Author - Jessica

Jessica is a translator who has lived for many years in Asia and South America. She now lives and works in Europe, while preparing her new journeys. She enjoys traveling, meeting new people, exploring different cultures and foods, and being in love.


Color Therapy – The Power of Orange

How many times have you enjoyed watching a bowl full of oranges and tangerines? How many times in your life have you experienced feelings of happiness and joy...


Color Therapy – The Power of Blue

When I think of blue, it reminds me of wide skies, open oceans and deep blue nights – it’s a color that generates profound calming effects on my body, mind and...


8 Peacock Feather Tattoo Meanings

There are feather tattoos, and then there are amazing feather tattoos. Peacock feather is definitely one of the amazing ones. If you would like to have peacock...


Nice Things to Say to Your Best Friend

Whether it is her birthday, wedding, or a new born baby, there will come a moment when you will want to tell your best friend how much you love her. Ways and...


3 Reasons Why Kefir Is Good for You

Kefir’s grains contain plenty of beneficial bacteria and yeast. This explains why it is often called “the miracle drink” or “the drink of the centenarians”...