3 Natural Antibiotics for Kids

It is well known that antibiotics are bad for kids, a well as for the adults. They may destroy many friendly bacteria that help children fight infections naturally and damage their immune system. If you want to help your child grow healthy and strong, take a look at the following suggestions and discover 3 amazing and completely natural antibiotics for kids.

1. Propolis is Beneficial and Indispensable for Children

Propolis is one of the best natural antibiotics for kids. It is often called “Nature’s premier preventive”, while in Russia it has even been nicknamed “Russian penicillin”, due to its extensive use in this country.

Propolis is a resinous mixture that honeybees gather from a tree bark, sap flowers and leaves. They mix this resin with nectar to obtain a waxy substance to seal open spaces in their hives, as well as to sterilize themselves when they go back in.

Many doctors suggest that propolis is an extremely beneficial and indispensable remedy to help children heal infections and illnesses and improve their immune system. It has an exceptional antibiotic, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect and efficiently works against harmful bacteria, without destroying the good ones like every prescribed antibiotic does. Half adult dose of propolis is the recommended and proper dosage for kids.

Propolis has no side effects and exerts a very beneficial effect on the organism in general. It is effective in treating colds, sore throat, sinus congestion, fever, intestinal viruses, bronchitis, ear infections, headaches, as well as cuts, open wounds and burns. It also stimulates the immune system and helps the absorption of certain nutrients.

This superb natural antibiotic is rich in vitamin B-complex and contains also vitamins C, E and provitamin A. It is high in amino acids, fats, as well as many trace minerals. It also contains many different types of flavonoids which are mainly responsible for its antibacterial properties.

2. Olive Leaf Extract Helps Kill Bacteria and Fight Illness in Kids

Olive Leaf and Olives

The olive leaf’s most important compound is a phytochemical called oleuropein. When ingested, this element breaks down and converts into elenolic acid, a chemical that has very powerful antibacterial properties. This makes of olive leaf extract a very effective natural antibiotic that can highly benefit both adults and kids.

Olive leaf’s medicinal powers are widely used to help children heal different bacterial infections and fight illnesses, as well as prevent viruses from multiplying and spreading in the body. It can treat colds, flu and improve and encourage the immune system to fight and beat diseases.

Olive leaf extract acts also as an astringent and is useful in treating cuts, scrapes, burns and rashes. It is an effective antibacterial agent that cures soar and damaged skin and rebuilds healthy skin tissues.

According to True Parenting, pinkeye, a common childhood infection caused by bacteria and viruses, can efficiently be treated with olive leaf extract.

To sum it all up, olive leaf extract can kill different types of infective agents, as well as fight antibiotic-resistant germs.

Olive leaf extract exists in different forms that can be used both orally and topically. It is available in capsules, liquid extract and tea.

3. Honey and Cinnamon


Honey and cinnamon together make a powerful natural antibiotic for kids, without side effects. They strengthen the immune system and increase children’s resistance to viruses and infections, fighting many types of bacteria, flu germs and other illnesses.


Raw honey is a natural antibiotic that has been used for centuries to kill bacteria and parasites and to treat respiratory problems, coughs, sore throats, as well as skin infections. It contains an important bees’ enzyme called glucose oxidase. When combined with water or with fluids released by damaged tissue cells (wounds), this enzyme forms hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant commonly sold in drugstores. That is why honey is very efficient in healing wounds and making teas stronger and more effective.

Always use raw, unpasteurized honey, because pasteurization kills most of the active ingredients and natural antibiotics that honey contains


Cinnamon has strong antibacterial properties and acts as a natural antibiotic and antiseptic to heal infections and different diseases. The oil contained in its bark is rich in components that have potent antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

Cinnamon is helpful in treating a great number of health disorders, including diarrhea, intestinal parasites, colds, flu, respiratory problems, yeast infections and skin inflammations. It is particularly effective in alleviating digestive tract disorders and bladder infections.

It also has the ability to increase the brain activity and is considered one of its great allies.

How to use honey and cinnamon

Make a natural tasty antibiotic beverage for your kid – dilute 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in 1 cup of boiling water. After 5 minutes, add 1 teaspoon of raw honey.

You can also simply mix 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with one teaspoon of honey. It tastes lake a candy and is extremely beneficial!

Try using the 3 remedies described above and you’ll be surprised at how much your child will benefit from them. If you know other good natural antibiotics for kids, share them for those who are in search of a healthy way to cure their children. Leave a comment.

About the author


Jessica is a translator who has lived for many years in Asia and South America. She now lives and works in Europe, while preparing her new journeys. She enjoys traveling, meeting new people, exploring different cultures and foods, and being in love.


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  • Garlic cloves! Take one clove and chop it up mix it with raw honey it works great for strep throat.

  • How often can I use the mixture of honey and cinnamon for my 4 year-old son, he has cough and sinusitis

  • I use Ceylon cinnamon in my honey and cinnamon mixture. It is true cinnamon and not the typical ‘cinnamon’ bought in stores which is actually cassia and can cause toxicity in the liver if taken regularly. So, if using this method buy the Ceylon cinnamon.

  • How do you give the propolis? I have it as an extract dropper form. Do I just drop it directly in his mouth?

  • Sounds great, though, sugar reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. It’s probably best to mix olive leaf tincture, or propolis with something sugar free that the child can stomach.

  • How many times a day and for how long is the suggested usage for the cinnamon and honey drink?