In this article I am going to show you how to master the art of lucid dreaming. You can do all the things you have ever wanted and more. The only limit is your imagination.
What Are the Benefits?
A lucid dream is simply a dream that you control; even though you are in a state of sleep, you are consciously self-aware. In this state you are able to control your reality to create your own perfect virtual world and thus do absolutely anything you wish.
The best part is that everyone has the ability to do it. Although some people are just naturally gifted or have “beginners’ luck”, most people have to learn to harness the skill and develop it. However, once mastered, you can use it as often as you like to do all sorts of wonderful fun things as well as fulfil your wildest sexual fantasies.
On top of all that, it can be used to solve difficult personal problems by tapping directly into your subconscious mind; you can even use it to take control of your nightmares. You can also enact challenging future situations such as exams or job interviews.
How Do I Learn to Do It?
Luckily, learning this skill isn’t too difficult. All you need is a little patience, discipline, and persistence combined with a few simple techniques.
Eventually you will be able to enjoy lucid dreams on a regular basis.
If you are serious about learning this amazing skill, then there are plenty of books and great websites that you can research. Here are a few basic tips to get you started.
#1 Keep a Dream Diary
Start by keeping a dream diary.
It’s important that you complete this first thing in the morning when you wake otherwise you will forget your dreams. That’s just how dreams are. So, every morning before you do anything else, jot your dreams down.
This is a great way for you to start really thinking about them, identify any patterns, and consider what subtle (or not so subtle) message they may be trying to tell you.
#2 Tell Yourself You Will Have a Lucid Dream
Before you go to sleep, tell yourself that you will have a lucid dream. If you happen to wake up in the middle of the night, remind yourself to have a lucid dream when you fall back asleep.
You will have one eventually.
#3 Perform Reality Checks
Every day, randomly do a few “reality checks” just to make sure you are really awake. This can be at any time of the day when you are doing a normal activity, i.e. looking at your smart phone, walking through a doorway, or even driving a car to work. This is a great tip that will get you in the habit of spontaneous reality checks.
When you are actually in a dream you will also “just do them,” and when this happens, you will realize that you are actually having a dream. This then triggers a lucid dream.
#4 Use Your Imagination
Whenever you have a quiet moment, take some time to concentrate and vividly imagine what you will do when you actually have your first lucid dream.
Lots of people like flying, which is great, but it takes a bit of practice to get it right. Perhaps for your first time, you can try imagining something a bit less ambitious.
#5 Remember to Look at Your Hands
When you think that you may be in a lucid dream state, look at your hands.
I mean, really look at them closely and turn them both ways. I don’t know why this helps, but it seems to help me center myself and stabilize the experience.
In addition to this, whenever you wish to change the dream setting, think about what or where you want to be and then spin around in a 360 degree circle. When you complete your rotation, you should find yourself at your chosen “destination.”
#6 Avoid Alcohol
Avoid alcohol or stimulants before you go to sleep. This is common sense really, but underlines the fact that to have lucid dreams, you need to have as clear and focused a mind as possible.
#7 Be Patient
Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Don’t worry if you don’t have a lucid dream on your first few tries. Just give it time and let it happen. It took me a couple of weeks and the more you have, the better you get at making them happen.
So, these are my simple beginner tips to having your first lucid dream. I hope that you get a chance to practice them soon, perhaps learn a bit more about the incredible history of this skill, and practice some more advanced techniques and applications.
Remember: We spend a quarter of our lives asleep, so it makes sense that we use this time a bit more “creatively.”
Thanks for the tips! I am going to try them out. I was lucky enough to have one lucid dream and I decided to fly – it was a little more like prolonged jumping but it was amazing!!