Lifestyle, personal development and career advice for women. Tips for a better life. We inspire you to create harmony in your mind, body, and soul.


Proven Ways to Stop Excessive Sweating

While sweating is a natural body process beneficial to human health, excessive sweating is not normal and it can create numerous problems in people’s lives...


5 Health Benefits of Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut means “sour cabbage” in German. It is fermented cabbage that contains plenty of probiotic bacteria and large amounts of vitamin C, as well as...


9 Health Benefits of Watermelon

Nothing can be more refreshing and energizing on a hot summer day than a cool, sweet, juicy and crunchy wedge of a watermelon. But besides being sweetly fresh...


Wolf Tattoo Meanings

As little kids, we were frightened by “a big bad wolf” in fairytales like “Little red ridding hood” or “Three little pigs.” An image of a scary, evil, wild...


How to Speed Up Your Period Naturally

Often a woman would like to change the date of her next period, due to different reasons like: an important trip, event, project or other. However, it is not...