
How to Compliment Blue Eyes

If you have blue eyes, play them up! They are a great feature and, with a little help, they can be your best feature. Here is how to compliment blue eyes. Blue...


The Power of Yellow – Color Therapy

Are you inspired by everything that’s yellow? Does it make you feel bright and cheerful just like the sun when it comes out? Learn more about the power of...


Top Motivating Business Quotes

Business is a serious thing, but in the same time you are supposed to enjoy it and it is supposed to be fun. In the end, you are spending a large part of your...


Color Therapy – The Power of Green

Ever wondered why green makes you feel good? Well, green is the color of balance and piece. It is the color that lies exactly in the center of the spectrum and...


6 Feng Shui Colors for Business

You must have heard about Feng Shui. It’s been so annoyingly popular in the last couple of years, that you absolutely could not have missed it. No matter how...


10 Coffee Side Effects for Women

There is nothing like the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. It is the smell and the taste that gets most of us through the day. Some like it strong, some...