How to Boost Your Confidence in 3 Minutes

Feeling confident, poised and powerful doesn’t have to take hours upon hours of hard work and dedication. Instead, follow our simple guide to improving your confidence in just three minutes.

You’ve probably heard that if you want to improve your confidence, you need to dedicate a lot of time and sometimes resources, including expensive therapy sessions, a new wardrobe and sometimes even a complete makeover, to making it happen.

However, this is not the case. Just like you your life can completely change in an instant, you can also change your perspective and your confidence levels in a short amount of time. So short, we’re taking the brave step of saying that you can boost your confidence in just three minutes.

Don’t believe us? Try one of the below techniques and give it a go for yourself!

#1: Mirror, mirror


Think back to the last time you looked in the mirror. It might have been this morning, or when you went to the bathroom earlier today. Now think about what happened when you looked in the mirror. Did you avoid making eye contact with yourself? Frown at the arrival of a new zit on your chin? Or scowl at what you perceived to be your very underwhelming appearance?

A quick trick to keep up your sleeve in moments of waning confidence is to hightail it to the nearest bathroom and give yourself a good old eyeball. But this time, instead of focusing on what you think are your flaws, focus on the things you do like.

Look at your lips and notice how they curve attractively and are full and sexy. Notice how your eyes have a beautiful ring of color that seems to sparkle out at you. Give credit to the things you do like (or love!) about yourself and only focus on those things.

Then, when you’re feeling suitably appeased, give yourself a big cheeky grin in the mirror and say: “you’ve got this.”

Because you do. A million times over. There’s nothing and no one that should be able to reduce your confidence levels because you’re ah-freaking-mayzing.

#2: Change your posture


The next thing you can try is to adjust your posture and body language. You’d be surprised how often our body language mirrors how we are feeling, even if we have a habit of walking tall and straight.

When we’re feeling unconfident, our shoulders rise up to our ears, our back hunches and we look down at the floor. But when we’re feeling confident, our should are resting back and down, our face is lifted up and we have a calm, steady gait.

To trick your body (and your mind) into thinking you’re feeling more confident than you really are, adjust your body language to shoulders back and down, head up and back straight. Before long, your body will send your brain chemicals telling it that all is well and you’ll be feeling you’re normal, confident self again.

#3: Create a love jar


And last but not least, I suggest developing what I like to call a ‘love jar’. A love jar (or box) is where you keep little love notes to yourself as a reminder of how awesome you are.

I recommend asking your family, friends and loved ones to spend some time donating to your love box. Ask them to write down what they like, love and absolutely adore about you.

Their love declarations should be one sentence each I.e. “I love the way you smile at strangers, no matter what mood you’re in.” and “I think you have the best hair!” Cut these love declarations into small strips, fold them up and then put them in your love jar.

Then, you can either pull out a love declaration every morning or evening, or take one out when you’re feeling a little down about yourself.

This is a great way to put things in perspective and focus on your attributes rather than your flaws, like we tend to do when we’re feeling self-conscious.

And remember, there is absolutely no reason for you not to feel like an absolutely amazing, beautiful and incredible person. Because you are! There is nobody else out there that’s like you. You’re one of a kind. And that’s pretty darn cool.

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About the author

Cassandra Lane

While Cassandra readily admits to being a rampant cupcake aficionada (how could she not be with an almost-brother-in-law that owns not one, but three cupcake shops?) she happily works off her lust of all things sweet and sugary by slogging it out in the gym and outdoors.

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