How to Market Yourself Like a Pro and Get More Job Offers

Whether you’re looking to work for someone else or have your own business and are searching for new clients, the key is getting the other person to realize that you’re the right person for their job. You have to be able to show that you have the skills and drive necessary to complete the task. So, how can you do this effectively when you only have a few minutes at most to convince them of this fact? That’s where the stress comes in.

You try to think of every possible way to grab (and keep) their attention. Certainly you’re up against some stiff competition so you want to stand out, but not so much that you’re scary or offensive. You want to be assertive without being aggressive. There’s such a fine line between doing not enough and doing too much so how do you market yourself in a way that works?

Although it may seem almost impossible, presenting yourself in a manner that shows your employable worth is actually quite simple – if you know what to do. You just need to follow a few simple guidelines and soon you’ll be getting more job offers than you ever thought possible:

Dress for the position you want

business woman boss having business meeting

One of the first things that someone who will potentially hire you is going to notice is how you put yourself together. They’re going to look at your physical appearance and make a speculation as to what kind of worker you are.

If you are wearing clothes that are the all wrinkled, for instance, they may assume that you either lack motivation or aren’t concerned with the image you project. Neither of these is impressive to someone looking to you as an extension of their image.

At a minimum, dress for the position that you’re trying to get. That means that if you’re looking for an office job, show up to apply in the same clothes you’d wear to work if you were already hired. However, you may get further ahead dressing for the position you want in the future. So, if it’s the VP position that you want down the road, show them that you’re prime material for it by dressing the part now.

Walk, talk and stand with confidence

There is something commanding about a woman who is confident in her abilities. When she portrays that she believes she can do the job, you’re inclined to believe her. That’s the goal you want to aim for. Let them know that you’re capable of doing what you need to do to help them prosper.

When you walk, talk and stand, do so from a position of strength by keeping your posture straight and demeanor cool. Your heart may be beating a mile a minute, but your prospective employer or contractor doesn’t need to know it.

Be courteous and professional

Businesspeople Having Meeting In Modern Office

When dealing with people who may potentially help you pay your bills, it’s no time to forget your manners. Be conscious of your “pleases” and “thank-yous”, and it’s not a bad idea to keep your “ma’am’s” and “sir’s” in there as well.

No one wants someone working for them that doesn’t respect them. If you show that you’re professional and courteous every step of the way, they may pick you over someone who is a little more qualified but not as congenial.

Portray your strengths without boasting about them

This is one of those fine lines that can tough to see. You want to let them know that you are more than capable of doing the job but you don’t want to sound like you’re bragging. How do you do that?

The key is to remain humble. Share your strengths in the simplest way and using the fewest words possible so that you’re not inclined to embellish at all. Potential employers can pick up on BS very quickly and if they don’t trust that you’re 100% accurate and trust-worthy, you may lose the job before you even have it.

Also, be careful that you don’t make it sound like you single-handedly saved the world. Most people are smart enough to realize that most things are a result of a team effort so the more likely you are to credit those around you for some of your past successes, the better you will come across to someone who may receive some credit from you down the road.

Tell them how you will solve their problems

Although you’re selling yourself to them, what they’re really looking for is how you are going to solve their problems. For this reason, you’re really going to want to focus more on what you can do for them to make their life easier, not how much you want the job because it’s better for you.

If you’re trying to land a job, explain how your training and abilities can advance their company. If you work for yourself and are looking for a new client, let them know how you intend to improve their quality of life either through your products or services.

Address their needs and concerns and you’ll likely take a step in front of your competitor.

Be genuine and honest

Young businesswoman and a co worker shaking hands during a meeting

Nothing is worse than dealing with someone who is fake. You don’t respect them, you don’t trust them, and you certainly don’t want to do business with them.

When you’re meeting with potential employers or clients, be as transparent as you can. If they ask you about your faults or weaknesses, admit them. While you certainly don’t want to spill your guts about everything you’ve ever done wrong and drive them away, they may respect you more when they see that you’ll admit to your short comings rather than try to convince them that they don’t exist at all.

Learn how to deal with no’s

Not every answer you get will be a yes answer; they just can’t be. Even if you’re the most amazing person on the planet, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to get whatever you want every time you ask for it. Therefore, you have to learn how to deal with it when things don’t exactly go your way.

The best way to do this is to look forward to a “no” answer. Why? The law of probability says that for every “no” you hear, you’re one step closer to a “yes”. So, instead of letting the no’s deflate and depress you, think of them as meaning that your yes is now right around the corner.

Don’t settle

As the old saying goes, “Settle for less and that’s exactly what you’ll get.” In other words, don’t be so desperate to sell yourself that you’ll settle for less than you’re actually worth.

Ask for what you want because if you agree to work for less, you’re limiting your future potential. Sure, you may have to start out lower than what you’d like, but if you have education and experience that commands more, then you need to strive to not let the bar get any lower than that.

Market yourself effectively and employers and clients will be fighting to have you on their team. Then your only issue will be which ones you’ll choose.

About the author

Christina DeBusk

Changing careers mid-life from law enforcement to writing, Christina spends her days helping others enrich their businesses and personal lives one word at a time.

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