Archive - 12/08/2012


7 Tips on How to Deal With Anxiety

Excessive worry, fear, tension, nervousness, and dread are all signs of anxiety that can have many negative effects on the human body and mind. Anxiety can...


5 Amazing Romantic Meal Ideas

Whenever you want to prepare a romantic meal, there are a lot of things to think about. It’s not just about the good food, although it is the most important...

In Bed

7 Mistakes Women Make in Bed

Guys aren’t always on the top of their game when it comes to sex, and neither are we. Getting it to be this super oiled up, sizzling, passionate yet emotion...


8 Okra Health Benefits

Okra, also known as lady finger or gumbo, dates back to antiquity and is believed to have originated in Africa. It is a highly nutritious tiny vegetable that...

In Bed

How to Prepare for a One Night Stand

One night stands can be fun, and sometimes just what you need, but, they can also be a complete disaster filled with mishaps and embarrassing slip ups. Here’s...


DIY: Make Your Own Earrings

Getting a new pair of earrings is so satisfying, right? But, making them for yourself is even better. And the best thing is that you know that there is no...