5 Signs You are a Facebook Addict

Are you a Facebook addict? Here are some signs that you need to take a break.

Yes, Facebook has become just a normal segment of our lives, so there’s a small, thin almost invisible line that differs a simple Facebook user from a hard one. It’s just like dealing with drugs – how do you really know if you are a “recreational” user or a real junkie?

You’ve noticed you are cranky when you don’t get your daily (or even hourly) dose of Facebook and that worries you – well, let’s help you find out now.

1. Imaginary Friends

Even when you’re not on Facebook, you think about random people you’ve added as friends, but never really met them. You might even know the birthday of that guy with the coolest six pack you’ve ever seen. When you dress, you think whether it resembles the outfits of that model chick or not. She really dresses well – you’ve notices she likes vintage and shops at Etro a lot. The affection for some of the people you’ve never met, but stalk on Facebook reminds you a lot of your affection for Lilly, your imaginary friend from childhood you used to have tea parties with in kinder garden.

2. You’ve Downloaded the Facebook Phone App

young woman using cellphone while lying on couch at home

Yes, a lot of people have downloaded this app, but than again many people carry crack in their back pockets and that doesn’t make them any less addicted to crack. On your dates, you check the guys info while he’s in the men’s room just to make sure you don’t run out of subjects to talk about. If it takes him a while, you’ll check your ex’s new girlfriend’s profile just to make sure you’re still hotter than she is. If someone calls you while you’re on Facebook, you actually get annoyed or angry ‘cus you had to exit her profile.

3. Your Profile Picture is More Important Than Your Outfit

It takes you longer to pick your profile picture than it does for you to get dressed in the morning. You’re thinking, “only these 20 people will see me live today – but there’s 900 people that will see this photo. 30 of them I really like, 50 of them I wish were jealous of me and 6 of them I already slept with.”

You perceive your profile picture as a weapon, or some kind of revenge. He dumped you for that stupid chick? You’re going to put a really hot beach photo of yourself, and he’ll regret it!

4. If There’s no Internet Connection, You Get Angry

Before you travel anywhere, you ask for the connection speed in your hotel. There are two things in life you can’t tolerate: lies and slow internet connection.

If you sit in a caffe, and the internet’s not at all that good, you cancel your drink and move to the cafe next to that.  You will call the company that provides your internet if it stops working for ten minutes and you will be so angry and loud they’ll send someone to check on you every day after they fix it.

It’s not your fault, after all you’ve payed for it and you need it at all times.

5. When You’re Depressed, You’re Thinking About (Facebook) Suicide

Everybody has days when you simply get sick of living. As you’ve replaced the term “life” with the term “Facebook,” you have days when you’re sick of Facebook. You’re not really going to delete your Facebook account, but you think about it. You think about who will miss you the most of your Facebook friends – will they find a new person who’s statuses and photo’s they’ll prefer? Will they just move on with their life or will they miss you? And then, you remember all of those people that wont miss you and decide to move on with your photo posting – just in spite of them.

Does this seem familiar to you? Did you recognize yourself in at least five of these sentences? If so, you need to go cold turkey. No likes, no friend requests – because your status is: addict.

About the author


Those who can’t do teach – same with me giving you love advice. I like jazz and the theatre, old movies that I watch while drinking wine, but most of all I like love and smiles.

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