. Although men may complain about the lack of sensation or the “uncomfortable feeling” while wearing it, it is the only type of birth control that protects you both from unwanted pregnancy and STD’s.

2. Female Condom

I remember reading about this years ago, thinking: what in the world?! A female condom?! But, yes, it is real, and, more importantly – it works.

How? It is inserted into the vagina, so it covers the cervix, and the vaginal canal, preventing semen from reaching its destination. Even though it’s much less popular than its male counterpart, it shares its efficiency.

3. Diaphragm

Similar to the female condom, a diaphragm is a dome, made from rubber, placed over an elastic ring. The dome itself is filled with chemicals made to kill sperm, called spermicides. It needs to be inserted right bellow the cervix, no later than three hours before sex.

4. Spermicides

As explained above, spermicides are chemicals, made to destroy semen. They can be found in several forms, like foam, jelly, even foaming tablets. Spermicides are also used in addition to several other types of birth control. (diaphragm, cervical caps).

5. Birth Control Pills

Woman Holding Birth Control Pills

One of the most common methods of contraception comes in the form of pills. These pills contain hormones that, if taken daily, stop ovulation, thus preventing the mere chance of pregnancy.

They are also beneficial for treating acne and regulating the menstrual cycle, so it can also be prescribed to sexually inactive young women.

6. Lunelle

Lunelle is an injection, given by a health care worker in monthly intervals. It is almost one hundred percent effective, and is known to prevent pregnancy for up to thirty three days. Sometimes it is referred to as Cyclo-Provera, signifying its monthly distribution.

7. Depo-Provera

Similar to Lunelle, Depo-Provera is an injection, acquired by prescription. It is given every eleven to thirteen weeks, and has less than one percent failure rate. It is reversible, although your menstrual cycle may take several months to a year to return to normal.

8. Vaginal Ring

A vaginal ring, stands for a combination of hardware and software, so to speak. It combines the methods of a female condom and a diaphragm, by using a soft piece of plastic containing hormones (not spermicides as in previous cases), that prevent ovulation.

9. Orthro Evra Patch

Orthro Evra Patch is also known as a Birth Control Patch. It differs from other types of birth control as it is placed on skin, most commonly on the hip. The patch contains hormones, and is worn for three weeks, with the fourth week being patch free to allow the menstrual cycle.

10. Withdrawal

This is by far the oldest and the least reliable form of birth control. The only advised way of using it is as an addition to one of the previous types of protection.

About the author


I'm in love with my big, comfy bed and pillow and my gorgeous cat Tom. Once I have to wake up, I enjoy my coffee with a lot of milk and sugar as I embark on my daily journey of investigative journalism.

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  • I find it a tad odd that the author of this article mentioned spermicide (not very effective used on its own) and withdrawal method in this article but didn’t mention the implant, IUS and IUD which are the three most effective methods available.